Camp Diary ーサマーキャンプ

番外編:2011 HEROS, JAPAN ミステリオ・サマーキャンプが終わり、すでに3週間の月日がたちました。時間の経つことの早さにびっくり、夏休みもいよいよ終わりにさしかかってきましたね! 日本の皆さんは、宿題、終わったかな?

今年のミステリオサマーキャンプでは、12年目の念願が叶い、ミステリオ・オリジナルソングの作詞作曲をしてくださった秦万里子さんが、直々に ある歌の指導に3日間もいらしてくださったことは、キャンプ中のブログでもご紹介をしましたが、今日は実際、万里子さんが教えてくださった歌について、もう少し詳しくお伝えしたいと思います。

昨年の3月11日、東日本の大きな地震と津波が襲い、海外から多くの支援が日本に届けられ、その日本を思うすべての方たちへ感謝の気持ちをこめてパトリック・ハーランさんが作詞 (パトリックさんは、パックンとして皆さんもよくご存知のはず)、秦万里子さんが作曲なさった素晴らしい英語の曲が生まれました。

その題名は "Heroes 2011, Japan"。そして今年の夏のミステリオでは、この曲の指導をしに、なんと万里子さん自らいらしてくださったのです。


そこで今日は、このブログを読んでくださっているすべてのみなさんに、Heroes 2011, Japan の全曲をビデオでご紹介すると共に、サマーキャンプで教えてくださった少し短めの歌詞のバージョンをお伝えしたいと思います。歌詞も曲もそれは素敵なので、たくさんの方達に覚えていただけたら、と願っています!


【 Heroes 2011, JAPAN 】   

作詩:パトリック ハーラン 作曲:秦 万里子

Thank you, friends far away  For all you think, feel and pray for me and my family     in this, our time of need

Thank you, friends unseen      For all you've done and all it means To me and my country   In this, our time of need

We'll be there for each other     so says everyone but when all is said and done     Somewhere someone's fight goes on But you, but you but you but you      You shared your heart Then you shared your hands  We will stand  strong again But you , but you but you but you   You shared your heart Then will stand   strong again

No cape, no mask, no super-power     But a hero still, it's true To us in our darkest hour       That hero, my friends, is you! Yes, you yes you yes you yes you    You shared your love The warm words repeated    We will not be defeated< Yes you yes you yes you yes you   You shared your love The war, words repeated   we will not be defeated We will stand strong again I, We, Japan

                 © NYパワーハウス

番外編:サックス奏者・小野雅也さんの世界旅 - Around the World by Masaya Ono

[youtube] 今年のミステリオにミュージックゲストとしてお招きしたサックス奏者の小野雅也さん。



番外編:ミステリオ質問コーナー/MSTERIO Question Box

ミステリオサマーキャンプの番外編、まだまだ続きます! 今年のミステリオ・サマーキャンプでは、キャンパーからの質問コーナーを設置し、その質問を食事の時に読みあげるという時間を設けました。

At this year's MSTERIO, we set up a Question Box, where campers could write and leave questions that would be answered at meals.

その質問コーナーボックスを作ってくれたのは、以前カウンセラー&スタッフとして参加してくれたSATOMI元々は、このボックス、MAD (Make A Difference) Fundを募ったときに、ドネーションボックスとして彼女が作成してくれたのですが、この夏からは、質問ボックスとしても使うことにしてみました。

This Question Box was made by our very own Satomi, who has participated as a counselor and staff member before. Originally, this box was made as a donation box when we launched the MAD (Make a Difference) Fund, but this summer, we decided to use it for questions as well.


Today, we wanted to share with you some of the questions we didn't get a chance to answer during the camp session.



Q: Minami, do you like fashion?

A: Yes, of course! I love fashion. Makes me feel very happy.





Q: Kotaro, what made you want to do calligraphy with hair?

A: My brush one of my most important partners-in-crime. When I write, I always want the brush to dance as freely as possible. When I wash the brushes, I always handle them very carefully, as you would when you bathe a baby.

So one day, I began to think: I want to feel like a brush. So I decided to experiment, and become a brush myself! But I don't think I've really understood the brush's feelings quite yet. So I plan on continuing until I've got it all worked out.

And I believe that when I do figure it out and become one with the brush, I'll be able to write something really cool.



Q: What is Nozomi's favorite color?

A: Red



Q: Which are there more of at MSTERIO: the campers or the staff?

A: There are more campers.



Q: How many people at MSTERIO are not from Japan?

A: This year, we had about 13 staff members and 8 campers were  international participants.



Q: How many brothers or sisters does Nozomi have?

A: One younger brother, Seiichiro



Q: Where does Nozomi live?

A: New York




Q: Nozomi, do you prefer long-sleeved shirts or short-sleeved shirts?

A: I prefer short-sleeved shirts.



Q: What time does Nozomi get up and go to bed every day?

A: Around 6 am in the morning, and go to bed around mid-night



Q: Nozomi, when and who was your first love?

A: It was in 9th grade. His name was Yuichi.



Q: Nozomi, what about Josh made you want to marry him?

A: Everything.




Q: How do you come up with good ideas?
A: I'm not sure that it will necessarily give you good ideas, but I always like to think about fun things, and to spend time imaging what would make everyone happy.
I also tend to come up with a lot of ideas while in the shower.



Q: Nozomi, what did Josh say when he proposed to you?

A: He told me that he wanted me to be his life partner and best friend.



Q: Why is there no Coca-Cola at MSTERIO?

A: We decided that we don't want everyone drinking what they usually drink at camp.



Q: How do you decide on the campsite for MSTERIO?

A: We tend to decide on a site that we can commit to for 5-year periods. We look for places with a beautiful natural setting, and plenty of space to do things that we can't usually do.



Q: How do you live so cheerfully all the time?

A: I get a lot of energy from everyone at MSTERIO. That energy is connected to my ability to live cheerfully.



Q: Nozomi, how many friends do you have?

A: I couldn't count them using my two hands. Everyone I've gotten to know at MSTERIO is my friend.


Thank you for thinking a lot of very unique and interesting questions.

番外編:ミステリオのグランマ MSTERIO Grandma YOSHIKO

今年のミステリオ・最年長のヨシコさん。キャンプ中は、グランドマザー役として、キャンパーたちだけでなく、スタッフのみんなにとって、何でも相談できるやさしいおばあちゃま役をつとめてくれます。昭和11年1月1日生まれのヨシコさんは、50歳からテニスのプリンス・セイイチロウからテニスを教わり、今では1日に4試合もこなしてしまうほど元気いっぱい。健康の秘訣は、朝晩50回づつ続けているスクワット。 今年のミステリオの午前中のテニスでは、キャンパーたちと一緒にプレーを楽しみました。また、ストリーテラーとして紙芝居を披露したり、キッチンのヘルプをしたりと、いろいろな場面で活躍してくれたヨシコさん。



ヨシコさんが掲げているのは、ミステリオの旗。素敵でしょ! この旗は、秦万里子さんのお母様が初回に作ってくださった、大切な大切なミステリオの宝物なのです。

Let us introduce our MSTERIO Grandma "YOSHIKO".  Throughout her youth, Yoshiko attended and also volunteered at numerous camps and events for children including the YMCA and YWCA programs and sunday school at her church.  After graduating from Kunitachi College of Music where she majored in early childhood education, she became a sunday school kindergarten teacher.   Having brought up two childreYoshiko has participated in MSTERIO since the very beginning as the camp mother - now the camp grandmother!

In addition to being a key kitchen staff member and a camp storyteller using her had made "Kamishibai", she is in charge of the camper's well being.  She has also read "Kamishibai" at New York Children's Hospital.  She volunteers as a storyteller at birthday parties in a nursing home.  She loves children and music. She is an avid tennis player.  Yoshiko has completed the 6 kilometer race in New York, and the 10 kilometer Tokyo Marathon for two consecutive years since 2008.  She resides in Tokyo.  Even though she is in her late 70's she has the energy of a young girl.  The secret to her health is her daily ritual of 100 squats. Her motto is "Endurance equals power".


7日間のたくさんの思い出を思い起こせた昨晩のキャンプファイアー。1日あけたさわやかな朝、新しい日の始まりです。でも今日はミステリオ最後の日、そう、ついにお別れ会がやってきました。 最終日だけあって、朝食中はおしゃべりも一層充実。あと何時間かで始まるお別れ会には、久しぶりにキャンパーたちのご家族が到着するからか、みんななんとなくそわそわ、、、、、。


初日キャンパー全員がミステリオ国に入国するために入国審査をうけ、パスポートにスタンプを押してもらったと同じく、出国手続きも開始。出国審査員は、おなじみのTHOMAS & MATT。





3番目はお琴 ”桜” 演奏です。たった1日だけの練習とは思えないほどの素晴らしいでき。一人一人のまなざしは、それは真剣そのもの。このクラスをとったキャンパー達の年齢も小学校1年から高校までと幅広いレンジ。その彼らが入れ替わり立ち替わり演奏している姿は、ただただ唖然。





素敵なコラボレーションが終わったところで、いよいよ最後のパフォーマンス、Senior & CIT (中高生) によるドラマ発表。今年は20名の出演者による25分の大作 ”遥かな森に光満ちるとき (When the Light fills the faraway Forest) 。音響、衣装、小道具と裏方のアシスタント役をつとめるスタッフたちも7名という大所帯。

今年は英語のほうが得意なキャンパーたちが何人かいたのですが、実質たった4日間のリハーサルで本当によくここまで頑張って 日本語の台詞を覚え演技ができたと思います。また、中学から初参加のキャンパーたちも、始めてとは思えないほどの活躍ぶりでした。来年からキャンパーではなくなる高校三年生の三人のCITの演技もそれぞれに力強く、何度も目頭が熱くなりました。これぞっミステリオの T: Teamwork の現れ、この経験が、少しでも一人一人の自信に繋がり、自分を信じ、自分をもっともっと好きになれたら素敵だなあ。


そして、この3人の卒業式を行っていると、、、、、後ろからこっそり現れたシニアキャンパーの3人が、恒例の卒業生に送る紙皿にたっぷり入ったホイップクリームを持って登場し、彼らの顔に投げかけながら ”卒業おめでとう!!” 毎年のこととわかっていながらも、これも楽しい思い出の1つ。


そして、いよいよお別れの時間がやってきました。スタッフの紹介の後、スペシャルゲスト・秦万里子さんから教えていただいた英語の歌2001 HEROS の合唱、ミステリオオリジナルソング二曲を肩を並べ合いながら大合唱。





12歳になったミステリオ、これからもみなさんと共に、たくさんのMake A Differenceを実行しながら、一度の人生を思いっ切りエンジョイしていきたいと思っています。




At the campfire, we were all able to remember and cherish the 7 days' worth of memories. We woke up to a fresh, new day--our last day at MSTERIO. It was finally time to say goodbye.

Everybody had plenty to talk about over breakfast. There was also a little anxiety and anticipation, knowing that within a few hours, the campers would be reunited with their families.

The campers carried their packed bags from their cabins, while the staff members placed campers' art projects on display, prepared for the show and lunch, and cleaned up.

On the first day of camp, everyone needed to go through customs and get their MSTERIO passports stamped in order to enter MSTERIO Kingdom. Today, we had to go through customs again, but in order to leave. The customs officers were, of course, Thomas and Matt.

At 10:30am, the campers' families arrived on a bus from Matsumoto Station.

And at 11am, we began the farewell performances. The campers entered one by one, grouped by cabins. We presented the cabin names, sounds, and sculptures that we came up with on the first day of camp. We were impressed by how much everyone remembered without having practiced since the first day!

In order to start off the presentations, we had a spectacular performance by the MSTERIO Cheerleaders.

Next up: dance. There was an uproar of applause after the campers and assistants danced to a song from High School Musical. Some parents were awed, seeing that their children could dance so well! Everybody did their best to capture the performance with their cameras. This year, the tempo of the song was especially fast, and on the first day of classes, only 1 camper showed up--nevertheless, more campers began to select and attend the dance class as the days went by, and by the last day, we had a stage full of campers ready to show us their moves.

The third act was a Japanese folk song, "Sakura," performed on the koto. Regardless of the fact that there was only one day's worth of classes for the koto, everybody performed beautifully, with very serious, focused looks on their faces. There was a wide range of campers who attended this class, from first graders to high school students. They all worked together for a performance that awed us.

Fourth was a collaborative performance for music and calligraphy. Six boys played the Japanese taiko for the opening, followed by everyone lining up with instruments that they tapped against their feet, legs, head, and chest to play the song "Do Re Mi." Then, the campers took their calligraphy brushes to a cheerful accompaniment on the piano, and openly expressed on calligraphy paper what kind of place MSTERIO was to them.

Finally, Kotaro, our calligraphy teacher, took a brush and wrote "MSTERIO" in huge, red letters to the side, completing our masterpiece.

What kind of MSTERIO did they imagine?

"A kingdom of dreams," "new discoveries," "fun friends," "teamwork." Four very powerful statements.

Then, it was time for the final performance: the senior campers' and CITs' play. This year, we put on a 25-minute piece, "When the Light Fills the Faraway Forest," with 20 cast members. 7 staff members helped out with sound, costumes, and props.

This year, there were several campers who were more proficient in English than Japanese, but they too were able to memorize and perform their lines in Japanese after only 4 days of rehearsals. The middle school students and first-time campers also performed superbly--we couldn't believe it was their first time onstage! The three CITs who would no longer be campers next year also touched us with their performances. This was a great example of the T in MSTERIO: Teamwork. We hope that this experience adds even a little to the campers' confidence and self-esteem.

After the performance, the senior CITs presented us with a message, and Arisa gave an elegant speech including her thoughts about MSTERIO.

And while the 3 seniors were graduating, 3 senior campers snuck up from behind with a paper plates full of whipped cream, and threw one on each of their faces--a MSTERIO tradition for graduating seniors. Everybody knows this happens every year, but is consistently one of our favorite memories.

As the clock struck 1pm, we began a buffet-style lunch. The campsite, Woody Mock, made us some rice balls, some tasty appetizers and dessert. We had a festive lunch with over 100 campers, staff, parents and family members. We signed each others' MSTERIO T-shirts, exchanged addresses, and received letters from our counselors. None of us wasted even a second together.

It was finally time to say goodbye. After introducing the staff members, we sang a song 2011 HEROS that our special guest, Mariko Hata taught us in English, as well as the two MSTERIO original songs.

There were some campers who we had to say goodbye to on the campsite, since they weren't going on the train back to Tokyo with us. As always, this was a very difficult goodbye.

At 3pm, everybody said their final goodbyes to Woody Mock, and boarded the bus to get to Matsumoto Station, where we would find our train back to Shinjuku Station. The train had a whole car for MSTERIO, which never ceased to be lively.

Then, at 7:36pm, we arrived at Shinjuku. We headed to the meeting place where everybody's families would be waiting, and were able to send all the campers home successfully, without any serious injuries or illnesses.

We will post some photos of the last day as well as the camp session at a later date.

We will also continue to introduce the special guests we had at camp, as well as some extra stories from camp bit by bit--please check back for more!

The top reason why this year's MSTERIO was such a special time and place was the parents, who were willing to let their children participate. Additionally, we want to thank the staff members who always watched out for the campers' safety; the activity directors and special guests who ensured that these 8 days would be a memory that lasted a lifetime; the medical team, Dr. Sada and Kuma-chan, who carefully paid attention to our healths; Blue World, who recorded the 8 days we spent together; and Woody Mock, who made us delicious meals. Thank you so, so much for all that you've done for us.

MSTERIO has completed its 12th year, and we hope to continue making a lot of difference with everyone and enjoying the one life we're given.

We wish everyone a happy summer!!


毎晩キャンパーたちが寝静まった後、次の日の準備のためにスタッフミーテイングを行うのですが、7日目を迎えると、スタッフ全員 みんなとのお別れを想像し寂しさでいっぱいになります。 そう、今日が実質みんなと1日ずっと過ごせる最後の日、盛りだくさんの日になりそうです。

今日のスタートは、昨夜のスタッフタレントショーで使ったコスチュームを、朝食のときに全員好きなコスチュームをつけての、コスチュームブレックファーストから。おもい想いに、なりたい自分になれる朝食はこれまた楽しい時間です。朝食の用意は、かなこキャビン Pop Rocks!

今日の午前中は、クラスはなく恒例のミステリオイベント、記念撮影、ミステリオ・オリンピック、そしてLet's Get Wetにすいかわり。

オリンピックではレッド ”わたしたちはレッドでーす”チームとブルー”うなぎさむらい”チームに分かれての対抗戦。いくつかの競技の結果、今年の優勝は、、、、、、”うなぎさむらい”でした!!!

Let's Get Wet では、全員が水鉄砲を片手に鬼ごっこをしながら、水のかけあいです。始めは小さな水鉄砲を使って走り回っていたキャンパーたちも バケツを見つけた大人スタッフたちが、バケツ一杯の水をいれてかけ合い始めると、こぞってみんながバケツに集中。頭の先からつま先まで、みんなビ〜〜ッショリ。






だんだんと会場に近づくにつれて遠くのほうから、美しい炎の道が見え始めてきました。それまで懐中電灯を照らしながら歩いていた私たちも、その炎の美しさに魅せられ 全員で懐中電灯の光を消します。真っ暗な道の所々に、炎のランプが立ち並ぶ中、空を見上げるとお月様も満月で私たちを迎えてくれています。


オリンピックの開会式のように、3本のたいまつの火を掲げて白い布に身をまとい走りながら入場したのは、、、、、CIT/高校三年生の三人、DAICHI, MAO & ARISA ではありませんか!! 実にエレガント、かつ勇ましい姿でした。


その後、カウンセラーTAKUYAによるギターと歌の演奏、MASAYAさんによるサックスのパフォーマンス、軽快なダンスメドレーでレッツダンス! 最後を飾るのは、高校三年の三人から歌と感動的なメッセージ、そしてみんなで肩を組んでミステリオソングを二曲歌い、ミステリオ最後の夜を閉じることができました。



After the campers go to sleep every night, we have staff meetings to prepare for the next day. Our last meeting on the seventh day of camp made everyone think about the fact that we would all have to part the next day.This is the last whole day we have to spend with each other, and it looks like we have a lot in store.

We started off the day with a costume breakfast, disguising ourselves with the costume pieces that the staff members used for the talent show from the previous night. We all used breakfast to become whatever and whoever we wanted to be. Kanako's cabin, Pop Rocks!, prepared breakfast for us.

We didn't spend the morning today in classes; rather, we participated in some MSTERIO traditions, a photo shoot, the MSTERIO Olympics, and "Let's Get Wet," a huge water gun fight.

In the Olympic, we had the "We are Red" team and the blue "Eel Samurai" team. After several events, the "Eel Samurai" team won this year's games.

Let's Get Wet is an event in which everyone gets a water gun and chases everyone else around. It began with campers running around with smaller water guns, but everyone switched tools when some staff members found buckets to fill with water to splash others. Everyone ended up soaked from head to toe!

Afterwards, we split up into 5 teams, and played a game to try cracking open a watermelon while blindfolded. We ate the cracked watermelon with our hands, which may have made it taste even better than usual.

For lunch, we had some cold udon and dessert. Everyone was starving from today's morning activities.

After the last Quiet Time, we had rehearsal for Saturday's farewell party, packed, and cleaned. Some campers packed the books, games, and CDs in the Midori Library collection in boxes, while others helped sweep the floors. This sight of the campers developing a sense of responsibility and proactivity is something characteristic of MSTERIO.

At the same time, stowing everything away made us realize that tomorrow is our last day here.

For dinner, we had chicken curry with salad, which turned out to be a huge hit. We then headed out for our highlight event: the campfire.  The weather was in our favor, and the sky was beautifully lit with stars. We walked down the path to get to the campfire site; it was almost a mystical experience.

As we got closer and closer to the campfire, we began to see a path marked with small flames. We no longer needed the flashlights we had been using to light our way. There were lamps lining the pitch black path; when we looked up, there was a full moon beckoning us closer to our destination.

Everyone sat down in a big circle, looking at the unlit campfire, when three fireballs appeared and began heading closer to us.

Just like the Olympics Opening Ceremony, three figures appeared bearing torches and wearing white cloth: the 3 CIT seniors, Daichi, Mao, and Arisa. They looked truly elegant and heroic.

The campfire started after the three torches' flames joined into one.  The flame grew and grew as we watched, making each of us remember our memories from the past 7 days.

Later, one of the counselors Takuya sang while playing the guitar, Masaya played the saxophone, and we danced to a few songs. The finale was a song and a touching message from the 3 seniors. We then all linked shoulders and sang the two MSTERIO songs, and ended our last night at MSTERIO.

Every year, our campfire director, Yu, thinks carefully about what kind of campfire would make all the campers happiest. This year's campfire was truly special--thank you, Yu!

MSTERIO 2012 ~Day 5~



今朝のBreakfast prepは、SLEEPYS (Minami's cabin)。みんなで協力して他のキャンパーが到着する前にセットアップ完了!いっただきま〜す!

大好評のMSTERIO QUESTION BOXからは、キャンパーからの質問がいっぱい。中でも、特に多かった質問をピックアップして紹介しちゃいます。


TOMOSUKE、 MINAMI、 KANAKO、 YUKAそしてTAKUYAが全員口をそろえておしえてくれたことは『安全に、楽しく、安心してキャンパー全員が最高な時間をミステリオで過ごせるようにすること!』















そして今夜のSpecial Eventは超豪華!あっという間にWoody Mockがコンサートホールに…。


アフリカの楽器、ジェンベで迫力満点のオープニングの後には、愛香がミステリオ中に見た光景にインスパイアされ作曲した「ちょうちょ」、「おもちゃのチャチャチャ」それから「線路はつづくよどこまでも」をピアノで演奏してくれました。お次は、サックスを片手に世界一周した小野マサヤさん。まるでジャズバーにタイムスリップしたような雰囲気の中、「曲名」「曲名」、そして「My Favorite Thing」。さらに、「肩出し琴奏者」としてニューヨークで活躍中の黒澤有美さんによる20弦のお琴の美しい演奏。17世紀の日本古代の曲から、彼女が作曲したというオリジナルナンバーに、私たちはすっかり魅せられてしまいました。最後は、なんとこの3人のアーチストたちのコラボレーション!「星に願いを」をサックス、お琴と打楽器で奏でます。美しい音色にキャンパーたちもうっとり…。




Can you believe it!? It's already Day 5 of MSTERIO!!! Sleepys (Minami's cabin) prepared breakfast this morning before the others woke up! Bon appetite!

MSTERIO QUESTION BOX is full of questions from the campers. Today we picked out two of the most popular questions.

"What is the most important thing for counselors at MSTERIO?"

All of the counselors had the same answers, "To make sure the campers have the best time in a safe, comfortable and fun environment."

The second question was, "Why did Nozomi start MSTERIO?"

Here's Nozomi's answer, "I wanted to create a place different from your school, prep school, or home where you can be yourself. At MSTERIO there are no rules besides this one golden rule: to treat others as you wish to be treated."

Today's activities are dance, tennis, field, and mini-golf.

In dance, the campers completed learning all the choreography! Now they just have to practice more... Despite the fast beat, the campers have it under control!

Today' lunch is super special! Josh, the cook, made BBQ and we had some juicy hot dogs and hamburgers! In the States, we get together with friends and families and enjoy BBQ together.

The afternoon activities were calligraphy, music, art and drama.

The campers picked a kanji that represents their favorite memories of MSTERIO and wrote it on a postcard.

Here's a message from our calligraphy director KOTARO:

"You write postcards to communicate your feelings.  There's no right or wrong.  You think about the person who will be receiving it, and naturally, you desire to write beautifully for them.  In order to do so, you need the technique, which is not difficult to be taught. However, how to express yourself and what you feel cannot be taught easily. Working with the campers today, I am convinced that they are capable of doing so."

In art class, we made gigantic photo frames out of pizza boxes! What photos are they going to display?

In music class, Aika made milk cartons turn into whistles! When you control the size of the hole, you control the notes. The beautiful sound of the whistles echoed in the mountains.

Tonight's Special Event was REALLY special! Woody Mock magically  turned into a concert hall...With the strong beat of the jimbey, Aika appeared on the stage. She arranged songs inspired by the experiences at MSTERIO and played "Butterfly", "Omocha no cha cha cha" and "The Rail Road" on the piano.  Next up was the saxophonist, Mr. Masaya Ono, who traveled all over the world, playing on the streets.  He played "" and "" and "My Favorite Thing. It felt like we were at a Jazz bar.

Finally, Yumi Kurosawa, the koto player who came to perform all the way from New York performed the Japanese traditional piece from the 17th centrury followed by her original piece "Inner Universe." We were completely enchanted by her beautiful sound of Koto.

That's not all. The three musician who met for the first time tonight came together for the special performance and played "When You Wish Upon a Star".

Today's dinner was Chinese vegetable sauté, pumpkin salad, eggplants, mushroom soup, and of course water melon and grapes for desert.

Tomorrow will be the 6th day of MSTERIO! Sleep tight everyone and let's all have FUN tomorrow!

Oh here is a very important announcement! Anthony will be on the TV program called "Gachigaze" (NHK) from 7pm on August 19th. He was interviewed at Narita airport  by the TV crew...  Don't miss it everyone!

MSTERIO 2012~Day 4~

あっという間にミステリオも残すところあと半分!まだまだ楽しいイベントが盛りだくさん。 今日は、早起き組はEarly Birdクラブに参加して、特別ゲストの星覚さんによる座禅のクラスをとりました。





座禅の後は、楽しい朝食。Turkey Hawksのみんなが準備してくれたBreakfastでスタート!今日はEnglish Dayということで食事中は英語オンリーで会話をします。「プリーズ、バナナ!」も英語です。食事の後は、MSTERIO QUESTION BOXの時間。質問は、「いつかSanta MonicaでMSTERIOを開催してくれますか?」というもの。この質問をしたのは、Santa Monicaに住むアンソニー!キャンパーに「Santa Monicaでミステリオをやりたい人!?」と聞くと、一斉に「はーい!」と手が挙がります。「では、ミステリオが40歳になるまでに1回はSanta MonicaでMSTERIOをやりましょう。」と約束。その頃には、キャンパーのみんなもお父さんやお母さんになっていることでしょう。

片付けが終わったら、万里子さんによる最後のうたのレッスン。今日は歌にふりつけも加わりました。一昨日初めて聞いたうたなのに、みんな信じられないくらいばっちりメロディーをマスターしています。最後は、なんと「あなたのおうちはどこですか?」をテーマに忘れ物の持ち主を探す歌を即興でうたってくださいました。このタオルのおうちは?この靴下のおうちは?どんどんおうちが見つかっていきます。三日間に渡る万里子さんの歌の練習で、たくさんのことを感じた私たち。ミステリオの歌を作ってくださったのが12年前、いつの日か万里子さんにミステリオにいらしていただきたいとずっと願って、こうして今、実現したことに心から感謝とありがとう! 私たちのそんな気持ちを1、2年生の6名のキャンパーたちが、率先して万里子さんにミステリオコインを渡し伝えてくれました。





Englishクラスでは、HelingによるBaking Time!英語を使って、クッキーを焼きました。
今晩のディナーはひと味違います。だってメニューはキャンパーたちがWoody Mockの畑でとったばかりの野菜をふんだんに使ったものばかり、ズッキーニーのオリーブオイル和え、きゅうりの浅漬け、そして白菜とベーコンのスープ、ラーメンサラダ、とりの唐揚げなどなど! デザートには、ゲストからいただいたおいしい桃も登場です。そうそう、野菜とりに行った小学生たちには、野菜きりにもチャレンジしてもらいました。夕食後には、トーマスのワンポイントイングリッシュ: Give me a hand, please!  今日にとてもふさわしい言葉、手をさしのべてください、助け合おう、という意味。
今日最後のイベントは、ムービーナイト。どの映画にするか5つのDVDの中からキャンパーが見たい映画に投票して、「マダガスカル」に決定! 楽しく見た後は、もう寝る時間。みんないい夢みてね〜!
Before you know it, we're already half way through MSTERIO! But there are still many more fun events ahead.

Today, campers who woke up early participated in the Early Bird Club, where our special guest Seigaku the monk taught a zen class.  Last night, he asked us to think about this line: "Where do you belong?"  He wanted us to think about how everything has its place. Today, we listened to our bodies to learn its place(?)

According to Seigaku the monk, "Where should your heart be? That is a difficult  question to answer because we cannot see it. But in the zen tradition, we start with what we can see."

Through meditation, we calm our bodies down and listen to the heart.   Even the youngest campers sit quietly while taking deep breaths.  "It felt much shorter than 10 minutes!" some campers said.

After meditation, it's breakfast time. Today, we start the day off with breakfast prepared by Turkey Hawks.  It's English Day, so campers and staff are only allowed to talk in English. As simple as "Please, Banana!" will fly.

Today's question from the MSTERIO BOX is "Can we have MSTERIO in Santa Monica?". This question came from Anthony who lives in Santa Monica.  When Nozomi asked the campers if they agreed, everyone raised their hands and said "YES!".  "Then I promise we'll have MSTERIO in Santa Monica before I turn 90."  Some campers may be mothers and fathers by the time it comes true.

Two days ago, we started learning Mariko's original song, "Heros". Today is her last day at MSTERIO and the last day we get to sing with her.  This time, we added a small hand movement to the song.  They sang so beautifully that it's hard to believe it's only been 2 days since the campers started learning this song.  At the end of class, Ms. Mariko improvised the song using the theme "where do I belong" and went hrough the Lost and Found box to find the owners.  "Where does this towel belong?" "Where do these sox belong?" One by one, we found a home for each item.  Thank you so much, Ms. Mariko! To show our gratitude, the 1st and 2nd grade campers presented MSTERIO coins to Ms. Mariko.

The afternoon classes were field sports, tennis and dance.

In tennis class taught by Prince of Tennis, we found Yoshiko, the camp grandma, running in her tennis skirt and swinging her racket among the campers.  How does she stay so young? The secret is...100 SQUATS A DAY!

After the morning activities, we had lunch surrounded by green nature all around.   We made somen slide down a long bamboo shoot to make "Nagashi-Somen". After we charge our energy during quiet hour, it's time for the afternoon classes to begin. The campers baked cookies in Heling's cooking class.  Mmm looks so delicious! We can almost smell it...

In calligraphy class, many of the campers were "regulars" from last year.  Kotaro, the director says, "I was surprised to see a camper who couldn't write his name in kanji last year do it with such ease."
In Aika's music class, we made castanets and maracas using paper plates, bottle lids, and rice. Once they decorated the instruments with pens, they're done! At the end of class, the campers played their instruments and collaborated with Aika on the piano.
Today's art class took place outdoors.  We decorated the tent at the entrance with colorful butterflies and peace marks.  Anthony is up in the air trying to hang the campers' masterpieces.  He will do anything for his campers!
Meanwhile, the CITs and campers in middle school are practicing their play!
Tonight's dinner tastes very special since the meal was made of vegetables harvested from the Woody Mock farm. The menu was Woody Mock's famous fried chicken, Zuccini sauteed in olive oil, cucumber pickles, chinese cabbage and bacon soup, and ramen salad!
Then, Thomas taught us an "one-point-English" - GIVE ME A HAND, PLEASE!
Tonight is movie night! The campers voted on their favorite movie and decided on "Madagascar".  By the time the movie was done, it's already bedtime.
Sleep tight and we'll see you tomorrow!

MSTERIO 2012 ~Day 3~

さあ〜〜〜三日目の7月30日月曜日の始まりです! 今日はみんなでミステリオアースデー!! ミステリオの今年のテーマ、Champions of GREEN.

そして今日のOne Point English  は Break A Leg! 日本語ではがんばれ、という意味。








ミステリオでは最後の金曜の午前中に恒例のミステリオオリンピックが開催されます。それに先立ち、チーム分け、チーム名も決まりました。赤チームは、”わたしたちはレッドです!” ただしこれを言うときには、ちょっと英語っぽく言ってみてくださいね。そして青チームは ”うなぎさむらい”。

午後はアメリカ人チームによるTie Dye Project。みんなに持ってきてもらった白いTシャツにいろいろな色を染めて一人一人がユニークなTシャツを作ります。出来上がりをお楽しみに。





夕食はキャビンごとでなく 各キャンパーのメンターになる大人たちと座ることになりました。電気を全部消して、キャンドルデイナー。太陽が沈み始めると自然にどんどんと暗くなるダイニングルーム。でもこの暗さがとてもロマンチックで、ひときわ会話も盛り上がり、にぎやかなデイナーとなりました。

今日のアースデーを締めるスペシャルイベントは。7分のDVDを上映。このDVDは8月1日NHKの地上波でも放映されるショートムービー 「ヒカルの掃除」。上映後、スペシャルゲスト、星覚の登場。星覚には、これから毎朝の早起きクラブの禅、そしてお掃除大魔王としてお掃除チェックをしてもらいます。その星覚が、こうしたらもっとより上手にお掃除ができるようになるというヒントをこれから教えてもらいます。

今晩教わったことは、あなたのお家はどこですか? 物事、人、すべてこの地球に存在するものには、必ずお家がある、そのお家に必ず返してあげること、これが私たちの役目。さあ〜明日から、みんな自分のお家を見つけることができるかな?

今日最後の締めは、アースデー”花火大会”。一列に並んだたくさんの花火に火をつけてくれたジョッシュ、ありがとう! キャンパーたちも、花火を手にとって、今日のアースデーを思い出しながら、美しい星空をみあげながら、充実の三日目を終えることができました。



Day 3 is Earth Day at MSTERIO! MSTERIO's theme this year is "Champions of GREEN".

Our One Point English is "Break A Leg".

On Earth Day, we spend the day thinking about nature, people, animals, insects, and the earth.  So today, we'll stay out surrounded by nature as much as possible.

After breakfast and clean up, it's time for another music class with Ms. Mariko Hata, who will continue teaching us her original song.  Although this is a difficult song, the campers learn quickly with Ms. Mariko's amazing instructions.  Her teaching style is dynamic and unique and she mixes things up with improvisational performances and fun singing exercises. While the campers practice, the staff is in the kitchen packing lunch.  It's the first time for our international staff to make rice balls. Once lunch is ready, we're ready to go hiking in the woods!

After walking for about an hour, we arrived in a field with an outdoor theater stage.  This where the cheerleading group performed their routine with Rena, who will be leaving for Tokyo today. They were so fantastic, we all couldn't believe they only had a day to practice!

Then, we moved on to the field to play with the giant parachute.  The campers gathered around the colorful parachute and ran underneath as it went up and down in the air.  Lunch tasted delicious after exercising so much!

On the final day, we're going to have MSTERIO Olympics! We've divided the group into the red team and the blue team. They are called "We are the RED Team" and "Unagi Samurai".

In the afternoon, we worked on a Tie-Dye Project using the white t-shirt everyone brought. Each one is different, unique, and beautiful.  We can't wait to show you!

After the project, it's time for class. Today we choose from art, drama, music and English.  In Art, we painted the pavement with using stencils and special paint and chalk.  We traced each other on the earth and signed our names.  In Music class, we went to the mountain and made flutes out of milk cartons.  We played twister in English class to learn the colors and the parts of the body. Casting for the play by CIT and middle school campers has been announced and rehearsal has started in Drama class. Please look forward to the last day of camp when we present to the parents everything the campers have been working on.

Before dinner, we introduced the staff members who arrived today.  Kotaro, the calligraphy director, Dr. Sada, who arrived from the States, and our general staff, Shiho and Sena.

Tonight, we're sitting not by cabin, but by the mentor system.  Each staff is assigned campers to mentor and watch out for.  Since it's Earth Day, we decided to turn off the lights and dine as the sunsets.  By the time we finished our meal, we were eating in the dark but somehow it was more romantic and everyone talked and enjoyed themselves.

The Special Event for today was a screening of a 7 minute DVD. This short movie entitled "Hikaru's Clean Up" was written by our friend, and will be aired on NHK on August 1st.  After the screening we welcomed our special guest, SEIGAKU, the monk. He will be holding a zen club during the early bird hours and checking the cabins as the "Lord of the Clean Up" to give us tips on how to stay organized.

Tonight, Seitaro asked us to consider this line:  "Where do I belong?"

People, things, and everything that exists on this earth has a place where it belongs. However, sometimes these things can't find their way home on its own. So let's help them get back to its place!

Our final event today was fireworks.  All the campers lined up with fireworks in their hands as Josh walked down and lit them up, one by one.   Thanks, Josh! We wrapped up day 3 as we looked up at the starlit skies filled beautiful fireworks.

We hope the kids will enjoy the storyteller's stories tonight! Sleep tight and sweet dreams!

MSTERIO 2012~Day 2~

ミステリオは2日目からactivityが盛りだくさん! 朝7時、ウッディモックの山にキャンパーたちの元気な声が響き渡ります。

朝食の準備をしてくれたのは、Active Mountain Girls(KANAKOのcabin)!




この写真のユニフォームをばっちり着こなしているチアガールはRENA。彼女は、なんとMSTERIOキャンパーだった小学生とき、当時スタッフだったAmy Mayが教えてくれたチアに出会ったことがきっかけで大学はチアー部に入部し、チームは全国大会決勝出場!


ダンスのディレクターは、ARISA!  今年は、あのハイスクールミュージカルの音楽をつかって踊ります!
今年は、MSTERIO QUESTION BOXにキャンパーからの質問をなんでも受付中!
一日目の質問は…「のぞみさんはなんさいですか?」、この質問を受けたのぞみは「20代だと思う人?」とみんなに問いかけると「はーい!!」一斉に手があがります。みんな、よくわかっているね! とにっこり微笑む、のぞみの答えは、なんと25歳。
聖子さんのDRAMA  Classでは、「名前覚えゲーム」と「ウィンクキラー」でチームワーク力のアップを目指します。
In drama class, the director Seiko and the campers played "The Name Game" and "Wink Killer" to get to know one another better.
今年は、3年ぶりにThomas (斗真寿スタッフとして参加しています。

この日の最後のイベントは、毎年恒例のピザパーティー&ダンスナイト。カラフルなサングラスとレイをつけて、ディスコボールの下でおどりました。DJは去年もミステリオ中にWoody Mockで働いていたオーストラリア人のRoyGBIV!


2nd day of MSTERIO is full of activities! At 7 in the morning, the campers voices echo in the mountains. Active Mountain Girls (Kanako's cabin) helped prepare breakfast.
Breakfast menu includes milk, yogurt, cereal, banana, bread, and muffin. It's the most important meal of the day!
After breakfast and clean up, it's time for the fun activities. The campers get to choose from dance, putt-putt, cheerleading, art, tennis, and field sports.
This young lady sporting the cheerleading uniform is RENA.  She was actually a camper at MSTERIO when she met Amy May, our counselor at the time, who taught her cheerleading. Since then, she joined a cheerleading team in college and lead them to nationals! This year, she's returned to MSTERIO to teach cheerleading to the campers.

 Aika and Anthony who were watching, couldn't resist but join the class!
We also have a MSTERIO Question Box this year, where kids can enter ANY questions they might have about the camp or the staff.  Our first question was "How old is Nozomi?".  Hearing this question, Nozomi asked the crowed, "Who here thinks I'm in my 20's?".  Everyone raised their hands. "You know me very well," said Nozo, " Yes, I'm 25-years-old!".
Outdoor activities, field sports and tennis, are led by Matt and Seiichiro.
We had cold pasta and potato salad for lunch...They were gone in seconds.
After dinner, it's time for our special event with a very special guest, Ms. Mariko Hata.  She is a famous musician who can be seen and heard on TV, radio, and magazines.
She is actually the musician who wrote our MSTERIO songs.  During her 3 day music class, she will be teaching us a very special song she wrote.  "After the earthquake, help flew in from all around the world. I made this song to thank all of the people who supported Japan during hard times. Please think of someone who you love and care when you sing this song."
During art class, the campers decorated mirrors with rhinestones, feathers, and shells. "A mirror will show your own reflection.  But when you look into this mirror, I want you to see not only yourself, but also the other campers and the good time you had at MSTERIO this summer. "
In Aika's music class, the campers played the do-re-mi pipes and taiko...Look forward to our presentation!
Thomas, who was  here 3 years ago, is back at MSTERIO as the English Director.  He played charades with the campers and themes were animals and careers. He put a bucket on his head and pretended to be a chef!
The last event of the evening, is Pizza & Dance Party! The campers danced the night away wearing colorful sunglasses and leis. The DJ was RoyGBIV, who has worked at Woody Mock for the last two years. We're sure they'll sleep tight tonight!
Comment from the director, Nozomi:

To the Family,
Seeing the new campers make new friends so quickly, it's hard to believe it's only Day 2. It must be especially nerve racking for the first, second, and third graders to spend 8 days away from their family. I hope however that they will make many discoveries and learn to love themselves even more at MSTERIO, where not only the staff but also the returning campers embrace them.


いよいよミステリオも2日目に突入しました! と、その前に…毎日キャンパーたちと一緒にmake a differenceしているミステリオのStaffを数名ご紹介いたします。みんなにはMSTERIO 2012に対する抱負や目標もおしえてもらいました。


寺尾のぞみ NOZOMI TERAO (Director &Camp Mom)


"It's MSTERIO's 12th year. With so many new campers joining us this year, my goal is to come up with 12 discoveries by the end of the camp."

 ANTHONY (Art Director)
"My goal this year is to have all the kids realize they are the future of the planet. "
寺尾慈子 YOSHIKO TERAO (Camp Grandma)
"I want everyone to be comfortable and safe. Everyday I'm thankful!"
Today Yoshiko is styling a can tab earring and pendant which her brother made.  "Wearing statement earrings like this on both ears would be too much. So I purposely only wear one." Very useful tip from the fashionista!
寺尾聖一朗 SEIICHIRO TERAO (Tennis Director)
When we asked Seiichiro, aka "Prince of Tennis", to tell us what his goal was for MSTERIO 2012, he just answered "BANG!". We're going to interpret this as "I hope we all have a blast!"
MINAMI (Counselor of "Sleepys")
Minami is a junior in the Economics Department at Seikei University. She just finished studying abroad in Montana, the U.S. for a year. Her hobbies include listening to music and singing. Her motto is "Always keep a smile on your face". She was one of the original campers at the very first MSTERIO summer camp. This is her third year as a counselor.
YUKA  (Counselor of "Active Mountain Girls")
Yukaはキャンパーとして中学からミステリオに参加しています。今は東洋英和女学院大学 保育子ども学科の2年生。保育士 幼稚園教諭の免許を取るために毎日勉強中!
Yuka has participated in MSTERIO since middle school as a camper. Currently, she is a junior at Toyo Eiwa University, studying to obtain a license to become a nursery and kindergarten teacher!

TOMOSUKE (Counselor of "Dokkoi Tomosuke")
Tomosuke is a junior at Senshu University studying Economics. This is his 2nd time at MSTERIO. He was born in Osaka, but he has spent 99% of his life elsewhere in the Kanto region of Japan, and so can only fake the Osaka dialect. Currently, he is a member of the club at his school dedicated to broadcasting, which has led him to take part in a lot of funny debauchery.
KANAKO (Counselor of " Pop Rocks")
Kanako is a senior at Akita International University. She was born in Osaka and raised in Tokyo.  She goes to college in Akita, and had studied abroad at the University of Hawaii last year. She was one of the original campers at MSTERIO's very first camp, and this will be her second time coming to MSTERIO as a counselor.
TAKUYA (Counselor of "Turkey Hawks")
Takuya was born in Chiba Prefecture and grew up in Tokyo. He has participated in MSTERIO as a camper since he was in elementary school and has returned almost every year. He loves taking care of people, kids and adults alike. This is his second time participating as a counselor. Since elementary school, he has done radio broadcasting as an extracurricular, and has had a taste for reading aloud and making videos. He studied abroad in New Zealand during high school, wanting to experience new and different things. Currently, he works at the Ritz Carlton in Tokyo, specializing in acoustics, lighting, and video. His motto is be kind to others, and be kind to yourself.

MSTERIO 2012! ~Day 1~



先にWoody Mockについた海外チームは、ミステリオのバナーやちょうちんを飾ったり、本やCDを並べたりしてキャンパーたちに会えるのを心待ちにしていました。

なんとWoody Mockのstaffのみなさんが木の枝を使って、こんなに素敵なサインを作ってくれました!

午後2時過ぎ、暑〜い東京からあずさ号で2時間かけて松本に到着。そこからさらにバスで一時間かけ、全員無事におなじみのWoody Mockに到着しました!

荷物をキャビンに移動したら、さっそくそれぞれCabin Name (キャビンの名前), Cabin Sound(キャビンのかけ声),そしてCabin Sculpture (キャビンの決めポーズ)を決め、みんなの前で披露するのが恒例。

こちらがMSTERIO 2012の個性豊かなキャビンの紹介です!

KANAKOがカウンセラーを担当する『Pop Rocks』。あの有名なパチパチキャンディーからインスピレーションをもらったようです。

YUKAのキャビンは『Active Mountain Girls』。アルプスの少女ハイジの替え歌がCabin Sound!山に囲まれたWoody Mockにぴったりです。


TAKUYAのキャビンは、カウンセラーのたくやにちなんで『ターキーホークス』。鷹の翼のように腕をバタバタと動かすのがcabin sculptureです。


夕飯はさすがWoody Mock!とうなってしまうような献立。そばだんご入りとうじ、天ぷらの盛り合わせ、そして肉味噌がたっぷりかかったふろふき大根。デザートは、あま〜いスイカとりんごでした。
MSTERIOでは、毎晩スタッフがStory Tellerとなってキャンパーに絵本を読み聞かせます。今夜はどんな夢みるのかな?楽しいActivity がたくさんつまった明日のために今日は早寝!それでは、みなさん、Good night and sleep tight!

We are so thrilled to announce the first day of MSTERIO 2012! This year we have 42 campers, 13  of which are new to MSTERIO. Also, with 13 staffs who flew from overseas, MSTERIO is more international than ever!

The staffs who arrived early hung the MSTERIO banner and decked the dining hall with lanterns as they awaited the campers' arrival with excitement.  Woody Mock even made a lovelyl MSTERIO sign made of branches to welcome the campers.

After a 2 hour train ride and an hour bus ride, the campers finally arrived at Woody Mock. One of their first activity is coming up with their cabin name, cabin sound , and cabin sculpture (a special pose), which they will share with everyone after dinner.

KANAKO's cabin, inspired by the famous candy, is called "Pop Rocks".

YUKA's cabin, Active Mountain Girls, sang the theme song from the anime, "Heidi". It's a perfect name since Woody Mock surrounded by mountains!

MINAMI's cabin is called "Sleepys". Their performance was so unique! The campers lied down on the stage and pretended to sleep...

TAKUYA's cabin is called "Turkey Hawks" since his name sounds like turkey. They ran around the stage and waved their arms like hawks ready to capture its prey.

TOMOSUKE's cabin is called "Dokkoi Tomosuke". Their cabin sculpture resembles sumo wrestlers!

Woody Mock prepared something very special for our first MSTERIO dinner.  Tonight's menu was assorted tempura, soba ball hotpot, and Japanese radish with miso.

We're off to bed early to prepare ourselves for a full day of fun activities. Good night, sleep tight, and we'll see you tomorrow!

Hello from Mucchi!

今日から9月 そして、元気なむっちーからみんなにハロー! 

毎年ミステリオサマーキャンプに参加している年長さん=キャンプグランパのむっちーが、今年参加できなかった為に、参加者のみんなから、”むっちーは大丈夫?” ”むっちー元気かなあ?”というお問い合わせをたくさんいただきました。
















インタビュー後のミステリオのコメント: 今年は、キャンプグランマのよしこさん、2階に住むテニスのプリンスSEIICHIROもキャンプに行ってしまい、むっちーはかなり寂しかったことが伺われました。なんと夫婦生活53、普段、寂しいとか、君がいないと困っちゃうとか、口にする機会がなかったむっちーですが、その気持ちを正直によしこさんに伝えると、”私のことをそんなふうに思っていてくれたなんて!” と、よしこさん大感激。

どんな年齢になっても、あなたが大好き、あなたは私の大切な存在だよ と正直に言い合える、ステキなことだと思いませんか? 家族でなくても、お友達同士でも同じこと。

さあ、今日から言ってみましょう! あなたが大好きって。

See you later, Alligator!

MSTERIO 2011 Day 8:




いよいよFarewell Party = お別れ会のスタートです。


できあがった作品はどれもが自然=Natureに関する文字ばかり。Kiwaの空、Daiyaの風、Keisuke の木、Satomiの花、Shokoの森、Lunaの夏、Tomoyaの自、Kenの然、Mariyaの生、Riouの雨、Yuukaの植、Meriの山、





Takakoさんの率いるミステリオダンシングチームによるパフォーマンス・ミュージカルアニーより、『It's hard knock life』。メンバーはAkari, Kiwa, Mao, Tomomi, Megumi, Meri, Ami, Erina, Mari, Miki, Mariya, Wakana, Shoko, Yoko, Rio, Moe, Taku, Airi, Max。歌ありセリフあり、本当にたったの1週間で仕上げたのかしら、と思うほどの出来映えに、観客もびっくり。

最後の出し物は、毎年恒例のSenior Camper and CIT (counselor in training) 中高生によるオリジナル劇、今年も演劇指導はSeikoさん。




Hitomi, Daniel, Miki, Wakana, Maya, Mao, Maki, Yoko の8人と、裏方役のNobu, Mariko, Shutaro, Akaneもありがとう。素晴らしいミステリオの最後を飾ってくれたね。





怪我するキャンパーも、病気になるキャンパーもなく、8日間元気に最後まで過ごすことができた今年のミステリオ。Be Bold & Do Somethingをテーマに、勇気をもってとにかく何でもやってみよう、とたくさんの笑顔と思い出を作ることができた2011の夏。



MSTERIO 2011 Day 8:

8 days went by in a flash...Today is the last day of MSTERIO SUMMER CAMP.
Everyone was running around, packing and setting up the dining hall for the Farewell Party.

At 11:30, the family members of the campers started to arrive. Let the Farewell Party begin!

The opening performance was a collaboration between Music and Calligraphy, directed by the two activity directors, Aika & Kotaro. On the stage, the campers danced with paper fans in their hands to "WASSHOI MSTERIO", an original song by Aika. In front of the stage, the other campers dipped their large calligraphy brushes into buckets of ink and let it dance to the music on the white calligraphy paper spread across the floor. What did they write? Anything that came to mind. They let the music inspire them. This was truly the most powerful improvisational collaboration ever!
All of the kanjis written on the calligraphy paper represented nature: "Sky" by Kiwa, "Wind" by Daiya, "Tree" by Keisuke, "Flower" by Satomi, "Forest" by Shoko, "Summer" by Luna, "Self" by Tomoya, "zen(in combination with Tomoya's kanji, means Nature)" by Ken, "Live" by Mariya, "Rain" by Riou, "Plant" by Yuuka, "Mountain" by Meri, and "Earth" by Shige. Every stroke, every brush, full of energy and strength, the children had created masterpieces.

Surrounding the stage were "WINDS" written by the other campers during classes. This performance shed light on some of the core Japanese values such as "harmony", "link", and "bond".

After the show, we all enjoyed the wonderful rice ball lunch box made by our WoodyMock staff members.

When the brief intermission was over, we were all ready for part II of the performance!

Now it was time for a musical performance of "It's a Hard Knock Life" by the MSTERIO Dancing Crew, lead by TAKAKO. The members were Akari, Kiwa, Mao, Tomomi, Megumi, Meri, Ami, Erina, Mari, Miki, Mariya, Wakana, Shoko, Yoko, Rio, Moe, Taku, Airi, Max. They sang and danced so beautifully, we found it hard to believe they only had a week to perfect it!

The finale was of course, the annual play by the Senior Campers and CITs(Counselor In Training). This year, they did an original play, written and directed by the activity director, Seiko.

The play starts with a flashback scene of Megu, a middle school girl, walking in the rain with an umbrella. The story "You+You" played by the 8 MSTERIO campers revolves around the protagonist.
Surprisingly, as soon as the rainy scene began, it started to thunder and rain outside as if it had been cued to do so. During this scene, the actors faced the challenge of jumping one single jump rope together. At practice, it was difficult for the 6 of them to do 20 continuous jumps with out messing up. However on stage, with unbelievable determination and focus, they successfully completed 20 jumps consecutively!!

This year the half-an-hour play was put on by 8 actors, much fewer compared to last year, which meant more lines and acting skills were required from each of the actors. What does "Friendship" mean? The actors' comprehension of the complex emotions of the sensitive teenagers made the play real and heart-gripping.

Thank you to the 8 actors, Hitomi, Daniel, Miki, Wakana, Maya, Mao, Maki, Yoko and the backstage staff members, Nobu, Mariko, Shutaro, and Akane. You've truly created a wonderful ending to this year's MSTERIO.

As the end of the performance neared, it was finally time for the graduation ceremony of our CIT campers, Yoko and Maki. This year, Mao and Maya appeared from the crowd onto the stage where Yoko and Maki stood. No one saw the two plates full of whip cream behind them. "SPLAT!" With a loud sound, the plates met Yoko and Maki's faces and they were covered in thick white whip cream. We can't end MSTERIO without this tradition of pieing the graduates!

After one of the campers, Mariya, presented her artwork and MSTERIO coin as a gift to the WoodyMock staff members, we all sang the MSTERIO song in unison as a closure to the 8 days we spent together at MSTERIO.

This year, we didn't have a single broken bone nor a single trip to the hospital. We were able to make many new discoveries together by carrying out this year's slogan, Be Bold & Do Something and challenging ourselves to step out to try something new.

Thank you to all the campers, the special guests, the staff members, the WoodyMock staffs who made us delicious meals everyday, and most of all, to the parents who entrusted MSTERIO to take care of their precious children during this difficult time in Japan. THANK YOU FOR THE BEST SUMMER EVER!

We took lots of amazing photographs during the 8 days of camp. Please be patient while we organize them for the MSTERIO albums on the web!

See you later, Alligator!

You Go Girls!

二日間に渡るスタッフトレーニングプログラムも無事終了! 素敵なスタッフたちばかり、みんな楽しみにしていてね。




Are you ready? It is time for a staff training.


そう、ミステリオのキックオフ スタッフトレーニングが行われます。

出席のみなさん、特に安全面、緊急対策についてしっかりトレーニングを受けていただきますよ。 気持ちの準備は整ったかな? 




A very exciting weekend is coming up! Yes, we are going to have a staff&counselor training on Sat and Sun.

Are you all ready! On the 24th, all the campers and their families are getting together for an orientation.

It is ONLY TWO weeks to MSTERIO!!

Stand with Japan

















Stand with Japan - From Momoko

その中で、とってもとっても心配していたMOMOKOさんからメールが届きました! 朝から200人分の食事を作っているMOMOKOさん、どんなに遠くにいても応援しようね、みんなで。


























Birthday Celebration at our New MSTERIO/HappyDoll Office!





毎週一度、JOSHも加わってWeekly Meeting (週1のミーテイング)があるのですが、そういえばつい最近、このMSTERIO/HappyDollオフィスで、JOSHのBIRTHDAYのお祝いをしたんです。カップケーキにキャンドル(クレヨンのキャンドル、かわいいでしょ!)をさして、YASUKOさんも一緒に。NAOからいただいたかわいいねじ付きのTOY(おもちゃ)をもらって、それはうれしそうに遊んでいました。このTOYなんとなくJOSHに似てると思いませんか、めがねの形かなあ? 


How excited and lucky to be in a new office and to work with two wonderful colleagues every day!
