今月13日から28日までイプセン作 ”ヘッダー・ガーブレル”の主役を演じられる田野聖子さん。ここのところ連日新聞に掲載されています! GOOD LUCK, SEIKO!!
Part 9 MSTERIO Staff 第9弾 スタッフ紹介
We have a few more staff we would like to introduce.
A company for a video production specialized in news and documentaries. They use their power of expression and discernment to create VPs for companies and various type of videos. Kindly, Mr. Nakatogawa, a president of BLUEWORLD sent a new employee to MSTERIO every year to record our pleasure time.
ダンス音楽担当/Music mix
Royce grew up and attended school in Sydney, Australia. A love of cars, games, technology, anime and Shibuya-kei music brought him to Japan where he works as a translator at a major pharmaceutical company. In his spare time he makes DJ mixes and mashups with the ultimate goal of becoming a music producer someday, making happy dance music for happy people. Failing that, a bed and breakfast owner in the Japanese countryside, as he also enjoys cooking and taking care of people. This is the 6th year Royce has been involved with MSTERIO, first as a kitchen hand, and later as the director of the disco party night. For him, there is no greater joy than spending every effort to put a smile on the faces of all MSTERIO staff and campers.
(トーマスと一緒に@雄勝にて/With Thomas @Ogatsu_
Chie was born in Kitakyushu city, Fukuoka where is famous for iron and currently living in Tokyo. She came to Tokyo when she got into university. After graduation, she started to work as a journalist at Nihon Keizai Shinbun. She met Nozomi at Ogatsu, Ishinomaki where is affected by Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. She spent 3 months in New York City last year and had amazingly wonderful time. She has been a book junkie since she was a child and her dream is to open comfortable book/comic cafe. She is into marathon and classic ballet recently. She is looking forward to share her time at MSTERIO for the first time.
Part 8 MSTERIO Staff 第8弾 スタッフ紹介
今週末は何回かに分けて、スタッフトレーニングの開催、そして今年参加の親御さんやお子さんとのオリエンテーションはいよいよ明日!! その前に、今年のカウンセラーと、ジェネレルスタッフを紹介します。
This weekend we are hosting a few staff training programs as well as an orientation with parents and children tomorrow on Sunday! Let us introduce our counselors and general staff members.
千葉 颯丸/Kazemaru Chiba
I’m a senior year in the College of Liberal Arts the Division of Arts & Science in International Christian University (ICU), majoring in Politics. I had been in Sheffield in UK as an exchange student for about 11 months since July in 2014. I am a genuine Japanese who was born and had been raised in Shiogama, Miyagi until I came to Tokyo. But as joined some university’s study abroad program, I have been to Edinburgh to participate in 6-week English learning school, I have done service-learning in the rural area of Indonesia for a month, and as I joined in the study tour of a private tourism company I visited Kenya and interacted with Masai people. At ICU, I help students to plan their own academic life as a peer adviser, play basketball in the club, and sing songs in the a cappella group ‘cause I like it! I decided to join in MSTERIO through meeting Nozomi by mere chance. I wonder that I would like to paint the picture on one page of wonderful memories of this summer with all of you by devoting my energies to assisting each one of campers!
My name is Midori, and I currently attend Goucher College in Maryland and study International Relations. I will be Junior this coming September. I was born in Tokyo, Japan, but I lived in Italy, Indonesia, and Thailand. I have been playing tennis since I was a kid so I love playing and watching tennis. I recently started to play guitar, but I am not very good. This is my first time to participate in MSTERIO so I am very nervous. But, I am very very excited to spend time and make unforgettable memories with you all! I am looking forward to seeing you all!
Ryuki is senior at International Christian University, majoring in Global Business. He had a dream to spent his 4 years in University in Kyoto but somehow he started to learn in Akita. Akita is such a peaceful place without any excitement, so he decided to make his own excitement by himself. He started to involved in theater. 80% of his daily life is about theater. He went to Warsaw, Poland to study for a year in September, 2014. He actually did not study that much but traveled around a lot. This is his first time joining MSTERIO.
I’m a rising Senior at Purdue University in Indiana studying Aerospace Engineering. I was born and raised in Tokyo, but have also lived in New York and Massachusetts. I enjoy playing sports (especially squash), listening to music, and playing with my pet rabbit. I used to be a camper and this will be my third year as a counselor. I am looking forward to spending an amazing summer with everyone.
現在日本に住んでいますが、過去には韓国、デンマークに合計19年間住んでいました。昨年の9月に慶応義塾大学に入学し、GIGA programという英語のプログラムに所属しています。また、中学校二年生まではソウル日本人学校に通っていたため、日本語、英語、両方話せます。現在大学では国際開発や経済について学んでいます。旅が大好きで休みごとにいろいろな国を回っています。子供の世話をするのも好きでデンマークではサマースクールのお手伝いのお仕事や、日本人補習学校のアシスタントティーチャーなどもやっていました。マヤの紹介です。ミステリオは初参加なので、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
Hi, I’m Natsumi Hirao. I’ve lived in Korea and Denmark for around 19 years but living in Japan at the moment. I enrolled in Keio University last September and currently in a program called GIGA which all the classes are held in English. I have also attended in Japanese school when I lived in Korea thus I call myself a bilingual. I am very interested in international development and economics. Moreover I love to travel and visit different countries. I enjoy taking care of children as I used to help out summer schools in Denmark. Maya introduced me to MSTERIO! I’m really looking forward to it.
松波 慎剛/Shingo Matsunami
I was born in Gifu prefecture. I am taking courses at Senzoku Music University as a second-year student in piano and composition course. I dream that I can change the world with music. But I am still learning. Personally, I want to access more genres of music as I want to experience as much as possible! This will be my third consecutive year participating in MSTERIO. I am looking forward to spending a wonderful summer with everyone!
I'm going to be a Sophomore at Purdue University studying Mechanical Engineering. I used to live in the States when I was 2-8 years old. I love going out to walk, have fun at the park, skateboarding, swimming, and a lot of other stuff. I am really looking forward to help out at MSTERIO!
今回のミステリオの記録・編集をさせて頂きます、ブルーワールドの中野渡 大雅と言います。社会人2年目で、テレビの現場で働いています。小学生の頃から野球をやっていて甲子園に出場した事もあります(スタンドからの応援でしたが(笑))。青森県出身で、高校生から野球留学で奈良県で寮生活をし、東京都で専門学生をしていたせいか、思い立ったら行動に移してしまう性があります(思い立つまでが長いのですが・・・)。ミステリオ初参加ですが、多くの笑顔を撮影できるよう頑張りますので、よろしくお願い致します。
Taiga is from BLUEWORLD, the video production company. He started to work 2 years ago. He has been playing baseball since he was in elementary school and went to Koshien (to support his team.) Born in Aomori and moved to Nara to play baseball when he got into high school. He makes an action soon after he decided to do. It is his first time to join MSTERIO and he will do his best to capture many happy faces.
Having recently made the big move from coast to coast, I am currently in my first year of graduate studies at California State University Long Beach, majoring in linguistics. I was born and raised in New York City, attended college at Rutgers University in New Jersey, and have now begun the next chapter of my life in Los Angeles. As an undergraduate, I worked very closely with the English department faculty and staff on linguistic research, tutoring, and general teacher's assistance. Now that I've graduated, I am slowly but steadily venturing into the exciting world of field research. When my nose is not pressed against a linguistics textbook solving foreign language grammar problems however, my hobbies still include dancing, reading, and recently, botany. This will be my third year at MSTERIO, and I can't wait to see all of my returning members as well as the shining new members of the MSTERIO family!
My name is Josh, and I am currently finishing up my fourth year of a Ph.D. program in Japanese cultural history at Columbia. My project is on the history of food and dietary health, but too often I can’t resist eating something delicious anyway! I grew up in New York and am now living in Tokyo doing research, but even though I’m a city kid at heart, I love to escape to the countryside whenever the weather gets warm. And this summer I’m especially excited to join the MSTERIO team! In my free time I’m a member of the Waseda Ceramics Club, I love cooking and traditional crafts. I can’t wait to meet all of you soon!
小学校低学年よりミステリオサマーキャンプに参加している下田実來です。今年もミステリオパスポートデザインをさせて頂きました。今回のテーマは15周年を記念したミステリオスペシャルパーティー!です。(詳しくはキャンプ当日に!) 私は今アートを学びたいので、ミステリオのスローガン、Make a differenceの真っ只中です。ミステリオで体験した世界を感謝を込めてパスポートに表現しました。スタッフとしては初参加、みなさんと過ごすミステリオの夏を心から楽しみにしていますのでよろしくお願いします。
Mirai first joined MSTERIO when she was in elementary school. She is a designer of MSTERIO Passport. Since we celebrate 15th anniversary this year, the theme of the design is “MSTERIO Special Party!”, which she will present in detail on the first day! Currently, she is learning art so she is practicing to “Make a difference”. She created a beautiful passport with her appreciation for what she had been experiencing through MSTERIO. This is her staff debut. She is looking forward to having fun with us.
アメリカのニューヨーク州立ファッション工科大学でファッションデザインを専攻しています。 この秋からは2年生。生まれも育ちもニューヨークですが、 一昨年までは年に一回、 東京に行っていました。中学までは夏の間、東京の学校で体験入学をして頂きました。趣味は散歩、音楽、映画を見たり。ミステリオに参加するのは初めてですが、皆さんとよい思い出を作るのが今から楽しみです!
I am currently attending SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology. I was born and raised in Manhattan, New York. Every summer, I go to Japan to visit my family in Tokyo. Last summer, I stayed in New York and taught art crafts to younger children in a summer camp in Bronx. My hobby is to take a long walk, listen to music and watch a movie. This would be my first summer to participate in MSTERIO. I am very excited to meet all of you and looking forward to make unforgettable memories!
この夏に高校を卒業、秋からSUNY Binghamton大学に入学します。生まれも育ちもニューヨークですが、毎夏親戚を訪ねて日本に一時国しているので、日本は僕の第二の故郷です。去年の夏は、セントラルパークのオアシスデーキャンプで働いた経験もあります。僕の趣味は読書、音楽鑑賞、ビデオゲーム、そして散歩。カウンセラーとしてみんなと過ごすこの夏を、今からとっても楽しみしています。
My name is Akira Taniguchi and I am 18 years old. I will start attending SUNY Binghamton starting this fall. I was born and raised in New York City, but I have visited my relatives in Tokyo every summer, so Japan my second home. Last summer I worked at Oasis Day Camp in Central Park and I'm very excited to work as a camp counselor again. My hobbies are to read, listen to music, play video games, and to explore my surrounding areas. I am looking forward to having a blast at MSTERIO!
Hi, my name is Maya Tomita. I am 19 years old, and just graduated from a Danish high school in Copenhagen called Gefion Gymnasium. I play piano, watch too many movies and go to museums in my spare time. This will be my 7th year in MSTERIO, but my first year as a counselor. I have been looking forward to this week all year, and can’t wait to have fun with you!
Chiba born and Tokyo bred man. He encountered MSTERIO when he was in elementary school. Since then, he has joined MSTERIO almost every year. He loves children and music. From his elementary school days of being a member of a broadcasting club, to studying topics ranging from recitation to movie production, he has since turned his interests into a hobby. During his second year of high school, he went to New Zealand to study for a year and went to the local high school. He gained some cross cultural experience as well as a little English. After returning to Japan, he attended professional school, studying directing and overall production, and immersed myself in a variety of activities. After graduation, he worked as a Banquet Producer at one of the major hotels in Tokyo directing sound and lighting, while launching a business of his own and expanding in my creative activities.
My name's Margaret, and I'm a currently a third year student studying Neuroscience at Princeton University. I'm from South Carolina, but I was born in Minnesota and raised in Connecticut. In my free time, I like reading all kinds of books and playing some ultimate frisbee. I've always wanted to visit and live in Japan, and this summer that dream has finally come true! Through Princeton in Asia's Osawa Fellowship, I am teaching English in Tokyo and traveling around Japan. I have loved my experience so far, and can't wait to be a part of MSTERIO and to meet all of you!
Koki was born in Tokyo. He is 19 years old and goes to University in Taiwan. He has been good at playing around with mechanical things he likes taking and editing both still and motion picture, and playing soccer. He had been in New Zealand for 10 months when he was in high school where he learned English and about the world. After he came back to Japan, he started to learn Chinese and went to Taiwan to study. He like fun and silly things. THis is his MISTERIO debut.
Kisho is sophomore at Tokyo University. He used to join MISTERIO as a camper but this is his first time being a staff. When he was in elementary school, he had been in France to study for about half a year so that he can communicate in French. His hobby is audio, electronic kit, guitar and chorus. He recently started to play the piano.
Part 7 MSTERIO Staff 第7弾 - さる小のご紹介
ちょうど1週間後には、ミステリオの始まり、始まりーーーー!今日は群馬さる小まで出向き、最終打ち合わせも完了。 そこで今日は3人のさる小のコアーメンバーのご紹介です。こんな素敵な方達が、私たちミステリオを迎えてくださる、なんてラッキーなんでしょう! It is ONLY IN ONE WEEK till MSTERIO BEGINS. Today we had a very nice meeting with three core members of Saru-Sho. So let us introduce them to you. They are so much looking forward to having us.
さる小 校長/Principal of Sarusho
Kenji is a school principle of Sarusho. He is from Yokohama. He quite his job for Sarusho and moved to Minakami with his family. He has been playing baseball since elementary school but has not enough talent so he had to give up to aim for the top. After graduating college, his love of sports made him work at a sports supply shop and sport related events. However, somehow he ended up working at Sarusho…
Hobby: Sports watching, Collecting sneakers
Favorite food: Everything other than greenpeas
Goal: lose 44lbs.
12月31日生まれ/出身地: 広島県。嫁(前橋出身), 子供(2歳男)の3人家族
18歳からプロミュージシャンを目指しながらも生活のためバーテンダー、クラブ、喫茶店、清掃屋、築地で出張寿司職人、トラックの運転手などアルバイト経験をし良い事も、悪い事も学校では教えてくれない社会勉強を徹底的に体に叩き込まれる(笑)音楽業界での限界を感じ、自分探しの生活をはじめる。結婚を機に就職。そこで、自分の力が発揮されるサービス業という業界にのめり込む。2008年滋慶学園グループ ジケイスペース(株)レストラン事業部にて、保養施設、カフェレストラン、ウエディング、パーティー音楽イベント事業の統括プロデューサー(兼支配人)として運営に携わる
デビュー前のインディーズアーティスト音楽イベント運営 タレント/モデルなどファンクラブイベント運営
2013年 子供が生まれると同時に退職し、知り合いゼロの群馬県みなかみ町へ移住を決断地域密着型の絶対現場主義をかかげ施設運営トータルサポート会社 Satisfaction.llc設立。現在は地元企業、みなかみ町行政のサポートや民間飲食店舗の運営、サポートなど幅広く活動を行う。カップやきそばペヤング愛好家としての顔もあり、最近各メディアで取り上げられる。
Born on December 31st/ From Hiroshima. He has a wife and son who is 2years old. He started to dream to become a musician at the age of 18. He has been working as a bartender, a staff at a club and coffee shop, a cleaner, Sushi chef at Tsukiji and a truck driver to live and learn more than he can be taught in schools. He felt the limitation of his talent as a musician and started to quest who he really is.
He started to work at a service industry when he got married and realized that his ability matched the needs. In 2008, he became a chief producer and a manager at the restaurant operation department at Jikei Space Company, which belongs to Jikei Group, and manage sanatoriums, cafes, restaurants, wedding venues, parties and music events.
Developed artist collaborations cafes with various artists such as L'arc-en-ciel, W-inds, perfume, Mai Kuraki, Aya Ueto and Bonnie Pink and more. Created artists' original menus and operated the caes. Other than that, he produced music events such as indies artist events and fan club events for TV personalities and models.
In 2013, the year his son was born, he quite his job and decided to move to Minakami where he is not familiar with at all. He established Satisfaction.llc which support the management of facilities totally. The company is community based and support actual spot 100%. Besides he supports local companies and Minakami town administration, he manage local restaurants. He is famous for being a huge Peyang Cup Fried Noodle fan.
Taiji is from Hyogo. He loves Rock and music festivals. A little shy. He moved to Gunma soon after he graduated high school this year. Learning about the world under the guidance of his uncle, Chef Masayuki.
Part 6 MSTERIO Staff 第6弾
スタッフ紹介第6弾! 様々なクラスを担当する才能豊かなADの皆さんのご紹介です。 Let us introduce the rest of our super talented MSTERIO Activity Directors.
From 1991, I was an active photographer in New York. Since witnessing the 2001 terrorist attacks in his hometown of Manhattan, I have visited and photographed Holy Lands of Prayer like Israel, Palestine, Native Indian lands, Mexico, Greece, Ukraine, France, Angkor Wat, as well as the Yunnan and Tibetan temples. From 2005, I began shooting the Ise Grand Shrine and the transitions it underwent every 20 years, which has become my life work. She won Shinto Cultural Association Lifetime Achievement Award in 2015. The photos I have taken of the Holy Land have been on display in museums in Japan, New York, Monaco, Israel, and Europe. I have appeared in all forms of media around the world, and have participated in many lectures as well
茶道/Tea Ceremony
Hana lives in Tokyo. When she was a student, she joined a club activity for tea ceremony and she fell in love. She had demonstrated a lot while she was in NY for 5 years. She would like to show children how good tea is and how joyous to experience tea ceremony. She used to live in the same apartment with Nozomi in NY and she was longing to join MSTERIO for long time.
キャンプファイアーデイレクター /Camp Fire Director
日本写真専門学校卒業、写真家国房魁に師事。コマーシャル制作等の映像制作会社に勤め 2000 年念願のペットの総合企画「ワンダフル」を設立。幼少の頃からボーイスカウト活動に携わり、50年間のキャンプ体験とアウトドアーの経験を生かしてミステリオの最後を飾るキャンプファイヤーを毎年担当。キャンプグランマ慈子(よしこ)の弟にあたり、去年古希を迎えた。東京在住。ミステリオには初回から参加。
After graduating from the Japanese School of Photography, Yu studied at Kunifusa before going on to make commercials at a film company. In 2000, he followed his dream by setting up a company for pets, named ‘Wonderful’. Using outdoor experience gained over 50 years in the Boy Scout movement, Yu is responsible for the MSTERIO campfire every year. Yu is a brother of camp grandma "Yoshiko" and celebrated his 70th birthday last year and resides in Tokyo.
ドラマデイレクター/Drama Director
「ひらけ!ポンキッキ」「ポンキッキーズ」「三谷幸喜の新・三銃士」「三谷幸喜のシャーロックホームズ」など数々の子供番組、ジャニーズミュージカルの演出、ディズニーファミリー向けウェブサイトのディレクターなどを経て、現在はNHK教育テレビ「みいつけた!」ディレクター。また東宝芸能の子ども能力開発スクールでドラマクラスを担当。演劇のワークショップの手法を取り入れ、コミュニケーション力、表現力、思考力、想像力、創造力、協調性などを育てることを目標に、子どもたちの指導をしています。 ミステリオには二回目の参加。東京在住。
Michiyo has been directing for TV show such as “Hirake, Ponkickies” “Ponkickies” “New The Three Musketeers by Koki Mitani” “Koki Mitani’s Sherlock Holmes”, for Johnny’s Musical and for the Disney website for families. Currently, she is a director of “Miitsuketa!”(NHK Educational TV). She has been an instructor for the drama class at Children’s ability development School by Toho Entertainment. She teaches children to built the power of communication, expression, consideration, imagination, creation and cooperation with techniques of drama workshops. This is her second time to join MSTERIO. She lives in Tokyo.
アートデイレクター/Art Director
8歳の時にアリゾナ州立大学のアートプログラムに参加し、アートの道に目覚める。以降、デザイン等の作品を通じ自身を表現している。アート奨学金にてブリガムヤング大学に進学。1975年には、”Artist of the Year” という年間賞を受賞。毎年、エッジマーでショッピングカートを用いたクリスマスツリーを創作。バーニーズ・ニューヨークや現代美術館での勤務経験がある。Sean O’Connor Lighting というオフィス等の照明を担当する会社の一員。東京にあるパソナ本社ビルの一部のデザインも担当。Live Style Designスタジオではインテリアデザイナーを務める。”Buy local”を推奨するローカルビジネスを支援する委員会の執行委員であり、地元カリフォルニアでは街の振興会の会長を務める。カリフォルニア州サンタモニカ在住。今年で14回目のミステリオ参加となる。インスタグラム@shoppingcarttree
Anthony's experience and education in the field of art started when at the age of 8 he attended Arizona State University. Art and Design has been his expression ever since. Artist of the year in 1975. An Art scholarship to BYU. The Artist who created the world famous Shopping Cart tree, an annual installation at Edgemar. He has worked at Barney's New York and the Museum of Contemporary Art. He is a part of the team at Sean O'Connor Lighting. You can also see his design work at Pasona in Tokyo. He is an interior designer and working with the retail furniture store Live Style Design studio. He is on the executive committee for "Buy local" encouraging communities to support their local business. He is Chairman of the Board of the Main street Business improvement association. He lives in Santa Monica, California and this is his 14th year with MSTERIO. Please follow him on Instagram @shoppingcarttree
テニスディレクター/Tennis Director
幼少時代は野球で活躍。高校時代よりテニスを始め、21歳の時、カリフォルニア州立大学ロングビーチ校への留学後、文部省テニス指導員免許を取得。数多くのテニスクラブなどでコーチを務める。その他のゴルフ(ハンディ4の)、乗馬、空手、スノーボード、マラソン、野球など経験する根っからのスポーツマン。また、調理師、行政書士、宅建主任者、などを持つ資格マニア。現在広告会社のプロデューサーとして英語教育番組 YU CAN DO IT!(MXTV)、ジュニアゴルフアカデミー(MXTV)という番組をプロデュースしている。ミステリオは初回から参加。NPO 法人LWC代表副理事。(財) 日本解決士協会理事 明治学院大学卒業。
As a child, I was very into baseball. During my high school years, I began tennis, and at age 21, attended California State University, Long Beach to later obtain my Tennis instructor license. I am currently a coach at several tennis clubs. As an overall sportsman, I love to play golf (Handicap 4), horseback ride, do karate, snowboard, run marathons, and play baseball. In addition, I am qualified as a cook, notarizer, and registered real-estate broker. Currently, I am a producer of an advertising company and am now producing shows like YU CAN DO IT! (MXTV) and Junior Golf Academy (MXTV). I have been a part of MSTERIO from the very beginning. Graduate of Meiji Gakuin University. Non-profit Organization; LWC representative Deputy Director. He is a co-founder of Japan Resolution Association,
クッキングアドヴァイザー/Cooking Director
晃華学園卒業、フェリス女学院大学卒業後1995年から浜田山の自宅で「salon de R」を主宰。「マダムなおうちごはん」から「おもてなしのコーディネイト」まで家庭料理を楽しく大胆に調理を伝授し、笑いあふれる料理教室として人気沸騰中。30年来関わっている小学生の国際キャンプCISVを通して「食は一番身近な外交」「食することは人の輪なり」と感じて、国内の出張料理のみならず、NY、ヒューストン、シンガポールなどで料理教室を開催。食を通じた国際交流に力を注いでいる。食品会社のレシピ開発、雑誌、ラジオ番組などでも活躍中。行政の男性料理教室、父子料理クラスの講師としても長年にわたり継続中。また、山梨県の精神病院の患者さんへの治療の一環としての料理教室も1998年以来継続中。
After graduating Koka High School and Ferris University, she opened “salon de R” at home in Hamadayama in 1995. She is popular food coordinator/chef who teaches “fabulous home cooking meal”, “party coordination full with hospitality” and various type of recipes. She has been involved in International Camp for elementary pupils for 30 years and learn “Cuisine is the most familiar diplomacy” and “Eating together makes circle of people”. By learning this essential things, she started cooking classes for people not only in all over Japan but also with people in NY, Houston and Singapore. She practices international exchange by her own way with food. She is continuously developing new recipes for food companies and you can see and hear her in the magazines and on the radios. She has been teaching for the patients in a mental hospital in Yamanasi as a part of their treatment since 1998. She joined MSTERIO in 2013. In 2014, she did an exclusive cooking class for MSTERIO moms. Her recipe book “Onigiri Recipe 101” both in Japanese and English last year. This book launched in Taiwan this year.
Part 5 MSTERIO Staff 第5弾
今日は、期間中キャンパーたちの健康状態を細かく見守るメデイカルスタッフたちをご紹介します! まず最初はミステリオですっかりおなじみになったナースのくまちゃんから! Today we would like to introduce our "medical" staff during MSTERIO. Here comes KUMA-chan, nurse first!!
斉木 篤信 (くまちゃん)/Atsunobu Saiki (Kumachan)
ニックネームはくまちゃん。 見た目も熊みたい。
2011年宮城県気仙沼で被災地医療支援活動従事。現在、小児科勤務と看護学校講師を兼任しています。高校時代より肉体労働を幅広く経験し、一方で家庭教師等も多く経験。特技はマッサージ。趣味は何かを考えていることや絵を描くこと、体を動かすスポーツが大好きですが、足を怪我してからはやや自粛してます。ミステリオは今年で 4回目の参加。学校の先生もやっているので、健康相談から悩み相談など幅広くいつでも相談にのりますよ。
Atsunobu who is better known as Kuma-chan, which means Teddy Bear, looks like huge bear. After graduating from an agricultural college, he worked for a while and enrolled at a nursing school. In 2008, he traveled all over Japan by walking. He started to work as a disaster support medic at Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture in 2011. Currently, he works as a nurse at the department of Pediatric and a nursing school lecturer in Tokyo. When he was in highschool, he experienced to work as a physical laborer and a tutor. He is skilled physical therapist. He likes to think, draw and enjoy sports. It is his 4th time at MSTERIO.
医師/Medical Doctor
東京生まれ、カリフォルニア育ち、ボストン在住。形成外科医。小児科医が“魔法使い”であると信じ、 “魔法使い”を3歳の時に志す。現在、マサチューセッツ総合病院/ハーバード大学医学部にてリサーチフェローとして口唇口蓋裂などの頭蓋顔面部先天奇形に関わる遺伝子の研究中。中学時より、子どもを笑顔にするためのボランティア活動に関わり続けており、世界中の子どもたちにhappy faceを届けたい。シアタアートと医療の融合が最大の夢。人 (特に子ども、若者!)、ニューヨーク、ミュージカル、ディズニー、ストーリー、ファッション、おいしいもの、考えること、チャレンジすることが大好き。嫌いなことを克服することや集中することが特技。ミステリオは2回目の参加。
Kana Ishii M.D., is a Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon who was born in Tokyo and grew up in California. When she was 3 years old, she met a pediatrician who she thought is a wizard. Currently, she is a Ph.D. candidate and working as a research fellow at Craniofacial Developmental Biology Laboratory at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. She is passionate about volunteering for kids and have been doing it since she was in junior high school. Her biggest dream is to bring the power and energy of the live theater to the medical field to encourage children and to make them happy. This is her 2nd year at MSTERIO.
カジンスキー リチャード/Richard Kaszynski
医師/Medical Doctor
3歳で父親を癌で亡くし、カリフォルニア州にて女手一つの母に育てられる。リチャードを含む3兄弟は、幼い頃から苦労が絶えなかったが、母の背中から惜しまぬ努力の大切さ学び、亡き父親の友人たちに支えられながら、より良い社会のために尽力することを誓う。マサチューセッツ総合病院/ハーバード大学医学部での厳しい2年間のフェローシップを修了し、2015年5月より、東京大学大学院医学系研究科 法医学・医事法学に入る。今後はアメリカ、日本、アフリカをはじめとしたニーズのある地域での医療支援をしたいと思っている。MSTERIOは初参加。
After losing his father to cancer at the age of 3, Richard and his three brothers were raised by his mother in the sunny state of California. Although there were plenty of hardships to overcome in his youth, he took to heart the hard work ethic embodied his mother, along with the selfless support of his father's friends, and vowed to one day do his part to make society a better place. After completing a rigorous two year fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, he took on a position at the Department of Forensic Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine (Tokyo University) from May 2015. Moving forward, he hopes to provide medical support to families in the US, Japan, Africa and other parts of the world who cannot provide for themselves. First time participating in MSTERIO.
Atsuko was born in Tokyo. After graduation from Japanese Red Cross College of Nursing, she had been working at Japanese Red Cross Medical Center Division of Hematology, Tokyo Jikei University School of Medicine Hospital Division of Pediatric and is currently working at Division of Pelvic Oncology. She is the youngest among siblings and was raised being loved by people around her. Happy face is her trade mark. She has been practicing swimming, dance, rhythmic sportive gymnastics and piano when she was little. In high school, she played volleyball. She loves sports. She also loves to cook and wants to make everything from a scratch. She wanted to involved in children in developing countries for long time and has been searching and thinking what she can do for them. She first heard about MSTERIO from the campfire director Isamu when she was in college and has been longing to join MSTERIO since then. Now she has been working as a nurse for several years and is excited about joining for the first time finally. She wants to enjoy with full of happy faces, share lots of experiences and express with global and active MSTERIO family.
Part 4 MSTERIO Staff 第四弾
濱川 なぎさ/Nagisa Hamakawa (写真の左一番奥)
It’s been 14 years since I sent my son to MSTERIO for the first time. I was jealous to hear about MSTERIO from children. My turn has come finally. I am looking forward to enjoy MSTERIO serving in the Kitchen. MSTERIO Staff debut.
Setsuko is living in Tokyo. She has never been good good at English at all but she went to Canada to study with her guts when she was a student. She believes that words will be told by heart. She worked as a secretary at a stock company and cell phone company. Even after her marriage, she has been working in various types of business, for instance as an assistant for an advertisement design company. She had been living in London with her husband for 5 years and after that she spent 4 years in New York City. She and her husband love dogs and they have a cute dog which is like their baby. She is now working at an operating company for a gourmet site and continuously considering about what she can do for rescued dogs. This is her first time joining MSTERIO.
Mai is living in Tokyo. Her roots are from Nagasaki and Nagoya. She first joined MSTERIO in 2009 and this is her 5th time. As a kitchen staff, she feel joy to see everyone enjoying their food. She came to Tokyo to create music song after her high school graduation. She is composing her own music. Favorites: Karaoke, cooking, walking in the sun, yummy food and kind people.
デイレクターの”のぞみ”とは、小学校1年の時から、ずーっと親友。ミステリオに参加するのは今回で3回目。次男は高校1、2年の2年間キャンパーとして参加。長男は、東北震災直後の福島県郡山で行われたミステリオ・ボランテイアーに参加した。好きなことは、食べること、お料理、SMAP(特にライヴ) など楽しいこと全て。今年もミステリオを楽しみにしています。
Nozomi and I have been best friends since we were first grade. It is my 3rd time in MSTERIO. My second son had joined MSTERIO as a camper when he was Sophomore and Junior. My first son joined MSTERIO Volunteer which was held soon after the earthquake and Tsunami at Koriyama, Fukushima. I love to eat, cook, SMAP and any fun stuffs. I am looking forward to spend my time at MISTERIO again.
引き続き、クラスを教えてくださる4名のADのご紹介! 4 more Activitiy Directors!!
ドラマデイレクター/Drama Director
俳優座所属。高校卒業後、日本大学芸術学部映画学科に入学。大学1年在学中に劇団俳優座一般公開公募 試験に合格。その後演出家千田是也氏の目にとまり、"カラマーゾフの兄弟"のリーザ役で デビュー。現在は舞台、テレビ、映画、海外ドラマの吹きかえ、コマーシャルなど多数活躍中。「十二夜」ヴァイオラ、「ヴェニスの商人」ポーシャなどシェイクスピア作品から国内の現代劇への出演で幅広い演技には定評あり。2007~2008年、 出演・制作を手がけた一人芝居『花いちもんめ』を秋田、東京、NY で成功させた。2013年、ロンドンの世界最長ロングラン60周年プレミアム日本公演「マウストラップ」では、個性的な役ケースウェルを好演、高い評価を得る。また、2007年には映画監督としてデビュー、監督作品は日本国内の映画祭で各賞を受賞。2010 年はアジア最大の短編映画祭で入賞するなど監督としての評価も高い。2015年秋には主演舞台「ヘッダ・ガーブレル」のタイトルロールが待っている。ミステリオには2005年からドラマディレクターとして参加、特にシニアキャンパーと CIT の演劇指導にあたる。また、ミステリオウェブサイトのミステリオビデオのナレーションもつとめている。東京在住。
Seiko is an actress and a member of Haiyu-za, a theater company. After graduating from high school, she entered the film department of the school of arts at Nihon University. During her first year she was accepted into Haiyu-za after passing an open audition. Currently she appears on stage, in television, movies and commercials, and does voiceovers for foreign dramas. She is known for her ability to play a wide range of characters, including Viola in Twelfth Night, Portia in Merchant of Venice, and characters in modern Japanese dramas. In 2007-2008, she successfully produced and starred in her own one-woman play, Hana Ichimonme, in Akita, Tokyo and New York. This year, Seiko played an unique role in the premium performance of The Mousetrap, the world’s longest-running show celebrating its 60th anniversary from London, and was highly rated for her excellent acting. In 2007, she debuted as a film director, her first film winning several awards at Japanese film festivals. Her film won a prize in 2010 at one of the largest short-film festivals in Asia. She is going to star in a play “Hedda Gabler” as a title role this coming fall. At MSTERIO, she's been a drama director since 2005. Seiko is also the narrator of the MSTERIO camp video on the MSTERIO website. She resides in Tokyo.
ミュージックディレクター/Music Director
演奏家・作曲家・指導者・司会者・語り手、いくつもの顔をもつ。桐朋学園大学音楽学部ピアノ専攻卒業後、ピアノ・打楽器・笛・歌・語りなど、20種類以上の楽器を操る型破りな奏者となり、葉加瀬太郎、古澤巌、藤原道山、岡幸二郎、葛山信吾、瀬奈じゅん、石井正則(アリtoキリギリス)ほか数多くのトップアーティストと共演。NHK ラジオに楽曲提供、東宝芸能・関西テレビ放送制作の舞台音楽を担当し楽曲提供など作曲活動も行う。司会者として、BSフジテレビ「Beポンキッキーズ」に出演。文化庁主催「文化芸術による子供の育成事情」にて、東京フィルハーモニー交響楽団 公演の司会とボディパーカッション指導を務める。ボディパーカッション講師として、これまでに約5万人以上にレクチャーを行う。和太鼓奏者の姉との姉妹デュオ「ヤマモト万歳」、2人で20種類以上の楽器を演奏する「アラカルト」のユニット活動も行う。ミステリオキャンプは5回目の参加。みんなと一緒に心から音を楽しめたら、最高に幸せ!
Aika holds many faces as a musician, composer, leader, master of ceremonies, storyteller. After graduating from Toho Gakuen School of Music with a major in Piano and making a debut as a musician mastering over 20 instruments, she co-starred with top musicians including Taro Hakase, Iwao Furusawa, Douzan Fujiwara, Shingo Katsurayama, and many more. Aside from performing, she also works as a composer: she has provided music to NHK Radio as well as to a stage produced by Toho Entertainment and Kansai Telecasting Corporation. Aika is seen on “Be Ponkickies,” a show from BS Fuji Television Networks. In an event sponsored by Japan’s Agency for Cultural Affairs, she worked as a M.C. and taught body percussion to the audience. Her activities as a musician include performing as Yamamoto-Banzai, a duo with her older sister who plays the Japanese drums, and A La Carte, also a duo that plays over twenty different instruments. Her other activities include teaching body percussion workshops around Japan; so far Aika taught over 50,000 people. This will be her fifth time at MSTERIO. She hopes enjoy playing music with everyone!
久保田 直樹(吟水)/Naoki Kubota (Ginsui)
書道ディレクター/Caligraphy Director
Naoki is a calligrapher (following the Shinyo Style) from Gifu. His pseudonym is Ginsui. Naoki first came to Tokyo in 2007, where he held exhibitions in Bunkyo-ku, Setagaya-ku, and Shibuya-ku. His main activities include teaching calligraphy, holding exhibitions and lectures, and providing title letters for name plates, business cards, signboards, bridal information, music videos (e.g. Shonan no Kaze, Momoiro Clover Z, nobodyknows, TM Revolution, etc.), and lyrics (e.g. Miliyah Kato). This is his third year at MSTERIO.
パティシエデイレクター/Patissiere Director
福岡県出身。2005年に早稲田大学、レコールバンタンを卒業後、「人を幸せにできる仕事がしたい」とパティシエールの道へ。辻口博啓シェフのお菓子教室SUPER SWEETS SCHOOL自由が丘校立ち上げ、スイーツレッスン講師、企業向け商品開発・技術指導、TV・雑誌・書籍のレシピ開発などの活動の傍、NYでもスイーツイベントを開催するなど海外にも進出。お菓子作りをもっと”簡単に””楽しく””美味しく「大切な人を幸せにするお菓子作り」をコンセプトに、お菓子作りを通じてたくさんの幸せを届けられるよう活躍中。
Yukino was born in Fukuoka. After graduating for Waseda University and L’ecole Vantan、she decided to become Patissiere to make people happy. She was a part of the team when Chef Hironobu Tsujiguchi established his own pastry and baking class Super Sweet School Jiyugaoka. She has been working as pastry lesson instructor, collaborating with food company to create new products. You can find her on TV and in magazines and books as well. She is working not only in Japan but also in abroad as New York to spread happiness through baking. Easier and funner “baking to make your loving ones happy” is a concept of her baking.
昨日に引き続き、今年のミステリオでクラスを担当し子供達に教えてくださる4名のAD = ACTIVITY DIRECTOR(アクテイビテイー・デイレクター)をご紹介します! (*ADとはミステリオ期間中クラスを担当し、教えるプロの方たちのこと。)
水泳デイレクター/Swimming Director
長野県出身。横浜国立大学大学院修了し、小学校、中学・高校保健体育教員修士免許取得。2011年にユーラシア大陸2万キロを自転車で走破。後のNPO法人の礎となる「世界の子どもを一本の糸でつなげるプロジェクト」を実施。5003人の子どもをつなげる。2012年にはトライアスロンのロングディスタンスで世界選手権出場。2013年、旅と教育に特化したNPO法人Connection of the Childrenを立ち上げ、現在は世界を体感する教育プログラム「プラベルケーション」を各種教育機関に提案するほか、世界がリアルにつなる場「カサコ」を横浜市と連携し運営している。休日には、トルコ料理屋で店長をしていた経験を活かし、各国の料理を作る会をカサコで実施したり、茶道や華道をしたり、スラックラインやボルダリングを楽しんだりしている。著書に「ユーラシア大陸自転車横断2万キロの旅」がある。ミステリオは初参加。
Kosuke is from Nagano. After graduating from Yokohama National University Graduate School, he acquired Educational Personnel Certification for Health and Physical Education. He had accomplished crossing Eurasian Continent, 12,5000 miles, by bicycle in 2011. He started the project “Connecting children all over the world with one thread”, which is a basis of his NPO and succeeded to connect 5,003 children. In 2012, he joined Long Distance Triathlon World Championship. In 2013, NPO Connection of the children, which is specialized in traveling and education was established. Currently, he is providing educational program “Plavelcation” to experience the world and running the place called “CasaCo” where you can be connected to the world with Yokohama City. He is enjoying cooking international cuisine at CasaCo, Japanese tea ceremony and flower arrangement, slacklining and bouldering during the weekend. He has written a book “A bicycle trip crossing Eurasian Continent 20,000 km”. This is his first time to join MSTERIO.
ダンスデイレクター/Dance Director
東京生まれ。幼少の頃からピアノ、ジャズダンス、タップダンスを始め、本格的に学ぶ。洗足学園高等学校ピアノ科入学、在学途中、声楽科に転科し卒業。洗足学園音楽大学ミュージカルコース第1期入学。同校首席卒業。卒業後、カリフォルニアを拠点とするパフォーマンス/教育団体"The Young Americans"入団のため渡米。ツアー:カリフォルニア・ショート・プログラム・ツアー、ジャパンツアー、UKツアー。ショー:ザ・ヤングアメリカンズ・ショー(カリフォルニア)、トリビュートショー(日本)、ザ・マジック・オブ・クリスマス(カリフォルニア)、ザ・ターベル・ミュージックマン・コンサート(ブロードウェイキャストと共演)。帰国後はミュージカル、ショー等に出演しながらも振付、ダンス指導に力を注ぐ。前田清実率いるドラスティックダンス”O”カンパニープレップメンバー。主な出演作品 には「きよこお姉さんと歌ってあそぼ」、Drastic Dance「Studious」、「なつめの夜の夢」、ミュージカル「ハロー・ドーリー!」「ME AND MY GIRL」「スクルージ〜クリスマス・キャロル」「ミスサイゴン」「メンフィス」今年12月には赤坂ACTシアターにてミュージカル「スクルージ〜クリスマス・キャロル」(主演・市村正親)の再演が決定。ミステリオには3回目の参加。ミステリオクリスマスパーテイーのサンターズの振り付けも担当。
Arisa was born in Tokyo. She started to practice piano, jazz dance and tap dance when she was a little girl and has been learning them professionally since then. She entered Senzoku Gakuen High School majoring piano but changed her major to vocal. She is one of a first student of Senzoku Gakuen College of Music Musical Theater course and she graduated at the top of the list. After graduation, she went to California to become a member of The Young Americans, the educational and performing organization. She had been performing and touring with the group for 2 years. Tours: California Short Program Tour, Japan Tour, UK Tour. Shows: The Young Americans Show(La Mirada Theater, CA),Tribute Show(Japan),The Magic of Christmas(La Mirada,Palm Springs,CA),The Tarbel Show Music Man Concert with Broadway Casts. After coming back from the United States, she has been performing for musicals and shows professionally while she teaches dance and choreograph. She is a member of the drastic dance “O” company which is presented by Kiyomi Maeda. Musicals and shows: Kiyoko Onesan to Utatte Asobo, Drastic Dance ”Studious”, Natsume no yoru no yume, Hello Dolly!, Me and My Girl, Scrooge - Christmas Carol, Miss Saigon, Memphis.She will be in Scrooge company again this winter with Masachika Ichimura. This is her 3rd time in MISTERIO. She has been a choreographer for Santas for MSTERIO Christmas party.
ドラマデイレクター/Drama Director
1993年 第79期生として宝塚歌劇団に男役として入団
2008年 宝塚史上最年少で月組組長に就任。月組生80人を牽引し数々の公演を成功に導く
2013年10月 宝塚歌劇団卒業
2014年3月 150周年スイス日本友好年記念行事公式開会式にて日本とスイスの国歌独唱
4月 プレミアリーグ優勝決定戦にて国歌独唱
6月 カンヌにてモナコ公国アルベール2世大公主催パーティーにてパフォーマンス
1993 Joined The Takarazuka Revue as a male role actress
2008 Become the youngest leader of Moon troupe
2013 October Graduating from The Takarazuka Revue
2014 March Sang national anthems of Japan and Switzerland at 150 Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Switzerland
April Sang a national anthem at V Premier League
June Performed at the party thrown by Albert II, Prince of Monaco Cannes Currently she is a narrator for the TV show “Otonakai” (MBS) and keep performing on stage as well.
ミュージックデイレクター/Music Director
作曲家。小学校の音楽教師の影響を受け、女性作曲家を志す。国立音楽大学卒業後、ピアノ教師として活動。その後、バークリー音楽院に留学。帰国後、身近な題材で自らピアノを弾きながら歌うようになる。2008年より独自の練習方法でコーラスを指導、一緒に舞台に立つというコンサートを各地で開催。2010年4月より2年間 NHK歌うコンシェルジェでホステス役を努める。震災後海外からの支援への感謝を込めた楽曲Heros2011Japanを作曲。作曲活動の傍らライブコンサート、学校、各種施設訪問など全国広く活動中。現在はテレビ朝日ワイドスクランブルの水曜コメンテーターを始めラジオなどでも活躍中。この春には社団法人 Music for Heartsを設立。 http://rrampappa.com/
Composer. Mariko was influenced by a music teacher in elementary school and she decided to become a composer. After graduating from Kunitachi College of music, she learned music at Berklee College of Music. She started to sing and compose music influenced by everything around her. In 2008, she created original way to train chorus group and has been singing with them all around the country. Since April 2010, she had hosted a show called “Singing concierge”, NHK for 2 years. After a tragedy in Tohoku, she composed “Hero 2011 Japan” to thank people abroad who support Tohoku and Japan. This spring, she established “Music for Hearts”.
MSTERIO いよいよ2週間を切りました!ONLY in less than TWO weeks!!
It is only in 12 days till MSTERIO begins! So we would like to start introducing all of our staff members with their bios and photos every day until 7/24.
寺尾 のぞみ/Nozomi Terao
デイレクター (総責任者)&キャンプマザー/Founder, Director & Camp Mom
アメリカ大使館商務省、フジテレビ制作部、伊藤忠商事アメリカの社長秘書を経て、1987年モルガンスタンレー証券東京支社に入社、1989年ニューヨーク、本社モルガンスタンレー証券会社に移籍、エグゼクテイブ・デイレクターを経て2006年退社。モルガンスタンレー在籍中の2001年にミステリオを立ち上げ、日本へは年間4回行ったり来たりの生活を続けている。2011年にニューヨークで立ち上げた非営利団体MSTERIO.org(旧HappyDoll.org) 世界の子供達をつなげる活動に力を注ぐ傍ら、Princeton in Asia、Ashinaga, Inc., Engaged Asia, Music for Hearts など教育関係のボードメンバー(理事)も務めている。
アメリカに生活し仕事をする傍ら、90年代後半から"日本人としてのアイデンティティーを忘れずに地球人になるためには何ができるか"と問いかけを始める。"身の回りの小さなことからはじめてみよう"とミステリオをスタート。30年ちかい海外生活から学んだ多くのことをもとに、次の時代を担う子どもたちや、大人と一緒に考える場をミステリオに見つける。自分で考え、感じながら、自分の好きなことを発見できる環境を、いつでも戻ってこれる場の提供、そして自分の力で楽しく力強く生き抜けるように、これからも多方面に渡りアメリカと日本で充実した時間の提供をし続けたいと考えている。ミステリオには初回から夫であるジョシュア・レヴィーン、両親、弟も参加。義息子の参加は今年で4回目。4 歳から始めたピアノに力を注ぎ、高校時代はオーケストラとのソロの演奏の経験を持つ。クラシックピアノの即興演奏や、ランニングなどにも夢中。ニューヨーク・フルマラソンでは何度も完走、ウーマンモア・マラソン、初回の東京マラソンにも出場。双子の義娘と義息子を持つ。JAA & US Japan Council のメンバー。
Nozomi Terao is the Founder and Director of MSTERIO, a company that uniquely connects young people through shared experience for mutual understanding and respect. Through its two main programs, International Summer Camp MSTERIO and MSTERIO Teens, participants strive for ways to "make a difference" for themselves and for others. Nozomi is active in business and the arts, in both Japan and the US. She was born and educated in Japan. At 17, Nozomi went to Chicago as an exchange student and attended her senior year at a public high school there. She worked at the American Embassy in Tokyo, Fuji Television's morning show, Itochu International in New York, and Morgan Stanley where she was employed for 18 years, ultimately as an Executive Director. While she was at Morgan Stanley, she has founded MSTERIO.jp.
As of Jan., 2011 she has founded a non-profit organization MSTERIO.org (formerly HappyDoll.org.) in New York to connect children around the world.
Nozomi has long thought about ways to contribute to the lives of children, asking herself: "How can we make a difference in their lives?" "How can we help them maintain their own identity?" "What does it mean to be a truly international person?" (Not merely by speaking different languages, but by remaining open to other people and cultures). "What can we offer children and how can we enjoy life with them?" MSTERIO was created in this spirit. Life always presents us with challenges, yet we can still have fun. She encourages everyone at MSTERIO to enjoy his or her time together.
She enjoys playing “improvisational” classical piano and running. Since 2005 she has run a New York full marathon 4 times, Women More Marathon and Tokyo Marathon. Nozomi devotes her full time to MSTERIO and several charity organizations including Princeton in Asia, Ashinaga, Inc, Engaged Asia, Inc., Music for Hearts, and few others as a board member.
Her husband Joshua Levine, her parents, and a brother have been joining her since 2001. Nozomi has twin stepdaughters and a stepson, Thomas. Thomas has also participated 4 times in a past. She is a member of JAA NY and US Japan Council.
レビーン ジョシュア /Joshua Levine
キャンプファザー/Camp Dad
Josh has had a long career in technology, both on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley. The recipient of many industry awards, Josh is a board director of many companies and non-profit organizations. He has run in six marathons, five in NYC and one in Tokyo.
イングリッシュデイレクター/English Director
I am Thomas and I am originally from New York but I am currently living in Tokyo, more specifically in Ryogoku which is famous for sumo wrestling ! I work as an English teacher at IgsZ which is a school that helps Japanese students who are interested in applying to universities abroad, especially in America but other English speaking countries as well. In my free time, I enjoy running, listening to music, and eating interesting food. This is my fourth year at MSTERIO. I hope to have another unforgettable experience here!
キャンプグランマ/Camp Grandma
東京在住。小学校から大学まで教会主催の日曜学校や YMCA,YWCA のキャンプなど数多く子どもに関わることに参加。国立音楽大学保育科(現幼児教育科)を卒業後、教会付属幼稚園で日曜学校教師、教論を経て結婚。二人の子ども(一女一男)を育てる。ミステリオには初回から参加。グランマとして子どもたちの精神的ケアを担当、キッチンスタッフの一員でもある。ストーリーテラーとして毎年手作り紙芝居を披露。ニューヨークの子ども病院で紙芝居の読み聞かせも体験。介護施設のお誕生会などで歌や紙芝居のボランティア活動も行う。子ども大好き、音楽大好き、テニス万能。18 才の時、 富山県北アルプスの剣岳の登頂を経験する。 ニューヨークでは 6 キロレースランニングにも挑戦。2008年から 2年連続で東京マラソン10キロレースを完走しメダルを獲得。毎日欠かさない 100回のスクワットが健康の秘訣。79才とは思えないエネルギーの持ち主。モットーは継続は力なり。
Throughout her youth, Yoshiko attended and also volunteered at numerous camps and events for children including the YMCA and YWCA programs and sunday school at her church. After graduating from Kunitachi College of Music where she majored in early childhood education, she became a sunday school kindergarten teacher. Having brought up two children of her own, Yoshiko has participated in MSTERIO since the very beginning as the camp mother - now the camp grandmother. In addition to being a key kitchen staff member and a camp storyteller using her had made "Kamishibai", she is in charge of the camper's well being. She has also read "Kamishibai" at New York Children's Hospital. She volunteers as a storyteller at birthday parties in a nursing home. She loves children and music. She is an avid tennis player. When Yoshiko was 18, she experienced the summit of the Tsurugidake, the Northern Alps, in Toyama Prefecture. Yoshiko has completed the 6 kilometer race in New York, and the 10 kilometer Tokyo Marathon for two consecutive years since 2008. She resides in Tokyo. Even though she is 79 years old and has the energy of a young girl. The secret to her health is her daily ritual of 100 squats. Her motto is "Endurance equals power."
寺尾 睦男(むっちー)/Mutsuo Terao (Mucchi)
キャンプグランパ/Camp Grandpa
Mutsuo (Mucchi) has worked at Lion’s corporation as an executive vice president. He is now an adviser to the Japan Ad Council. He has experience as a visiting professor at Yamano Fine Arts Junior College, and as a lecturer at Taisho University. He has also served on the Evaluation Committee at Nagoya Gakugei University and has been a radio personality on BS radio. In addition, he is on the deliberations committee for Bunka broadcasting and Fuji Television Network, was the Chairman of the broadcasting deliberation committee for the CS110 television tuner, and was also the Director of the Japan Association of Advertising Photographers. He presides over the media consultant “Office Terao.” He has published two books. As the “Camp Grampa”, everyone calls him by his nickname “Mucchi”, and his storytelling with picture book illustrations ”Kamishibai” is very popular among the MSTERIO campers. Mutsuo has participated in MSTERIO since the first year, and his rich life experience and great sense of humor is loved by all. He’s a graduate from St. Paul University, with a BA in Economics. He resides in Tokyo with his beautiful wife Yoshiko. He is a board member of the NPO Love the World Communications. He has started a Facebook at age 82 and now he is 86 years old.
聖子さんCMに! Seiko is on CM
さあーミステリオサマーキャンプまで、あと19日! 準備も着々、今年のスタッフやアクテイビテイーデイレクターのメンバーも決定。
その中で、毎年ドラマの指導をしてくださっている俳優座の女優・田野聖子さんの出演していらっしゃるPANA HOMEのCMが公開になりました。西島秀俊さんとの共演版!
20日の夜は 大学時代からこれまで何度もスタッフとして手伝ってくださったAKARIが関西に転勤が決まった為、息子のこーせー君とミステリオの仲間たちとお別れ夕食会を企画。おいしい中華でワイワイ楽しく盛り上がりました。
22日には、去年サマーキャンプでお料理を教えてくださった山田玲子さんが、ミステリオ特別クッキンレッスンを、美しいお庭のご自宅のサロンで開催してくださいました。そこで久しぶりに会った、元キャンパーのママたちや、初代カウンセラーの Wakana。そのWakanaは素敵な三児のママ。また、14年前初回と二回目ミステリオに、アートデイレクターとして活躍してくださったMegumiもお友達を連れての参加。
玲子さんが考えてくださったミステリオサマーメニューは、すべてがと〜〜〜ってもおいしくて簡単にできるものばかり。マンゴとセロリのマリネ、ささみを使っての、ささみdeセサミ。次に登場したのは、玲子さんの十八番 バーニヤガウダー。どんなお野菜も、このソースと一緒に限りなくバリバリ食べてしまいます。そして最後は 16穀米を使ってセロリとビーマン入りのおにぎりと、麦茶で炊いたショウガがたっぷりのおにぎりで締め。
最後に、今年ミステリオのパスポートのデザインをしてくれたミライからもメッセージが届いています。彼女は今、高校3年生。小学校低学年からミステリオに参加。ミステリオパスポートのデザインは今年で3年目。今回のパスポートは「新しい自分の発見」をイメージしてみたとのこと。そんな彼女からのメッセージ ”小学生の時から作品作りが大好きでミステリオのアートの時間は私にとって素晴らしいひと時でした。今もアートで自分を表現することが日常です。皆さんもミステリオパワーを感じてみて下さい。大発見がたくさんあります。楽しんで下さい!”
この4月ミステリオティーンズの講師として来てくださったコミック・アーティストのミサコ・ロックスさんが、なんと日テレNEWS ZEROのZERO humanに出演されました。
(注) 添付のテレビ画面の写真は、番組を見ていたご友人が撮られたものです。
6/7-8: 気鋭のパフォーマンスグループ GRINDER-MAN の演出による新感覚イベント 『ZETTAI RED』(二子玉川ライズ・13:00〜 & 15:30〜 ・無料) ←ジャンベで出演
6/9-27: 東京フィルハーモニー交響楽団 公演 (北海道・青森・秋田・宮城・岩手・福島) 司会 & ボディパーカッションで出演
6/13: 芸人でもあり俳優でもある、アリtoキリギリス・石井正則さんとの 『朗読と音楽で綴るコンサート』 (亀戸文化センター・19:00〜・¥4,000)ピアノ・パーカッション・鍵盤ハーモニカ・他で出演
【出演】 石井正則(アリtoキリギリス) 上田亜希子(ゲスト) 山本愛香(ピアノ・パーカッション 他)
取扱い: チケットぴあ 0570-02-9999 http://pia.jp/t (Pコード434-437) お問い合わせ: 03-5626-2121
そして、ミステリオの仲間やそのご家族、お友達の中にも観にいってくださったSEIKOさんの俳優座70周年記念のお芝居”七人の墓友” もそれはそれは盛況に終ったとのこと、おめでとう、SEIKO-san! 今年のサマーキャンプでは、どんなお芝居を中高生と作り上げていただけるか、、、、今からとても楽しみです。
最後にみなさんにもブログでお伝えした、Linda Hoaglund映画監督の新作の為のキャンペーンも無事に終了しました。お陰さまで目標額400万円も達成し、あとは映画の完成を待つばかり!!! Congratulation, LINDA!
Two Fantastic News from MSTERIO
2020年、東京でのオリンピック開催が決定しましたね、わあ〜〜〜あと7年。 ということは、なんと!!!! 東京オリンピックの夏、同時期にミステリオも20周年を迎えることになります。どんな夏になるのか、今からワクワクドキドキ。
まず今週の木曜日、9月12日 秦万里子さんのライブコンサートのお知らせから。この夏、お忙しいスケジュールをぬってサマーキャンプに参加してくださった万里子さんに是非会いに行ってみませんか?
場所は六本木のSTB139(スィートベイジル)題して『秦万里子のMOTTAINAIライブ Vol.3』
これを読んだら今すぐにこちらに電話をしてお席を予約してくださいね。お申し込み:STB139 ☎ 03-5474-0139
もう1つのお知らせは、昨年のミステリオクリスマスパーテイーにゲストとしてお迎えした濱田朝美さんの近況をお知らせします。彼女は、難病と闘いながら車いす生活で歌手を目指し、亡きお母様との約束を果たすべく紅白出場を目指しておられます。朝美さんは、同じくミステリオクリスマスパーテイーで、手相を見てくださった占い・姓名判断 アスタマニャーナの藤原琢也さんのアドバイスで今年の4月に天羽柚月(あまはゆづき)さんと改名なさいました。
柚月さんはこの夏、土屋アンナさんの舞台降板で、その原作者として一躍注目を受けられましたが、このたび 9月18日(水曜日)日本テレビ放送の『世界仰天ニュース』で、彼女の半生が取り上げられることになりました。それは波瀾万丈だった彼女の半生、辛くても苦しくても、いつもいつも笑顔で明るい彼女を、どうかみなさんこれからもずっとずっと応援してくださいね。
It's been ONE month since......番外編その1
MSTERIO POWER?? It's small world!
黒澤有美さん お琴ライブ IN JAPAN
そして、 今年になって彼女は長髪をばっさり、、、イメージチェンジ&大変身した有美さん、見て見てこのポスター、素敵でしょ。
3月5日 マリオス盛岡市民文化ホール 18:30開場、19:00時開演
3月7日 被災地訪問 山田町小学校 3月9日 京都 NAMUホール 18:30開場、19:00時開演 3月15日 東京 月見る君想フ 18:30開場、19:00開演
ゲスト:ディープシング(タブラ)、MC guarrilla radio (山田晋也、ラップ)
お問い合わせ:(株)パレード 江下 090−5438ー5888
Seiko is performing MOUSETRAP by Agatha Christies in Tokyo!
よしこの部屋 - Yoshiko's Room
2001年から毎年MSTERIOに参加してくれている人気者、Camp Mother(キャンプマザー)だけでなくテニスのアシスタント、キッチンスタッフ、ストーリーテラーと、若者の誰にも負けないほどの元気なよしこさんは、2年前からCamp Grandma (キャンプグランマー)に昇格。 今日は、そんな彼女の今までの人生の数々の経験を、時折このブログで紹介していきたいと思います。
彼女は、 東京・三鷹生まれ。だからなんと今年で76才、ねずみ年、血液型O。
なんと生まれた日は、 昭和 11年 1月1日元旦のお正月。(西暦1936年)
その上、生まれた時間は午後 1時と、全部 1並び。
さて、よしこさんのバースデー元旦は、 一年のうちで 一番おめでたい日。だから 病院中でお祝いしてくれたそう、その上なんと出産費用は無料だったとのこと。
その 3年前に、よしこさんのお兄さんが誕生した日は、今の天皇陛下と同じ日バースデーの12月23日。これまた 国を上げてのお祝いで 、ちょうちん 行列まで町中を練り歩いたそうです。
よしこさんの下には、妹が二人、弟が二人、つまりよしこさんは6人兄弟の長女。6人も兄弟がいた子ども時代、よしこさんのお母さんのアイデアで、日本国中がお祝いをする元旦に、6人の子供たちのバースデーを全員一緒にお雑煮でお祝いしたそうです。なぜって、元旦は日本国中がお休みだし、年の最初の日にみんな一緒に”おめでとう”って祝ってくれるから、こんな最高のお祝いはないということだったらしいのですが、よしこさん曰く、プレゼントなんかもらうなんてことは、ありえなかったそうですし、それも 当たり前と思って育ったのだそうです。
今週8/17 (Fri)は、、、ミステリオデー?!
なんと!!!! 今週の金曜日は、朝から夜まで、ミステリオに関わる3人の大人たちが続々とテレビやラジオに出演します。
そして最後の締めとして、ミステリオを初回からずっと応援し続け、テイーンズのゲストとしてもお招きしたことのある映画監督、リンダ・ホーグランドさんの最新映画(テレビ版)dear hiroshimaが夜11時からNHKBS1 で放映されます。映画の中に、きっと懐かしい顔が登場するはず、そう、元キャンパー、スタッフとしても活躍してくれたカナダ在住のダイア。