今年の夏のミステリオでスペシャルゲストとしてお招きし、あの驚異的な技術と素晴らしい表現力と美しさで私たちを魅了してくださったピアニスト・坂本真由美さんが 9月25日に放映された
関ジャニ∞のTheモーツァルト 音楽王No.1決定戦
今年の夏のミステリオでスペシャルゲストとしてお招きし、あの驚異的な技術と素晴らしい表現力と美しさで私たちを魅了してくださったピアニスト・坂本真由美さんが 9月25日に放映された
レターを手渡しできなかったみんなに郵送し終えたところ、今日、あるキャンパー(当時8才・今13才)から 素敵でチャーミングなメッセージが届いたので、シェアーしたいと思います。
Thank you so much for mailing the letter to me. I compleatly forgot that I wrote that, it’s been so long! Once I read that letter though, I thought of the time that I actually wrote it, and it reminded me of how much fun I had at MSTERIO. I can’t believe that it has been five years since my first experience at a sleep away camp, I mean at the time I felt almost grown up, ( haha I was eight and I had no parents or family whatsoever, so of course I was on top of the world) but the reality of it was that I WAS EIGHT not even at double digits yet. From the letter I could tell that I didn’t even know how to spell “they” I had spelled it “thay”. Now, I am thirteen, officially and finally, a teenager; I also learned the correct spelling for all the errors I made in the letter. I haven’t exactly been the biggest fan of Houston, TX; but I have made some really great friends over the years and it’s been okay overall, even thought it isn’t “home” yet. I have had almost a personality change, I am now somehow loud and bubbly, even thought I was super quiet and shy. Or at least, that is what I have been told. Thank you so much for mailing me the letter.
あと5年後 2020年はどんな”あなた”になっているかしら? 今持っている”夢”は5年後にはきっと実現していると信じています! DREAM BIG
ミステリオが終わって約1週間とちょっとが経とうとしています、みなさんお変わりありませんか? さてさて、な、な、なんと、、、今年は今までで忘れ物が一番少ない年でした! 早速ですが、この写真の中で、心辺りのある方、ご自宅に送ってほしいと希望される方は nozomi.terao@msterio.com までご一報ください。黒のミステリオTシャツサイズはLarge. 紺色のシャツはドライフィットでユニクロのものです。ミステリオのWater Bottleも1本ありました。
Please let me know if you find your personal belongings, we will be happy to send them to you by "TAKKYU-BIN" however we would appreciate you could pay the postage.
遂にお別れの日がやってきてしまいました、、、、今年のテーマ ALWAYS TOGETHER だからさようならは言いません、だってきっとまた絶対に会えるから。 今年から東京に少しだけ近くなった為か、お別れ会に参加してくださる親御さんやその家族、お友達の数がぐっと増えました。それだけにキャンパーたちも朝からかなり緊張気味です。会場の設置、ランチの準備、荷物のパッキング、お掃除、そしてリハーサルをたった3時間で仕上げなければならないので、スタッフたちは朝早くからその準備で大忙し。
そのあとは、今年初めての試みとして、聖子さんのドラマクラスではアテレコに挑戦。すでに編集された FINDING NIMO & Harry Potterの映像の一コマに、ドラマクラスをとったキャンパーたちがプロ級のアテレコを発表してくれました。
そして一部最後のパフォーマンスは30分にも及ぶ中高生(SR AND CIT CAMPERS)の演劇。今年はあのミュージカル、ANNIEに挑戦。有名なお掃除のシーンやテーマソングTOMORROWに観客は涙する観客も大勢。あれだけのセリフや歌をこんな短期間で覚え演技できる彼らの集中力は 本当に素晴らしいと思いました。また彼らを支える熱心なスタッフたちの姿もとても印象的。小道具、音響、生演奏、などなど、舞台は大勢の人たちの協力があるからこそ成立できるのだと、改めて実感。
M (Make a Difference): Fuga, Julie, Tetsuro, May, Ritsuki, Naoya, Yuya, Umi & Sarina
S (Most Self-Esteem/Confidence): Miko, Kouga, Mari, Shigeki, Keizen, Shino, Kosei, Satsuki & Kirima
T (Best Team Player): Shizu, Haruyuki, Koki, Wakana & Nanami
E (Most Empathetic): Mayu S, Kyoko, Luca, Hiroya, Dan, Riko & Keisuke
R (Most Respectful/Responsible): Sora, Sophia, Momoko, Dankichi, Keira, Yuki, Ayumi, Aria & Takayuki
I (Most honest): Sakura, Minami, Ryoma, Fumi, Shige, Mayu A, Kotori, Ken, Taiki, Yasuhiro, Hana & Akihiro
O (Most Open-hearted): Emily, Ryo, Daniel, Noriyuki, Mana, Tomoki, Yu, Moeka & Koma
最後は、みんなでミステリオの歌、Make A Differenceを歌いお別れです、、、。
7/27 (Mon)
EVENING: WADAIKO concert - 和太鼓コンサート
https://www.facebook.com/keita.kanazashi https://www.facebook.com/creat.trad.japan
7/28 (Tue)
MOJI art by Hideki Urkami - 浦上秀樹さんによるMOJI art
埼玉上尾市生まれ。春日部市在住。1993年21才の時、筋肉が徐々に減少していく進行性の病気 遠位型(えんいがた)ミオパチーを発症。すべての感覚はあるものの動かしたい意志があっても腕、足など動かすことに筋肉を必要とする部分をほとんど動かせない状況。2010年から口に筆を加えてMOJI artを始める。
Hideki Urakami was born in Ageo, Saitama-pref. In 1993, when he was 21 years old, he was diagnosed with myopathy, a muscular progressive disease. As a result, he is unable to move his hands and legs. The only way he can create his work is by holding a brush with his mouth. His artwork consists of KANJI (Japanese characters adopted from Chinese characters) with a contained HIRAGANA (modern Japanese writing) message. In this way, multiple shades of meaning are conveyed. Hideki calls his work MOJI art - Literally Hiragana words in Kanji. His KANJI has its own meaning but Moji art is the designed KANJI contained artist’s unique message.
MOJI art は 日本語の漢字をデザインしたもので 漢字の中にひらがなが隠れています。漢字本来の持つ意味とは別に、浦上さん独自が作り出したひらがなのメッセージが込められたユニークな作品です。日本語の文字をユニークな形で発信することで、日本語文化をたくさんの方たちに興味を持っていただきたいという作家の気持ちが込められています。
その後は恒例のLet's Get Wet! ただいつもと違うのは、せっかくプールがあるのだからプールの中でLet's Get Wetのイベントを開催しました。プールに浸かりながら水鉄砲を使ってめちゃめちゃ遊び、とにかくすぶ濡れになるのが目的です。
Cafe 101でみんなで食べるランチは今日が最後。メニューはすきやき丼。思い切り遊んだ為に、食欲も絶好調。静かな時間の後は、明日のお別れ会のリハーサルタイム、大掃除大会、個々の荷造りに励みました。その内容については明日まで内緒! どうぞお楽しみに。
キャンプファイアーの周りでみんなで踊ったり歌を歌ったり、CITたちがカップダンスを披露してくれたり、ギター演奏があったり、キャンパーたちがこの1週間を振り返って感想を発表してくれたりしながらも、ハイライトはやっぱり4人(Emily, Sophia, Fuga and Wakana) のCIT3年の卒業式。恒例となったパイ投げも、もちろん実行され笑あり涙ありのあっという間の2時間でした。
Hello again from all of us here at MSTERIO!
Today, Friday, July 31st marked the 7th day of camp. Although this day marks the final days of fun at MSTERIO kingdom, it is also (arguably) one of the busiest and most fun-packed days here as well. Let us recount just a few of the days events.
The last full day of camp at MSTERIO means a number of memorable annual events. First, is the annual MSTERIO olympic games during which the camp (counselors and staff included) is split into two teams; red and blue. This year, the teams were named “The Blue Dragon Team” and the “Kimchi Red Team” respectively. After dividing into the teams, the games began.
The first event of this years games was a bean bag toss. Each team was to gather around a net on a pole; much like the hoops used for basketball, except that the pole was supported by a person at the base. A series of circles were drawn around the based of the pole so as to create separate zones for the campers, and counselors and staff to participate from. The first ring surrounding the base was the designated space for the pole barer and assistant; the second, for the junior campers; and the third, for the counselors and staff. The rules of the bean bag toss were fairly simple: at the sound of the starting gun, each team has approximately 1 minute to get as many of the bean bags scattered across the rings, into the central net. After one minute, each team would count the gathered bean bags and compare to find the winner.
As spirits were high and the campers were full of energy this year, the first round resulted surprisingly, in a draw. To settle the score, a second round was held in which the time was reduced to 30 seconds. In this round, the tie was settled and the Kimchi Reds won by 1 point, taking the lead in the games.
The second event was the much anticipated Tug of War. The red and blue teams split up to their respective sides of the the battle rope and prepared for war. As the blue team appeared to be relatively heavy in their male adult staff members, MSTERIO’s head Chef Josh and his Sous-Chef/Art director Anthony, took the end of the red team to help level the playing grounds. After a round of nearly 30 seconds of heavy heaving on both ends, the blue team finally dragged the red team across the center mark to tie the score 1 to 1 in the games.
The final event, the Watermelon Smashing contest or “Suika-wari” would be the tie breaker. Each team was allotted 10 watermelons to smash across 2 rounds. The watermelons were lined up on top of a blue plastic sheet, and each watermelon had a line of campers in front of it. The campers were to stand in single file in front of their respective watermelons, blind folded and with a bat. Then, at the sound of the gun, each camper was to be guided by the voices of their counselors, who would be their eyes, verbally telling them what steps to take to crack the watermelon successfully. The first round wielded more cracks in the watermelons of the blue team than that of the red team, granting them the first point in the event. The second round was decided by looking at the degree of the crack, counting only those watermelons that showed a well-defined split in the fruit as opposed to a few cracks or shards. After examining the watermelons after the second round, it was decided that the Blue Dragons again had more clean splits, thereby granting them the win over the last event, and consequently the games!
Following the games was MSTERIOs other annual event, “Get Wet Day.” As the name suggests, this is when the entire camp engages in water play and drenches each other in what ever way they can; a cool relief from this year’s hot Gunma prefecture summer. During this event, the campers use water guns, water balloons, hoses, pumps, buckets, and whatever else they can get their hands on to wet each other and cool down after the games.
Needless to say, this works up quite the appetite even for the largest of campers, counselors, and staff.
After lunch, there were many rehearsals for the various activities that had been taking place across the previous 6 days, (art, calligraphy, dance, etc.) as the presentations of each would be the next day.
Later was the camp main event: the Camp Fire.
The camp fire, hosted and maintained by Yu-san every year, is a hit as the campers and counselors reflect on both the week and on previous experiences, as well as plan for the future. This year, the camp fire brought great news of CITs graduating into counselor-hood, a counselor being accepted into university, a performance by one of the most veteran members of the camp, and many stories of companionship, new friends, and experiences at this years camp. Campers young and old stood up to share their experiences and stories with the camp, making for an emotional and memorable evening to wind down this years MSTERIO.
To make matters even better, that night was the “Blue Moon.” Legend has it, that every three years, there is a month in which the moon becomes full twice across the 30 days, and that the latter is known as the “Blue Moon,” after which the saying “Once in a Blue Moon” was coined. It is said that those who look into or up at that moon, on that night is to be granted good fortune and a flourishing love life. Who could have asked for a more fortunate occurence to help bring this years MSTERIO to a lovely close?!
Hi I am Daniel this is my second year at MSTERIO. So far this year has been very fun I have made many friends in this camp! MSTERIO gives me a feel of freedom its not like those other camps where you have to go to one activity and can't choose anything else. This camp allows you to choose a number of activities that are very fun my favorite activities are field and art. I also have seen things I have never seen before like a drone I got to see what a drone looks like and how it works and How its controlled. Even though I can only speak English I can still communicate with many of the campers and counselors, almost all counselors can speak English which is good, and the campers also know a little English to so I can understand what they are saying. Also one of the most exciting things are concerts! We have many different types of concerts for example last night we had a drum concert! It was very exciting and thrilling I did not expect the special guest to play so fast on the drums I thought he was just and average drummer but I was wrong, the special guest played so fast that I couldn't almost see his hands! Another example of a concert is the calm Jazz concerts which is also fun to watch but some times It's to calming that I fall asleep. Over all so far this past week has been much fun for me and I encourage many other kids and teenagers to join MSTERIO too!
こんばんは! そう、今日の挨拶は”こんばんは”から! なぜって今日はミステリオ恒例の日”逆の日”、題してBackwards day!! 朝が夜になって、夜が朝になる日なのです、だから最初の挨拶はこんばんは、パジャマで夕食は 肉丼と水菜のサラダ。 中学生の男子キャンパーの一人が着ていたパジャマのデザインからヒントを得て、今日のワンポイントEnglishはMAKE YOUR OWN LUCK 運は自分で切り開くもの!
そしてミステリオの意味Rについて習いました。RESPONSIBILITY 責任を持つ、尊重する、と言葉で書くとなんとなく重く難しい感じがしますが、決めたことは守る、そして友達、家族を大切にする、いろいろな物も人も大切に!
アクテイビテイーはいつも午後のクラスが午前中に。つまり、、、、アート、音楽、英語、書道、ベーキング。実質 今日が最後のクラスなので、キャンパーの選ぶ目はいつになく真剣。
逆の日なのでこれから朝食! 準備も片付けもキャンパーたちだけでやってもらおうと、そのおかげでスタッフたちは 今晩(朝)行われるMSTERIO GOT TALENT (中高生を含むスタッフのタレントショー)の準備ができるということで、、、、その場を小学生キャンパーたちに任せ全員退場。残ったジュニアキャンパー(小学生)が一斉にぴっかぴかにお掃除をしてくれました。椅子をあげ、椅子の足をふき窓ガラスも磨き、床をはき、雑巾掛けをし、終わった後の雑巾も洗ってくれたのですよ。やっぱりお掃除をした後の空気はとても綺麗。ここでわかったことは、みんな何ががしたい、何かの誰かの役に立ちたいと思っているということ。だから私たち大人がリードしながら彼らにできること、やってほしいことをもっともっと探していきたいと感じました。
1) 元宝塚 by 越乃リュウ
2) Three Dummys - 3人のおじさん by Anthony and Josh
3) へんてこメリーポビンズ by 節子
4) 新しい友達紹介します by まりこ&ありさ
5) 1分でクリーム絞りガチンコ1本勝負 by ゆきの
6) 地上の星 by たみか
7) コインキャッチ by こーすけ
8) 縁の下の天使とおじさん by まい&なおき
9) オペラ サルカニ合戦 by 勇
10) 大乱闘スマッシュのぞみシスターズ by カウンセラーズ
それぞれがそれはユニークに趣向を凝らせたタレントぶりに会場は笑いのうず。それぞれがどんな内容だったかは、ミステリオ終了後に是非キャンパーに聞いてみてくださいね。中学生の審査員の判定はプロ級、きびしい評価を受けながらも やっぱり今年も優勝は10番目のカウンセラーズ&若者スタッフたち。
CIT 3年の4名の司会ぶりもプロ並み! もうみんなすごすぎます。 ミステリオもあと正味2日。なんだかだんだん寂しくなってきました、、、、。
Hi again this is Thomas. Wow I can`t believe how quickly the time at MSTERIO is going! Time flies when you`re having fun! The day started as usual with our 6:00 am wake up call. It was just another normal day at MSTERIO...or so we thought?However something didn`t seem right. The campers were being read a bedtime story in the morning As we went to cafe 101 for breakfast everyone was saying `good night` instead of good morning?! oh that`s right today is backwards day! On backwards day everything and I mean everything is backwards! So not only do people say good night in the morning and good morning at night but even our meals and activities are backwards! For example for breakfast we had a lovely dinner of taco rice! Then for dinner we had cereal and other breakfast items! The kids really enjoy this day and they think it`s very funny! However the most special part of this day is the special event at night! It`s the MSTERIO talent show! Every year all the campers look forward to this the most. This is an opportunity for staff to think of some skit to perform. The performances range from serious singing and dancing to crazy and wacky. Every year the campers look forward to the counselors performance the most! After the talent show the campers were exhausted and it was time for them to go to bed. I`m so sad because tomorrow will be the last full day at MSTERIO! Stay tuned for tomorrows report where we will have a campfire! For now good night everyone zzzz
今朝は見事な快晴! そして今日はMSTERIO EARTH DAY, ミステリオで地球や世界のことを考える日。 Earth DayにちなんでThomasから習った今日の英語はGO GREEN。一人一人が自分でできること
そして、、、、もう1つは、なんと!!!!! 今日はアースデーにちなんでSL(機関車トーマスのミニ版)を校庭に走らせにきてくださったろーちゃんと、キャンパーから大人まで電車に乗ることができました! お湯をわかしスチームの力で動く電車乗り、大人もキャーキャー!!!! あとで写真を楽しみにしていてくださいね。
午後のクラスはいつもと同じ。夕食の後はミニコンサート。カウンセラーの一人SHINGOがミステリオのためにと、特別にピアノ演奏をしてくれることになったのです!普段、カウンセラーの顔だけしか知らないキャンパーのその驚きの顔、彼がピアノを弾くと知っていても、今回の演奏のパワルフさに感動のあまり大泣きするキャンパーたちもいたほどでした。今日は中日ということもあり、その後はSUGOI HALLでムービーナイト”ベイマックス”。
My first amazing day at MSTERIO! This is Josh from New York (and Tokyo...a little), and I'm so thrilled to join the MSTERIO team. From the first moment I arrived, I could tell this place and everyone in it are something special. I may have never seen so many smiles on so many faces before, and there are so many reasons here to smile! Was it the delicious hamburgers and hotdogs from the American-style BBQ prepared specially for the campers by Chef Josh (not me, the other one!) and Sous-Chef Anthony? Was it the miniature real-working coal-powered train that the campers got to ride around the field? Or the buckets full of games and sports equipment that the campers brought out for a pick-up soccer game? Or a dip in the pool on a hot day? Movie night after a curry dinner? Surely it was also the breath-taking special piano performance by our friend and counselor Shingo. We were treated to so many special moments in just one short day, and best of all, we got to share it with so many great campers and friends!
Today MSTERIO celebrates Earth Day, and I can't think of a more picturesque countryside to remind us of how beautiful the world around us can be. Tucked away between the forests and mountaintops of Minakami, MSTERIO has rally gone green!
And I, for one, had a very hard time picking between so many exciting afternoon activities! I was lucky enough to watch and help some of our campers mix, bake, and taste their way through their own original muffins (and hopefully not lick the spoon!) with our resident pastry chef. But hearing the resounding drum-beats of desk-taiko from the music room, seeing the snow globes and calligraphy made in the art room, and imagining the campers' voices as they dubbed-over Disney classics in the drama room reminded me of just how much is going on here at once! We all can't wait for even more tomorrow!
明け方4時頃にすごい雷と大雨できっとキャンパーたちが怖がって起きてしまったのではないかとナースのくまちゃんが見回り、でもなんと一人も起きてこなかったのですよ! 朝食はMAOとAIKOのキャビン。食事中にTHOMASが 今日にふさわしい英語のセンテンス Action speaks louder than wordsを教えてくれました。
午前中はフィールドスポーツやテニスがあるので、この雨で一時はどうしようかと心配しましたが、スタッフたちの協力でとてもよいアイデアが浮かびました。テニスはミステリオで名前をつけた大きなホールSUGOI HALLでスマッシュ、ラリーゲームを楽しみました。水泳はボールを使ってゲーム。ダンスは新しいキャンパーも加わって昨日にも増してすごい上達ぶり。そして今日から始まるベーキングのクラスでは、ミステリオ15周年を祝ってチョコレートパナコッタ、ジャイアントケーキを作りました。
毎年 ミステリオは終戦記念日の前後にあたります。65年前のあの戦争を知ってる経験している大人が少しでも、その事実を知らせて残していくべきだとつくづく痛感しています。5年後には少しでも世界が平和に戦争のない、地球になることを心から願っています。ミステリオの子供達がこの先少しでも一人一人はそれを意識してできることから実行していくことを願っています。地球を美しく世界を平和に1年1年努力していきました。2010年8月5日 松本奈川うっデイーもっくにて 寺尾慈子
今日はMOJI Artのアーチスト浦上秀樹さんをお迎えしました。秀樹さんは、21歳のときに筋肉が徐々に減少していく進行性の病気にかかり、すべての感覚はあっても腕、足などが全く動かすことができません。その中で2010年から口に筆をくわえ、墨で文字を書きながらアーチストとしてMake A Difference を実践なさっています。その秀樹さんが、みんなの前で実際に文字を書いてくださいました。そして、、、、秀樹さんが書いてくださった文字は、、、”風” この文字 ”ゆめにむかって”というひらがなでできているのです。その横では昨晩のゲストKEITAさんとAIKAによる太鼓と笛の演奏をバックグランドミュージックに、書道デイレクターのNAOKIさん(吟水先生)が”流”という字を加えてくださり(風流)充実の1時間を過ごしました。
そして、、、今日の夜のイベントは??? 毎年恒例のMSTERIO DANCE PARTY そしてダンスパーテイーといえば、PIZZA NIGHT。ノリノリの音楽に合わせてフィーバーフィーバー!!! 午前中に作ったジャイアントパナコッタにデコレーションしたケーキを食べて15周年のお祝いをしました。
Good morning everyone! It's Thomas again! It was another early day at MSTERIO with many fun activities planned. Even though it was raining hard in the morning that didn't stop anyone from having a good time! Before our big day we had a nice filling breakfast. Sometimes during meal time we teach the campers an English phrase or expression with an important message. This is called ''One Point English." Today's expression was "ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS." We explained to the campers that this means that when you make a promise to do something you should follow through and do it. We also said that you shouldn't announce or brag about something you did but just do it and be humble about it . It is so wonderful to see even within such a short time these campers are learning the responsibilities of their actions.
After breakfast it was time for campers to return to their cabins to clean up! Again our cleaning inspectors were AIKA and NAOKI! Once the campers cleaned up it was time for campers to sign up for their morning classes. Today campers had many choices including (swimming, field, tennis, and a new activity baking!) The baking class was really popular! In today's baking class the campers made a beautiful panacotta with a strawberry sauce! This dessert was made because today we celebrated MSTERIO'S 15th anniversary!! Can you believe it's been 15 years already! WOW! Time flies!
Then it was time for lunch where it was announced that once again Shingo's cabin won for cleanest cabin for the boys and Mao and Tamika's cabin won for cleanest cabin for the girls! It was also announced during lunch that in the afternoon we would have a very special guest Hideki Uragami! He is a shodo (calligraphy) artist who suddenly became paralyzed at the age of 19. What makes him even more special is that he paints beautiful calligraphy only using his mouth! Watching such an artist paint so beautifully and so gracefully teaches the campers to not give up on their dreams and that they should never feel as if they can't do anything because of some physical barrier. At MSTERIO there is a song that the campers learn called "OH MSTERIO!' and there is a line in the song that says 'nan demo dekiru' which means I can do anything! so at MSTERIO we really try to send this positive message to our campers.
After this wonderful performance it was time for campers to sign up for their afternoon classes which included (Music, Art, Drama and today there was a special English class with Mariko Hata!) In English class the campers sang and danced to English songs where they had to guess the names of fruits, vegetables and animals. The campers really enjoyed this!
Finally it was time for campers to shower and get ready for tonight's special event which was the Disco Party! This event is done every year and is one of the most popular events at MSTERIO! The campers really enjoy this because they get to dress up in funny glasses and hats and dance to their favorite music. We go all out for this event including a DJ, a disco ball and disco lights! However, the best part is they get to eat pizza! We ordered more than 30 boxes of pizza! WOW! Believe it or not by the end of the night most of the pizza was gone! At the end of the night we served the MSTERIO 15th anniversary panacotta! The campers also loved that especially those campers who helped make it! They felt really proud about it!
After that the campers were exhausted and it was time for story time and bed time. Ok everyone that's the report for today! Good night everyone until tomorrow!
昨日の朝 は、なんと5時前から起きるキャンパーも大勢いたのですが 昨晩はぐっすりしっかり寝たために今朝は時間通りに起床。 ここは元小学校だけあって、校内放送の設備も充実。毎朝朝ごはんの前には校内放送で目覚めます。
今日のブレックファーストプレップ(朝食当番)は、Margaret のキャビン” USMBB"& Kishoのキャビン”Bun Bun Bee"
今までスイミングクラスがなかった分、今朝一番の人気クラスはスイミング! 遊びあり学びありの楽しそうなスイミングクラスで私もおもわず飛びこみたくなってしまいました。ダンスは今年もまたすっごくチャレングな難しい振り付けなのに、さすがキャンパーたち、その覚え方はプロ並み。
途中、ミュージックデイレクターのAIKAの絶妙なコラボレーションに、特に初参加のキャンパーは目をくりくり。最後、ピアノと太鼓の共演による”ふるさと”の演奏は、鳥肌の立つ思いでした。そしてアンコールでは、敬太さんとAIKAのほか、NY生まれ育ちで今年カウンセラーデビューのAIKO &AKIRA、昨晩のゲストとしてきてくださったKI-YOの5名によるフィナーレに、みんな総立ち状態でした。
Hi this is Thomas. I am the English teacher here at MSTERIO. Today was another fun-filled today at MSTERIO. Some campers woke up a bit early and ran around 'Sugoi' hall and played with each other. Every morning here at MSTERIO we have one cabin help with breakfast prep. Today Margaret's cabin USMBB helped out. After breakfast it was time for campers to clean up! After every meal we make sure that all campers participate in cleaning! This is a very important skill for them to learn. After breakfast cleaning it was time for campers to head back to their cabins and clean up their rooms. Every day we have room inspectors to make sure that every room is clean. We also give awards during lunch time for the cleanest cabin! Today room inspectors were our music director AIKA and our Shodo (calligraphy) director NAOKI!
After that it was time for campers to sign up for morning activities! They had the many choices including swimming, tennis, field sports (soccer, baseball etc.) dance and an onigiri class!
When the morning classes ended it was time for campers to shower and get ready for lunch! Today's lunch was rice with beef and vegetables, and salad. During lunch we also made several announcements. We first announced a new guest! It was Keita and Tomona! They were tonight's performers for our nightly special event! We also made announcements for the winners of the onigiri contest and cleanest cabin! For the boys Shingo's cabin won and for the girls it Mao/Tamika's cabin won!
Then it was quiet time! For about an hour in the middle of the afternoon we have a time where students must remain quiet. This is a time for campers as well as staff to reenergize for the long day. Campers also have the opportunity to visit the library to read books or use headphones and listen to music, but they must remain quiet.
After quiet time it was time for afternoon classes which included English, Drama, Shodo (calligraphy) Music and Art! The campers were so excited to have so many choices and they were talking about how much fun they had in each class. It was so nice to see the smile on their faces!
Then it was dinner time and tonight's special event. Tonight's special event was a TAIKO (Japanese drums) performance. What made the performance even more special was that four staff members (Aika, Aiko, Kiyo [ last night's performer], Akira) joined the performance! Many of them were very nervous when they realized they would have to perform but because MSTERIO is such a positive atmosphere and the S in MSTERIO means self-esteem, the 3 members were able to perform with such confidence.
As you can see we had such a jam packed day and the campers are safe and sleeping sound. Good night everybody and we will see you tomorrow! ZZZZ.
待ちに待ったミステリオ いよいよ始まりました! 暑い暑い中、新宿駅西口に集合した元気いっぱいのキャンパーたちとバスで群馬に向かいます。バスの中ではワイワイ、まるでみんなすでに前から知っている友達のように楽しそう、そしておいしそうにおにぎり弁当を食べながら、しりとりをしたり、歌を歌ったり、そんなこんなしているうちに、わーーー思ったよりも早くに到着することができました
⑧ Margaret à U.S.M.B.B (Ultimate Speedy Marine Ballerina Ballers)
Piano Concert by Mayumi Sakamoto:
Prelude by Grieg
La Campanella by Liszt
The Nutcracker by Tchaikovsky: March, Dance of Fairy Gragee & Trepak
おやすみ前には、秦万里子さんが1日の様子を歌にしてくださり、寝る前にはしっかりしゃっきりシャワーをあびて、きっと素敵な夢をみてしっかり寝れますように! 明日はどんな日になるでしょうか、楽しみにしていてくださいね。
Hi, my name is Midori! I am one of the staff members until 7/28. In the early morning today, the campers and the counselors all gathered in Shinjuku, Tokyo. Today marked 15th anniversary of Msterio summer camp. With a new camping place called SARUSHO in Gunma prefecture, the camp welcomed 60 campers and the adult staff members. Some of us have participated in the camp for several times, and were very excited to see their friends in almost a year. Some of us, especially the counselors, are new, and seemed very nervous before saying goodbye to their parents and on the way to the school. However, after doing some ice-breaking activities and playing sports together, they became friends. All campers have been assigned to wonder counselors. The first thing they did as a cabin was to come up with cabin names (see the below), cabin sound, cabin rules. In the evening, we had a special guest: Mayumi Sakamoto. She played 5 songs including some familiar classic songs for the kids with world-class skills, and the all kids were drawn into the performance. Let’s have a great week without any injury or accident, and make unforgettable memories!!
Cabin name
① Natsumi à AGIRLS
② Kisho à Buu Buu Bee
③ Akira à AkiAkira
④ Kazemaru à Kaze
⑤ Mao à Karaage King
⑥ Maya à Mission
⑦ Ryuki à Iluminati
⑧ Margaret à U.S.M.B.B (Ultimate Speedy Marine Ballerina Ballers)
⑨ Aiko à AST
10 Shingo's BINGO BOYS
We have a few more staff we would like to introduce.
A company for a video production specialized in news and documentaries. They use their power of expression and discernment to create VPs for companies and various type of videos. Kindly, Mr. Nakatogawa, a president of BLUEWORLD sent a new employee to MSTERIO every year to record our pleasure time.
ダンス音楽担当/Music mix
Royce grew up and attended school in Sydney, Australia. A love of cars, games, technology, anime and Shibuya-kei music brought him to Japan where he works as a translator at a major pharmaceutical company. In his spare time he makes DJ mixes and mashups with the ultimate goal of becoming a music producer someday, making happy dance music for happy people. Failing that, a bed and breakfast owner in the Japanese countryside, as he also enjoys cooking and taking care of people. This is the 6th year Royce has been involved with MSTERIO, first as a kitchen hand, and later as the director of the disco party night. For him, there is no greater joy than spending every effort to put a smile on the faces of all MSTERIO staff and campers.
(トーマスと一緒に@雄勝にて/With Thomas @Ogatsu_
Chie was born in Kitakyushu city, Fukuoka where is famous for iron and currently living in Tokyo. She came to Tokyo when she got into university. After graduation, she started to work as a journalist at Nihon Keizai Shinbun. She met Nozomi at Ogatsu, Ishinomaki where is affected by Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. She spent 3 months in New York City last year and had amazingly wonderful time. She has been a book junkie since she was a child and her dream is to open comfortable book/comic cafe. She is into marathon and classic ballet recently. She is looking forward to share her time at MSTERIO for the first time.
今週末は何回かに分けて、スタッフトレーニングの開催、そして今年参加の親御さんやお子さんとのオリエンテーションはいよいよ明日!! その前に、今年のカウンセラーと、ジェネレルスタッフを紹介します。
This weekend we are hosting a few staff training programs as well as an orientation with parents and children tomorrow on Sunday! Let us introduce our counselors and general staff members.
千葉 颯丸/Kazemaru Chiba
I’m a senior year in the College of Liberal Arts the Division of Arts & Science in International Christian University (ICU), majoring in Politics. I had been in Sheffield in UK as an exchange student for about 11 months since July in 2014. I am a genuine Japanese who was born and had been raised in Shiogama, Miyagi until I came to Tokyo. But as joined some university’s study abroad program, I have been to Edinburgh to participate in 6-week English learning school, I have done service-learning in the rural area of Indonesia for a month, and as I joined in the study tour of a private tourism company I visited Kenya and interacted with Masai people. At ICU, I help students to plan their own academic life as a peer adviser, play basketball in the club, and sing songs in the a cappella group ‘cause I like it! I decided to join in MSTERIO through meeting Nozomi by mere chance. I wonder that I would like to paint the picture on one page of wonderful memories of this summer with all of you by devoting my energies to assisting each one of campers!
My name is Midori, and I currently attend Goucher College in Maryland and study International Relations. I will be Junior this coming September. I was born in Tokyo, Japan, but I lived in Italy, Indonesia, and Thailand. I have been playing tennis since I was a kid so I love playing and watching tennis. I recently started to play guitar, but I am not very good. This is my first time to participate in MSTERIO so I am very nervous. But, I am very very excited to spend time and make unforgettable memories with you all! I am looking forward to seeing you all!
Ryuki is senior at International Christian University, majoring in Global Business. He had a dream to spent his 4 years in University in Kyoto but somehow he started to learn in Akita. Akita is such a peaceful place without any excitement, so he decided to make his own excitement by himself. He started to involved in theater. 80% of his daily life is about theater. He went to Warsaw, Poland to study for a year in September, 2014. He actually did not study that much but traveled around a lot. This is his first time joining MSTERIO.
I’m a rising Senior at Purdue University in Indiana studying Aerospace Engineering. I was born and raised in Tokyo, but have also lived in New York and Massachusetts. I enjoy playing sports (especially squash), listening to music, and playing with my pet rabbit. I used to be a camper and this will be my third year as a counselor. I am looking forward to spending an amazing summer with everyone.
現在日本に住んでいますが、過去には韓国、デンマークに合計19年間住んでいました。昨年の9月に慶応義塾大学に入学し、GIGA programという英語のプログラムに所属しています。また、中学校二年生まではソウル日本人学校に通っていたため、日本語、英語、両方話せます。現在大学では国際開発や経済について学んでいます。旅が大好きで休みごとにいろいろな国を回っています。子供の世話をするのも好きでデンマークではサマースクールのお手伝いのお仕事や、日本人補習学校のアシスタントティーチャーなどもやっていました。マヤの紹介です。ミステリオは初参加なので、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
Hi, I’m Natsumi Hirao. I’ve lived in Korea and Denmark for around 19 years but living in Japan at the moment. I enrolled in Keio University last September and currently in a program called GIGA which all the classes are held in English. I have also attended in Japanese school when I lived in Korea thus I call myself a bilingual. I am very interested in international development and economics. Moreover I love to travel and visit different countries. I enjoy taking care of children as I used to help out summer schools in Denmark. Maya introduced me to MSTERIO! I’m really looking forward to it.
松波 慎剛/Shingo Matsunami
I was born in Gifu prefecture. I am taking courses at Senzoku Music University as a second-year student in piano and composition course. I dream that I can change the world with music. But I am still learning. Personally, I want to access more genres of music as I want to experience as much as possible! This will be my third consecutive year participating in MSTERIO. I am looking forward to spending a wonderful summer with everyone!
I'm going to be a Sophomore at Purdue University studying Mechanical Engineering. I used to live in the States when I was 2-8 years old. I love going out to walk, have fun at the park, skateboarding, swimming, and a lot of other stuff. I am really looking forward to help out at MSTERIO!
今回のミステリオの記録・編集をさせて頂きます、ブルーワールドの中野渡 大雅と言います。社会人2年目で、テレビの現場で働いています。小学生の頃から野球をやっていて甲子園に出場した事もあります(スタンドからの応援でしたが(笑))。青森県出身で、高校生から野球留学で奈良県で寮生活をし、東京都で専門学生をしていたせいか、思い立ったら行動に移してしまう性があります(思い立つまでが長いのですが・・・)。ミステリオ初参加ですが、多くの笑顔を撮影できるよう頑張りますので、よろしくお願い致します。
Taiga is from BLUEWORLD, the video production company. He started to work 2 years ago. He has been playing baseball since he was in elementary school and went to Koshien (to support his team.) Born in Aomori and moved to Nara to play baseball when he got into high school. He makes an action soon after he decided to do. It is his first time to join MSTERIO and he will do his best to capture many happy faces.
Having recently made the big move from coast to coast, I am currently in my first year of graduate studies at California State University Long Beach, majoring in linguistics. I was born and raised in New York City, attended college at Rutgers University in New Jersey, and have now begun the next chapter of my life in Los Angeles. As an undergraduate, I worked very closely with the English department faculty and staff on linguistic research, tutoring, and general teacher's assistance. Now that I've graduated, I am slowly but steadily venturing into the exciting world of field research. When my nose is not pressed against a linguistics textbook solving foreign language grammar problems however, my hobbies still include dancing, reading, and recently, botany. This will be my third year at MSTERIO, and I can't wait to see all of my returning members as well as the shining new members of the MSTERIO family!
My name is Josh, and I am currently finishing up my fourth year of a Ph.D. program in Japanese cultural history at Columbia. My project is on the history of food and dietary health, but too often I can’t resist eating something delicious anyway! I grew up in New York and am now living in Tokyo doing research, but even though I’m a city kid at heart, I love to escape to the countryside whenever the weather gets warm. And this summer I’m especially excited to join the MSTERIO team! In my free time I’m a member of the Waseda Ceramics Club, I love cooking and traditional crafts. I can’t wait to meet all of you soon!
小学校低学年よりミステリオサマーキャンプに参加している下田実來です。今年もミステリオパスポートデザインをさせて頂きました。今回のテーマは15周年を記念したミステリオスペシャルパーティー!です。(詳しくはキャンプ当日に!) 私は今アートを学びたいので、ミステリオのスローガン、Make a differenceの真っ只中です。ミステリオで体験した世界を感謝を込めてパスポートに表現しました。スタッフとしては初参加、みなさんと過ごすミステリオの夏を心から楽しみにしていますのでよろしくお願いします。
Mirai first joined MSTERIO when she was in elementary school. She is a designer of MSTERIO Passport. Since we celebrate 15th anniversary this year, the theme of the design is “MSTERIO Special Party!”, which she will present in detail on the first day! Currently, she is learning art so she is practicing to “Make a difference”. She created a beautiful passport with her appreciation for what she had been experiencing through MSTERIO. This is her staff debut. She is looking forward to having fun with us.
アメリカのニューヨーク州立ファッション工科大学でファッションデザインを専攻しています。 この秋からは2年生。生まれも育ちもニューヨークですが、 一昨年までは年に一回、 東京に行っていました。中学までは夏の間、東京の学校で体験入学をして頂きました。趣味は散歩、音楽、映画を見たり。ミステリオに参加するのは初めてですが、皆さんとよい思い出を作るのが今から楽しみです!
I am currently attending SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology. I was born and raised in Manhattan, New York. Every summer, I go to Japan to visit my family in Tokyo. Last summer, I stayed in New York and taught art crafts to younger children in a summer camp in Bronx. My hobby is to take a long walk, listen to music and watch a movie. This would be my first summer to participate in MSTERIO. I am very excited to meet all of you and looking forward to make unforgettable memories!
この夏に高校を卒業、秋からSUNY Binghamton大学に入学します。生まれも育ちもニューヨークですが、毎夏親戚を訪ねて日本に一時国しているので、日本は僕の第二の故郷です。去年の夏は、セントラルパークのオアシスデーキャンプで働いた経験もあります。僕の趣味は読書、音楽鑑賞、ビデオゲーム、そして散歩。カウンセラーとしてみんなと過ごすこの夏を、今からとっても楽しみしています。
My name is Akira Taniguchi and I am 18 years old. I will start attending SUNY Binghamton starting this fall. I was born and raised in New York City, but I have visited my relatives in Tokyo every summer, so Japan my second home. Last summer I worked at Oasis Day Camp in Central Park and I'm very excited to work as a camp counselor again. My hobbies are to read, listen to music, play video games, and to explore my surrounding areas. I am looking forward to having a blast at MSTERIO!
Hi, my name is Maya Tomita. I am 19 years old, and just graduated from a Danish high school in Copenhagen called Gefion Gymnasium. I play piano, watch too many movies and go to museums in my spare time. This will be my 7th year in MSTERIO, but my first year as a counselor. I have been looking forward to this week all year, and can’t wait to have fun with you!
Chiba born and Tokyo bred man. He encountered MSTERIO when he was in elementary school. Since then, he has joined MSTERIO almost every year. He loves children and music. From his elementary school days of being a member of a broadcasting club, to studying topics ranging from recitation to movie production, he has since turned his interests into a hobby. During his second year of high school, he went to New Zealand to study for a year and went to the local high school. He gained some cross cultural experience as well as a little English. After returning to Japan, he attended professional school, studying directing and overall production, and immersed myself in a variety of activities. After graduation, he worked as a Banquet Producer at one of the major hotels in Tokyo directing sound and lighting, while launching a business of his own and expanding in my creative activities.
My name's Margaret, and I'm a currently a third year student studying Neuroscience at Princeton University. I'm from South Carolina, but I was born in Minnesota and raised in Connecticut. In my free time, I like reading all kinds of books and playing some ultimate frisbee. I've always wanted to visit and live in Japan, and this summer that dream has finally come true! Through Princeton in Asia's Osawa Fellowship, I am teaching English in Tokyo and traveling around Japan. I have loved my experience so far, and can't wait to be a part of MSTERIO and to meet all of you!
Koki was born in Tokyo. He is 19 years old and goes to University in Taiwan. He has been good at playing around with mechanical things he likes taking and editing both still and motion picture, and playing soccer. He had been in New Zealand for 10 months when he was in high school where he learned English and about the world. After he came back to Japan, he started to learn Chinese and went to Taiwan to study. He like fun and silly things. THis is his MISTERIO debut.
Kisho is sophomore at Tokyo University. He used to join MISTERIO as a camper but this is his first time being a staff. When he was in elementary school, he had been in France to study for about half a year so that he can communicate in French. His hobby is audio, electronic kit, guitar and chorus. He recently started to play the piano.
ちょうど1週間後には、ミステリオの始まり、始まりーーーー!今日は群馬さる小まで出向き、最終打ち合わせも完了。 そこで今日は3人のさる小のコアーメンバーのご紹介です。こんな素敵な方達が、私たちミステリオを迎えてくださる、なんてラッキーなんでしょう! It is ONLY IN ONE WEEK till MSTERIO BEGINS. Today we had a very nice meeting with three core members of Saru-Sho. So let us introduce them to you. They are so much looking forward to having us.
さる小 校長/Principal of Sarusho
Kenji is a school principle of Sarusho. He is from Yokohama. He quite his job for Sarusho and moved to Minakami with his family. He has been playing baseball since elementary school but has not enough talent so he had to give up to aim for the top. After graduating college, his love of sports made him work at a sports supply shop and sport related events. However, somehow he ended up working at Sarusho…
Hobby: Sports watching, Collecting sneakers
Favorite food: Everything other than greenpeas
Goal: lose 44lbs.
12月31日生まれ/出身地: 広島県。嫁(前橋出身), 子供(2歳男)の3人家族
18歳からプロミュージシャンを目指しながらも生活のためバーテンダー、クラブ、喫茶店、清掃屋、築地で出張寿司職人、トラックの運転手などアルバイト経験をし良い事も、悪い事も学校では教えてくれない社会勉強を徹底的に体に叩き込まれる(笑)音楽業界での限界を感じ、自分探しの生活をはじめる。結婚を機に就職。そこで、自分の力が発揮されるサービス業という業界にのめり込む。2008年滋慶学園グループ ジケイスペース(株)レストラン事業部にて、保養施設、カフェレストラン、ウエディング、パーティー音楽イベント事業の統括プロデューサー(兼支配人)として運営に携わる
デビュー前のインディーズアーティスト音楽イベント運営 タレント/モデルなどファンクラブイベント運営
2013年 子供が生まれると同時に退職し、知り合いゼロの群馬県みなかみ町へ移住を決断地域密着型の絶対現場主義をかかげ施設運営トータルサポート会社 Satisfaction.llc設立。現在は地元企業、みなかみ町行政のサポートや民間飲食店舗の運営、サポートなど幅広く活動を行う。カップやきそばペヤング愛好家としての顔もあり、最近各メディアで取り上げられる。
Born on December 31st/ From Hiroshima. He has a wife and son who is 2years old. He started to dream to become a musician at the age of 18. He has been working as a bartender, a staff at a club and coffee shop, a cleaner, Sushi chef at Tsukiji and a truck driver to live and learn more than he can be taught in schools. He felt the limitation of his talent as a musician and started to quest who he really is.
He started to work at a service industry when he got married and realized that his ability matched the needs. In 2008, he became a chief producer and a manager at the restaurant operation department at Jikei Space Company, which belongs to Jikei Group, and manage sanatoriums, cafes, restaurants, wedding venues, parties and music events.
Developed artist collaborations cafes with various artists such as L'arc-en-ciel, W-inds, perfume, Mai Kuraki, Aya Ueto and Bonnie Pink and more. Created artists' original menus and operated the caes. Other than that, he produced music events such as indies artist events and fan club events for TV personalities and models.
In 2013, the year his son was born, he quite his job and decided to move to Minakami where he is not familiar with at all. He established Satisfaction.llc which support the management of facilities totally. The company is community based and support actual spot 100%. Besides he supports local companies and Minakami town administration, he manage local restaurants. He is famous for being a huge Peyang Cup Fried Noodle fan.
Taiji is from Hyogo. He loves Rock and music festivals. A little shy. He moved to Gunma soon after he graduated high school this year. Learning about the world under the guidance of his uncle, Chef Masayuki.
さあーミステリオサマーキャンプまで、あと19日! 準備も着々、今年のスタッフやアクテイビテイーデイレクターのメンバーも決定。
その中で、毎年ドラマの指導をしてくださっている俳優座の女優・田野聖子さんの出演していらっしゃるPANA HOMEのCMが公開になりました。西島秀俊さんとの共演版!