毎晩キャンパーたちが寝静まった後、次の日の準備のためにスタッフミーテイングを行うのですが、7日目を迎えると、スタッフ全員 みんなとのお別れを想像し寂しさでいっぱいになります。 そう、今日が実質みんなと1日ずっと過ごせる最後の日、盛りだくさんの日になりそうです。

今日のスタートは、昨夜のスタッフタレントショーで使ったコスチュームを、朝食のときに全員好きなコスチュームをつけての、コスチュームブレックファーストから。おもい想いに、なりたい自分になれる朝食はこれまた楽しい時間です。朝食の用意は、かなこキャビン Pop Rocks!

今日の午前中は、クラスはなく恒例のミステリオイベント、記念撮影、ミステリオ・オリンピック、そしてLet's Get Wetにすいかわり。

オリンピックではレッド ”わたしたちはレッドでーす”チームとブルー”うなぎさむらい”チームに分かれての対抗戦。いくつかの競技の結果、今年の優勝は、、、、、、”うなぎさむらい”でした!!!

Let's Get Wet では、全員が水鉄砲を片手に鬼ごっこをしながら、水のかけあいです。始めは小さな水鉄砲を使って走り回っていたキャンパーたちも バケツを見つけた大人スタッフたちが、バケツ一杯の水をいれてかけ合い始めると、こぞってみんながバケツに集中。頭の先からつま先まで、みんなビ〜〜ッショリ。






だんだんと会場に近づくにつれて遠くのほうから、美しい炎の道が見え始めてきました。それまで懐中電灯を照らしながら歩いていた私たちも、その炎の美しさに魅せられ 全員で懐中電灯の光を消します。真っ暗な道の所々に、炎のランプが立ち並ぶ中、空を見上げるとお月様も満月で私たちを迎えてくれています。


オリンピックの開会式のように、3本のたいまつの火を掲げて白い布に身をまとい走りながら入場したのは、、、、、CIT/高校三年生の三人、DAICHI, MAO & ARISA ではありませんか!! 実にエレガント、かつ勇ましい姿でした。


その後、カウンセラーTAKUYAによるギターと歌の演奏、MASAYAさんによるサックスのパフォーマンス、軽快なダンスメドレーでレッツダンス! 最後を飾るのは、高校三年の三人から歌と感動的なメッセージ、そしてみんなで肩を組んでミステリオソングを二曲歌い、ミステリオ最後の夜を閉じることができました。



After the campers go to sleep every night, we have staff meetings to prepare for the next day. Our last meeting on the seventh day of camp made everyone think about the fact that we would all have to part the next day.This is the last whole day we have to spend with each other, and it looks like we have a lot in store.

We started off the day with a costume breakfast, disguising ourselves with the costume pieces that the staff members used for the talent show from the previous night. We all used breakfast to become whatever and whoever we wanted to be. Kanako's cabin, Pop Rocks!, prepared breakfast for us.

We didn't spend the morning today in classes; rather, we participated in some MSTERIO traditions, a photo shoot, the MSTERIO Olympics, and "Let's Get Wet," a huge water gun fight.

In the Olympic, we had the "We are Red" team and the blue "Eel Samurai" team. After several events, the "Eel Samurai" team won this year's games.

Let's Get Wet is an event in which everyone gets a water gun and chases everyone else around. It began with campers running around with smaller water guns, but everyone switched tools when some staff members found buckets to fill with water to splash others. Everyone ended up soaked from head to toe!

Afterwards, we split up into 5 teams, and played a game to try cracking open a watermelon while blindfolded. We ate the cracked watermelon with our hands, which may have made it taste even better than usual.

For lunch, we had some cold udon and dessert. Everyone was starving from today's morning activities.

After the last Quiet Time, we had rehearsal for Saturday's farewell party, packed, and cleaned. Some campers packed the books, games, and CDs in the Midori Library collection in boxes, while others helped sweep the floors. This sight of the campers developing a sense of responsibility and proactivity is something characteristic of MSTERIO.

At the same time, stowing everything away made us realize that tomorrow is our last day here.

For dinner, we had chicken curry with salad, which turned out to be a huge hit. We then headed out for our highlight event: the campfire.  The weather was in our favor, and the sky was beautifully lit with stars. We walked down the path to get to the campfire site; it was almost a mystical experience.

As we got closer and closer to the campfire, we began to see a path marked with small flames. We no longer needed the flashlights we had been using to light our way. There were lamps lining the pitch black path; when we looked up, there was a full moon beckoning us closer to our destination.

Everyone sat down in a big circle, looking at the unlit campfire, when three fireballs appeared and began heading closer to us.

Just like the Olympics Opening Ceremony, three figures appeared bearing torches and wearing white cloth: the 3 CIT seniors, Daichi, Mao, and Arisa. They looked truly elegant and heroic.

The campfire started after the three torches' flames joined into one.  The flame grew and grew as we watched, making each of us remember our memories from the past 7 days.

Later, one of the counselors Takuya sang while playing the guitar, Masaya played the saxophone, and we danced to a few songs. The finale was a song and a touching message from the 3 seniors. We then all linked shoulders and sang the two MSTERIO songs, and ended our last night at MSTERIO.

Every year, our campfire director, Yu, thinks carefully about what kind of campfire would make all the campers happiest. This year's campfire was truly special--thank you, Yu!