7日間のたくさんの思い出を思い起こせた昨晩のキャンプファイアー。1日あけたさわやかな朝、新しい日の始まりです。でも今日はミステリオ最後の日、そう、ついにお別れ会がやってきました。 最終日だけあって、朝食中はおしゃべりも一層充実。あと何時間かで始まるお別れ会には、久しぶりにキャンパーたちのご家族が到着するからか、みんななんとなくそわそわ、、、、、。
初日キャンパー全員がミステリオ国に入国するために入国審査をうけ、パスポートにスタンプを押してもらったと同じく、出国手続きも開始。出国審査員は、おなじみのTHOMAS & MATT。
3番目はお琴 ”桜” 演奏です。たった1日だけの練習とは思えないほどの素晴らしいでき。一人一人のまなざしは、それは真剣そのもの。このクラスをとったキャンパー達の年齢も小学校1年から高校までと幅広いレンジ。その彼らが入れ替わり立ち替わり演奏している姿は、ただただ唖然。
素敵なコラボレーションが終わったところで、いよいよ最後のパフォーマンス、Senior & CIT (中高生) によるドラマ発表。今年は20名の出演者による25分の大作 ”遥かな森に光満ちるとき (When the Light fills the faraway Forest) 。音響、衣装、小道具と裏方のアシスタント役をつとめるスタッフたちも7名という大所帯。
今年は英語のほうが得意なキャンパーたちが何人かいたのですが、実質たった4日間のリハーサルで本当によくここまで頑張って 日本語の台詞を覚え演技ができたと思います。また、中学から初参加のキャンパーたちも、始めてとは思えないほどの活躍ぶりでした。来年からキャンパーではなくなる高校三年生の三人のCITの演技もそれぞれに力強く、何度も目頭が熱くなりました。これぞっミステリオの T: Teamwork の現れ、この経験が、少しでも一人一人の自信に繋がり、自分を信じ、自分をもっともっと好きになれたら素敵だなあ。
そして、この3人の卒業式を行っていると、、、、、後ろからこっそり現れたシニアキャンパーの3人が、恒例の卒業生に送る紙皿にたっぷり入ったホイップクリームを持って登場し、彼らの顔に投げかけながら ”卒業おめでとう!!” 毎年のこととわかっていながらも、これも楽しい思い出の1つ。
そして、いよいよお別れの時間がやってきました。スタッフの紹介の後、スペシャルゲスト・秦万里子さんから教えていただいた英語の歌2001 HEROS の合唱、ミステリオオリジナルソング二曲を肩を並べ合いながら大合唱。
12歳になったミステリオ、これからもみなさんと共に、たくさんのMake A Differenceを実行しながら、一度の人生を思いっ切りエンジョイしていきたいと思っています。
At the campfire, we were all able to remember and cherish the 7 days' worth of memories. We woke up to a fresh, new day--our last day at MSTERIO. It was finally time to say goodbye.
Everybody had plenty to talk about over breakfast. There was also a little anxiety and anticipation, knowing that within a few hours, the campers would be reunited with their families.
The campers carried their packed bags from their cabins, while the staff members placed campers' art projects on display, prepared for the show and lunch, and cleaned up.
On the first day of camp, everyone needed to go through customs and get their MSTERIO passports stamped in order to enter MSTERIO Kingdom. Today, we had to go through customs again, but in order to leave. The customs officers were, of course, Thomas and Matt.
At 10:30am, the campers' families arrived on a bus from Matsumoto Station.
And at 11am, we began the farewell performances. The campers entered one by one, grouped by cabins. We presented the cabin names, sounds, and sculptures that we came up with on the first day of camp. We were impressed by how much everyone remembered without having practiced since the first day!
In order to start off the presentations, we had a spectacular performance by the MSTERIO Cheerleaders.
Next up: dance. There was an uproar of applause after the campers and assistants danced to a song from High School Musical. Some parents were awed, seeing that their children could dance so well! Everybody did their best to capture the performance with their cameras. This year, the tempo of the song was especially fast, and on the first day of classes, only 1 camper showed up--nevertheless, more campers began to select and attend the dance class as the days went by, and by the last day, we had a stage full of campers ready to show us their moves.
The third act was a Japanese folk song, "Sakura," performed on the koto. Regardless of the fact that there was only one day's worth of classes for the koto, everybody performed beautifully, with very serious, focused looks on their faces. There was a wide range of campers who attended this class, from first graders to high school students. They all worked together for a performance that awed us.
Fourth was a collaborative performance for music and calligraphy. Six boys played the Japanese taiko for the opening, followed by everyone lining up with instruments that they tapped against their feet, legs, head, and chest to play the song "Do Re Mi." Then, the campers took their calligraphy brushes to a cheerful accompaniment on the piano, and openly expressed on calligraphy paper what kind of place MSTERIO was to them.
Finally, Kotaro, our calligraphy teacher, took a brush and wrote "MSTERIO" in huge, red letters to the side, completing our masterpiece.
What kind of MSTERIO did they imagine?
"A kingdom of dreams," "new discoveries," "fun friends," "teamwork." Four very powerful statements.
Then, it was time for the final performance: the senior campers' and CITs' play. This year, we put on a 25-minute piece, "When the Light Fills the Faraway Forest," with 20 cast members. 7 staff members helped out with sound, costumes, and props.
This year, there were several campers who were more proficient in English than Japanese, but they too were able to memorize and perform their lines in Japanese after only 4 days of rehearsals. The middle school students and first-time campers also performed superbly--we couldn't believe it was their first time onstage! The three CITs who would no longer be campers next year also touched us with their performances. This was a great example of the T in MSTERIO: Teamwork. We hope that this experience adds even a little to the campers' confidence and self-esteem.
After the performance, the senior CITs presented us with a message, and Arisa gave an elegant speech including her thoughts about MSTERIO.
And while the 3 seniors were graduating, 3 senior campers snuck up from behind with a paper plates full of whipped cream, and threw one on each of their faces--a MSTERIO tradition for graduating seniors. Everybody knows this happens every year, but is consistently one of our favorite memories.
As the clock struck 1pm, we began a buffet-style lunch. The campsite, Woody Mock, made us some rice balls, some tasty appetizers and dessert. We had a festive lunch with over 100 campers, staff, parents and family members. We signed each others' MSTERIO T-shirts, exchanged addresses, and received letters from our counselors. None of us wasted even a second together.
It was finally time to say goodbye. After introducing the staff members, we sang a song 2011 HEROS that our special guest, Mariko Hata taught us in English, as well as the two MSTERIO original songs.
There were some campers who we had to say goodbye to on the campsite, since they weren't going on the train back to Tokyo with us. As always, this was a very difficult goodbye.
At 3pm, everybody said their final goodbyes to Woody Mock, and boarded the bus to get to Matsumoto Station, where we would find our train back to Shinjuku Station. The train had a whole car for MSTERIO, which never ceased to be lively.
Then, at 7:36pm, we arrived at Shinjuku. We headed to the meeting place where everybody's families would be waiting, and were able to send all the campers home successfully, without any serious injuries or illnesses.
We will post some photos of the last day as well as the camp session at a later date.
We will also continue to introduce the special guests we had at camp, as well as some extra stories from camp bit by bit--please check back for more!
The top reason why this year's MSTERIO was such a special time and place was the parents, who were willing to let their children participate. Additionally, we want to thank the staff members who always watched out for the campers' safety; the activity directors and special guests who ensured that these 8 days would be a memory that lasted a lifetime; the medical team, Dr. Sada and Kuma-chan, who carefully paid attention to our healths; Blue World, who recorded the 8 days we spent together; and Woody Mock, who made us delicious meals. Thank you so, so much for all that you've done for us.
MSTERIO has completed its 12th year, and we hope to continue making a lot of difference with everyone and enjoying the one life we're given.
We wish everyone a happy summer!!