さあ〜〜〜三日目の7月30日月曜日の始まりです! 今日はみんなでミステリオアースデー!! ミステリオの今年のテーマ、Champions of GREEN.
そして今日のOne Point English は Break A Leg! 日本語ではがんばれ、という意味。
ミステリオでは最後の金曜の午前中に恒例のミステリオオリンピックが開催されます。それに先立ち、チーム分け、チーム名も決まりました。赤チームは、”わたしたちはレッドです!” ただしこれを言うときには、ちょっと英語っぽく言ってみてくださいね。そして青チームは ”うなぎさむらい”。
午後はアメリカ人チームによるTie Dye Project。みんなに持ってきてもらった白いTシャツにいろいろな色を染めて一人一人がユニークなTシャツを作ります。出来上がりをお楽しみに。
夕食はキャビンごとでなく 各キャンパーのメンターになる大人たちと座ることになりました。電気を全部消して、キャンドルデイナー。太陽が沈み始めると自然にどんどんと暗くなるダイニングルーム。でもこの暗さがとてもロマンチックで、ひときわ会話も盛り上がり、にぎやかなデイナーとなりました。
今日のアースデーを締めるスペシャルイベントは。7分のDVDを上映。このDVDは8月1日NHKの地上波でも放映されるショートムービー 「ヒカルの掃除」。上映後、スペシャルゲスト、星覚の登場。星覚には、これから毎朝の早起きクラブの禅、そしてお掃除大魔王としてお掃除チェックをしてもらいます。その星覚が、こうしたらもっとより上手にお掃除ができるようになるというヒントをこれから教えてもらいます。
今晩教わったことは、あなたのお家はどこですか? 物事、人、すべてこの地球に存在するものには、必ずお家がある、そのお家に必ず返してあげること、これが私たちの役目。さあ〜明日から、みんな自分のお家を見つけることができるかな?
今日最後の締めは、アースデー”花火大会”。一列に並んだたくさんの花火に火をつけてくれたジョッシュ、ありがとう! キャンパーたちも、花火を手にとって、今日のアースデーを思い出しながら、美しい星空をみあげながら、充実の三日目を終えることができました。
Day 3 is Earth Day at MSTERIO! MSTERIO's theme this year is "Champions of GREEN".
Our One Point English is "Break A Leg".
On Earth Day, we spend the day thinking about nature, people, animals, insects, and the earth. So today, we'll stay out surrounded by nature as much as possible.
After breakfast and clean up, it's time for another music class with Ms. Mariko Hata, who will continue teaching us her original song. Although this is a difficult song, the campers learn quickly with Ms. Mariko's amazing instructions. Her teaching style is dynamic and unique and she mixes things up with improvisational performances and fun singing exercises. While the campers practice, the staff is in the kitchen packing lunch. It's the first time for our international staff to make rice balls. Once lunch is ready, we're ready to go hiking in the woods!
After walking for about an hour, we arrived in a field with an outdoor theater stage. This where the cheerleading group performed their routine with Rena, who will be leaving for Tokyo today. They were so fantastic, we all couldn't believe they only had a day to practice!
Then, we moved on to the field to play with the giant parachute. The campers gathered around the colorful parachute and ran underneath as it went up and down in the air. Lunch tasted delicious after exercising so much!
On the final day, we're going to have MSTERIO Olympics! We've divided the group into the red team and the blue team. They are called "We are the RED Team" and "Unagi Samurai".
In the afternoon, we worked on a Tie-Dye Project using the white t-shirt everyone brought. Each one is different, unique, and beautiful. We can't wait to show you!
After the project, it's time for class. Today we choose from art, drama, music and English. In Art, we painted the pavement with using stencils and special paint and chalk. We traced each other on the earth and signed our names. In Music class, we went to the mountain and made flutes out of milk cartons. We played twister in English class to learn the colors and the parts of the body. Casting for the play by CIT and middle school campers has been announced and rehearsal has started in Drama class. Please look forward to the last day of camp when we present to the parents everything the campers have been working on.
Before dinner, we introduced the staff members who arrived today. Kotaro, the calligraphy director, Dr. Sada, who arrived from the States, and our general staff, Shiho and Sena.
Tonight, we're sitting not by cabin, but by the mentor system. Each staff is assigned campers to mentor and watch out for. Since it's Earth Day, we decided to turn off the lights and dine as the sunsets. By the time we finished our meal, we were eating in the dark but somehow it was more romantic and everyone talked and enjoyed themselves.
The Special Event for today was a screening of a 7 minute DVD. This short movie entitled "Hikaru's Clean Up" was written by our friend, and will be aired on NHK on August 1st. After the screening we welcomed our special guest, SEIGAKU, the monk. He will be holding a zen club during the early bird hours and checking the cabins as the "Lord of the Clean Up" to give us tips on how to stay organized.
Tonight, Seitaro asked us to consider this line: "Where do I belong?"
People, things, and everything that exists on this earth has a place where it belongs. However, sometimes these things can't find their way home on its own. So let's help them get back to its place!
Our final event today was fireworks. All the campers lined up with fireworks in their hands as Josh walked down and lit them up, one by one. Thanks, Josh! We wrapped up day 3 as we looked up at the starlit skies filled beautiful fireworks.
We hope the kids will enjoy the storyteller's stories tonight! Sleep tight and sweet dreams!