今週末は何回かに分けて、スタッフトレーニングの開催、そして今年参加の親御さんやお子さんとのオリエンテーションはいよいよ明日!! その前に、今年のカウンセラーと、ジェネレルスタッフを紹介します。
This weekend we are hosting a few staff training programs as well as an orientation with parents and children tomorrow on Sunday! Let us introduce our counselors and general staff members.
千葉 颯丸/Kazemaru Chiba
I’m a senior year in the College of Liberal Arts the Division of Arts & Science in International Christian University (ICU), majoring in Politics. I had been in Sheffield in UK as an exchange student for about 11 months since July in 2014. I am a genuine Japanese who was born and had been raised in Shiogama, Miyagi until I came to Tokyo. But as joined some university’s study abroad program, I have been to Edinburgh to participate in 6-week English learning school, I have done service-learning in the rural area of Indonesia for a month, and as I joined in the study tour of a private tourism company I visited Kenya and interacted with Masai people. At ICU, I help students to plan their own academic life as a peer adviser, play basketball in the club, and sing songs in the a cappella group ‘cause I like it! I decided to join in MSTERIO through meeting Nozomi by mere chance. I wonder that I would like to paint the picture on one page of wonderful memories of this summer with all of you by devoting my energies to assisting each one of campers!
My name is Midori, and I currently attend Goucher College in Maryland and study International Relations. I will be Junior this coming September. I was born in Tokyo, Japan, but I lived in Italy, Indonesia, and Thailand. I have been playing tennis since I was a kid so I love playing and watching tennis. I recently started to play guitar, but I am not very good. This is my first time to participate in MSTERIO so I am very nervous. But, I am very very excited to spend time and make unforgettable memories with you all! I am looking forward to seeing you all!
Ryuki is senior at International Christian University, majoring in Global Business. He had a dream to spent his 4 years in University in Kyoto but somehow he started to learn in Akita. Akita is such a peaceful place without any excitement, so he decided to make his own excitement by himself. He started to involved in theater. 80% of his daily life is about theater. He went to Warsaw, Poland to study for a year in September, 2014. He actually did not study that much but traveled around a lot. This is his first time joining MSTERIO.
I’m a rising Senior at Purdue University in Indiana studying Aerospace Engineering. I was born and raised in Tokyo, but have also lived in New York and Massachusetts. I enjoy playing sports (especially squash), listening to music, and playing with my pet rabbit. I used to be a camper and this will be my third year as a counselor. I am looking forward to spending an amazing summer with everyone.
現在日本に住んでいますが、過去には韓国、デンマークに合計19年間住んでいました。昨年の9月に慶応義塾大学に入学し、GIGA programという英語のプログラムに所属しています。また、中学校二年生まではソウル日本人学校に通っていたため、日本語、英語、両方話せます。現在大学では国際開発や経済について学んでいます。旅が大好きで休みごとにいろいろな国を回っています。子供の世話をするのも好きでデンマークではサマースクールのお手伝いのお仕事や、日本人補習学校のアシスタントティーチャーなどもやっていました。マヤの紹介です。ミステリオは初参加なので、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
Hi, I’m Natsumi Hirao. I’ve lived in Korea and Denmark for around 19 years but living in Japan at the moment. I enrolled in Keio University last September and currently in a program called GIGA which all the classes are held in English. I have also attended in Japanese school when I lived in Korea thus I call myself a bilingual. I am very interested in international development and economics. Moreover I love to travel and visit different countries. I enjoy taking care of children as I used to help out summer schools in Denmark. Maya introduced me to MSTERIO! I’m really looking forward to it.
松波 慎剛/Shingo Matsunami
I was born in Gifu prefecture. I am taking courses at Senzoku Music University as a second-year student in piano and composition course. I dream that I can change the world with music. But I am still learning. Personally, I want to access more genres of music as I want to experience as much as possible! This will be my third consecutive year participating in MSTERIO. I am looking forward to spending a wonderful summer with everyone!
I'm going to be a Sophomore at Purdue University studying Mechanical Engineering. I used to live in the States when I was 2-8 years old. I love going out to walk, have fun at the park, skateboarding, swimming, and a lot of other stuff. I am really looking forward to help out at MSTERIO!
今回のミステリオの記録・編集をさせて頂きます、ブルーワールドの中野渡 大雅と言います。社会人2年目で、テレビの現場で働いています。小学生の頃から野球をやっていて甲子園に出場した事もあります(スタンドからの応援でしたが(笑))。青森県出身で、高校生から野球留学で奈良県で寮生活をし、東京都で専門学生をしていたせいか、思い立ったら行動に移してしまう性があります(思い立つまでが長いのですが・・・)。ミステリオ初参加ですが、多くの笑顔を撮影できるよう頑張りますので、よろしくお願い致します。
Taiga is from BLUEWORLD, the video production company. He started to work 2 years ago. He has been playing baseball since he was in elementary school and went to Koshien (to support his team.) Born in Aomori and moved to Nara to play baseball when he got into high school. He makes an action soon after he decided to do. It is his first time to join MSTERIO and he will do his best to capture many happy faces.
Having recently made the big move from coast to coast, I am currently in my first year of graduate studies at California State University Long Beach, majoring in linguistics. I was born and raised in New York City, attended college at Rutgers University in New Jersey, and have now begun the next chapter of my life in Los Angeles. As an undergraduate, I worked very closely with the English department faculty and staff on linguistic research, tutoring, and general teacher's assistance. Now that I've graduated, I am slowly but steadily venturing into the exciting world of field research. When my nose is not pressed against a linguistics textbook solving foreign language grammar problems however, my hobbies still include dancing, reading, and recently, botany. This will be my third year at MSTERIO, and I can't wait to see all of my returning members as well as the shining new members of the MSTERIO family!
My name is Josh, and I am currently finishing up my fourth year of a Ph.D. program in Japanese cultural history at Columbia. My project is on the history of food and dietary health, but too often I can’t resist eating something delicious anyway! I grew up in New York and am now living in Tokyo doing research, but even though I’m a city kid at heart, I love to escape to the countryside whenever the weather gets warm. And this summer I’m especially excited to join the MSTERIO team! In my free time I’m a member of the Waseda Ceramics Club, I love cooking and traditional crafts. I can’t wait to meet all of you soon!
小学校低学年よりミステリオサマーキャンプに参加している下田実來です。今年もミステリオパスポートデザインをさせて頂きました。今回のテーマは15周年を記念したミステリオスペシャルパーティー!です。(詳しくはキャンプ当日に!) 私は今アートを学びたいので、ミステリオのスローガン、Make a differenceの真っ只中です。ミステリオで体験した世界を感謝を込めてパスポートに表現しました。スタッフとしては初参加、みなさんと過ごすミステリオの夏を心から楽しみにしていますのでよろしくお願いします。
Mirai first joined MSTERIO when she was in elementary school. She is a designer of MSTERIO Passport. Since we celebrate 15th anniversary this year, the theme of the design is “MSTERIO Special Party!”, which she will present in detail on the first day! Currently, she is learning art so she is practicing to “Make a difference”. She created a beautiful passport with her appreciation for what she had been experiencing through MSTERIO. This is her staff debut. She is looking forward to having fun with us.
アメリカのニューヨーク州立ファッション工科大学でファッションデザインを専攻しています。 この秋からは2年生。生まれも育ちもニューヨークですが、 一昨年までは年に一回、 東京に行っていました。中学までは夏の間、東京の学校で体験入学をして頂きました。趣味は散歩、音楽、映画を見たり。ミステリオに参加するのは初めてですが、皆さんとよい思い出を作るのが今から楽しみです!
I am currently attending SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology. I was born and raised in Manhattan, New York. Every summer, I go to Japan to visit my family in Tokyo. Last summer, I stayed in New York and taught art crafts to younger children in a summer camp in Bronx. My hobby is to take a long walk, listen to music and watch a movie. This would be my first summer to participate in MSTERIO. I am very excited to meet all of you and looking forward to make unforgettable memories!
この夏に高校を卒業、秋からSUNY Binghamton大学に入学します。生まれも育ちもニューヨークですが、毎夏親戚を訪ねて日本に一時国しているので、日本は僕の第二の故郷です。去年の夏は、セントラルパークのオアシスデーキャンプで働いた経験もあります。僕の趣味は読書、音楽鑑賞、ビデオゲーム、そして散歩。カウンセラーとしてみんなと過ごすこの夏を、今からとっても楽しみしています。
My name is Akira Taniguchi and I am 18 years old. I will start attending SUNY Binghamton starting this fall. I was born and raised in New York City, but I have visited my relatives in Tokyo every summer, so Japan my second home. Last summer I worked at Oasis Day Camp in Central Park and I'm very excited to work as a camp counselor again. My hobbies are to read, listen to music, play video games, and to explore my surrounding areas. I am looking forward to having a blast at MSTERIO!
Hi, my name is Maya Tomita. I am 19 years old, and just graduated from a Danish high school in Copenhagen called Gefion Gymnasium. I play piano, watch too many movies and go to museums in my spare time. This will be my 7th year in MSTERIO, but my first year as a counselor. I have been looking forward to this week all year, and can’t wait to have fun with you!
Chiba born and Tokyo bred man. He encountered MSTERIO when he was in elementary school. Since then, he has joined MSTERIO almost every year. He loves children and music. From his elementary school days of being a member of a broadcasting club, to studying topics ranging from recitation to movie production, he has since turned his interests into a hobby. During his second year of high school, he went to New Zealand to study for a year and went to the local high school. He gained some cross cultural experience as well as a little English. After returning to Japan, he attended professional school, studying directing and overall production, and immersed myself in a variety of activities. After graduation, he worked as a Banquet Producer at one of the major hotels in Tokyo directing sound and lighting, while launching a business of his own and expanding in my creative activities.
My name's Margaret, and I'm a currently a third year student studying Neuroscience at Princeton University. I'm from South Carolina, but I was born in Minnesota and raised in Connecticut. In my free time, I like reading all kinds of books and playing some ultimate frisbee. I've always wanted to visit and live in Japan, and this summer that dream has finally come true! Through Princeton in Asia's Osawa Fellowship, I am teaching English in Tokyo and traveling around Japan. I have loved my experience so far, and can't wait to be a part of MSTERIO and to meet all of you!
Koki was born in Tokyo. He is 19 years old and goes to University in Taiwan. He has been good at playing around with mechanical things he likes taking and editing both still and motion picture, and playing soccer. He had been in New Zealand for 10 months when he was in high school where he learned English and about the world. After he came back to Japan, he started to learn Chinese and went to Taiwan to study. He like fun and silly things. THis is his MISTERIO debut.
Kisho is sophomore at Tokyo University. He used to join MISTERIO as a camper but this is his first time being a staff. When he was in elementary school, he had been in France to study for about half a year so that he can communicate in French. His hobby is audio, electronic kit, guitar and chorus. He recently started to play the piano.