明け方4時頃にすごい雷と大雨できっとキャンパーたちが怖がって起きてしまったのではないかとナースのくまちゃんが見回り、でもなんと一人も起きてこなかったのですよ! 朝食はMAOとAIKOのキャビン。食事中にTHOMASが 今日にふさわしい英語のセンテンス Action speaks louder than wordsを教えてくれました。
午前中はフィールドスポーツやテニスがあるので、この雨で一時はどうしようかと心配しましたが、スタッフたちの協力でとてもよいアイデアが浮かびました。テニスはミステリオで名前をつけた大きなホールSUGOI HALLでスマッシュ、ラリーゲームを楽しみました。水泳はボールを使ってゲーム。ダンスは新しいキャンパーも加わって昨日にも増してすごい上達ぶり。そして今日から始まるベーキングのクラスでは、ミステリオ15周年を祝ってチョコレートパナコッタ、ジャイアントケーキを作りました。
毎年 ミステリオは終戦記念日の前後にあたります。65年前のあの戦争を知ってる経験している大人が少しでも、その事実を知らせて残していくべきだとつくづく痛感しています。5年後には少しでも世界が平和に戦争のない、地球になることを心から願っています。ミステリオの子供達がこの先少しでも一人一人はそれを意識してできることから実行していくことを願っています。地球を美しく世界を平和に1年1年努力していきました。2010年8月5日 松本奈川うっデイーもっくにて 寺尾慈子
今日はMOJI Artのアーチスト浦上秀樹さんをお迎えしました。秀樹さんは、21歳のときに筋肉が徐々に減少していく進行性の病気にかかり、すべての感覚はあっても腕、足などが全く動かすことができません。その中で2010年から口に筆をくわえ、墨で文字を書きながらアーチストとしてMake A Difference を実践なさっています。その秀樹さんが、みんなの前で実際に文字を書いてくださいました。そして、、、、秀樹さんが書いてくださった文字は、、、”風” この文字 ”ゆめにむかって”というひらがなでできているのです。その横では昨晩のゲストKEITAさんとAIKAによる太鼓と笛の演奏をバックグランドミュージックに、書道デイレクターのNAOKIさん(吟水先生)が”流”という字を加えてくださり(風流)充実の1時間を過ごしました。
そして、、、今日の夜のイベントは??? 毎年恒例のMSTERIO DANCE PARTY そしてダンスパーテイーといえば、PIZZA NIGHT。ノリノリの音楽に合わせてフィーバーフィーバー!!! 午前中に作ったジャイアントパナコッタにデコレーションしたケーキを食べて15周年のお祝いをしました。
Good morning everyone! It's Thomas again! It was another early day at MSTERIO with many fun activities planned. Even though it was raining hard in the morning that didn't stop anyone from having a good time! Before our big day we had a nice filling breakfast. Sometimes during meal time we teach the campers an English phrase or expression with an important message. This is called ''One Point English." Today's expression was "ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS." We explained to the campers that this means that when you make a promise to do something you should follow through and do it. We also said that you shouldn't announce or brag about something you did but just do it and be humble about it . It is so wonderful to see even within such a short time these campers are learning the responsibilities of their actions.
After breakfast it was time for campers to return to their cabins to clean up! Again our cleaning inspectors were AIKA and NAOKI! Once the campers cleaned up it was time for campers to sign up for their morning classes. Today campers had many choices including (swimming, field, tennis, and a new activity baking!) The baking class was really popular! In today's baking class the campers made a beautiful panacotta with a strawberry sauce! This dessert was made because today we celebrated MSTERIO'S 15th anniversary!! Can you believe it's been 15 years already! WOW! Time flies!
Then it was time for lunch where it was announced that once again Shingo's cabin won for cleanest cabin for the boys and Mao and Tamika's cabin won for cleanest cabin for the girls! It was also announced during lunch that in the afternoon we would have a very special guest Hideki Uragami! He is a shodo (calligraphy) artist who suddenly became paralyzed at the age of 19. What makes him even more special is that he paints beautiful calligraphy only using his mouth! Watching such an artist paint so beautifully and so gracefully teaches the campers to not give up on their dreams and that they should never feel as if they can't do anything because of some physical barrier. At MSTERIO there is a song that the campers learn called "OH MSTERIO!' and there is a line in the song that says 'nan demo dekiru' which means I can do anything! so at MSTERIO we really try to send this positive message to our campers.
After this wonderful performance it was time for campers to sign up for their afternoon classes which included (Music, Art, Drama and today there was a special English class with Mariko Hata!) In English class the campers sang and danced to English songs where they had to guess the names of fruits, vegetables and animals. The campers really enjoyed this!
Finally it was time for campers to shower and get ready for tonight's special event which was the Disco Party! This event is done every year and is one of the most popular events at MSTERIO! The campers really enjoy this because they get to dress up in funny glasses and hats and dance to their favorite music. We go all out for this event including a DJ, a disco ball and disco lights! However, the best part is they get to eat pizza! We ordered more than 30 boxes of pizza! WOW! Believe it or not by the end of the night most of the pizza was gone! At the end of the night we served the MSTERIO 15th anniversary panacotta! The campers also loved that especially those campers who helped make it! They felt really proud about it!
After that the campers were exhausted and it was time for story time and bed time. Ok everyone that's the report for today! Good night everyone until tomorrow!