It is only in 12 days till MSTERIO begins! So we would like to start introducing all of our staff members with their bios and photos every day until 7/24.
寺尾 のぞみ/Nozomi Terao
デイレクター (総責任者)&キャンプマザー/Founder, Director & Camp Mom
アメリカ大使館商務省、フジテレビ制作部、伊藤忠商事アメリカの社長秘書を経て、1987年モルガンスタンレー証券東京支社に入社、1989年ニューヨーク、本社モルガンスタンレー証券会社に移籍、エグゼクテイブ・デイレクターを経て2006年退社。モルガンスタンレー在籍中の2001年にミステリオを立ち上げ、日本へは年間4回行ったり来たりの生活を続けている。2011年にニューヨークで立ち上げた非営利団体MSTERIO.org(旧HappyDoll.org) 世界の子供達をつなげる活動に力を注ぐ傍ら、Princeton in Asia、Ashinaga, Inc., Engaged Asia, Music for Hearts など教育関係のボードメンバー(理事)も務めている。
アメリカに生活し仕事をする傍ら、90年代後半から"日本人としてのアイデンティティーを忘れずに地球人になるためには何ができるか"と問いかけを始める。"身の回りの小さなことからはじめてみよう"とミステリオをスタート。30年ちかい海外生活から学んだ多くのことをもとに、次の時代を担う子どもたちや、大人と一緒に考える場をミステリオに見つける。自分で考え、感じながら、自分の好きなことを発見できる環境を、いつでも戻ってこれる場の提供、そして自分の力で楽しく力強く生き抜けるように、これからも多方面に渡りアメリカと日本で充実した時間の提供をし続けたいと考えている。ミステリオには初回から夫であるジョシュア・レヴィーン、両親、弟も参加。義息子の参加は今年で4回目。4 歳から始めたピアノに力を注ぎ、高校時代はオーケストラとのソロの演奏の経験を持つ。クラシックピアノの即興演奏や、ランニングなどにも夢中。ニューヨーク・フルマラソンでは何度も完走、ウーマンモア・マラソン、初回の東京マラソンにも出場。双子の義娘と義息子を持つ。JAA & US Japan Council のメンバー。
Nozomi Terao is the Founder and Director of MSTERIO, a company that uniquely connects young people through shared experience for mutual understanding and respect. Through its two main programs, International Summer Camp MSTERIO and MSTERIO Teens, participants strive for ways to "make a difference" for themselves and for others. Nozomi is active in business and the arts, in both Japan and the US. She was born and educated in Japan. At 17, Nozomi went to Chicago as an exchange student and attended her senior year at a public high school there. She worked at the American Embassy in Tokyo, Fuji Television's morning show, Itochu International in New York, and Morgan Stanley where she was employed for 18 years, ultimately as an Executive Director. While she was at Morgan Stanley, she has founded MSTERIO.jp.
As of Jan., 2011 she has founded a non-profit organization MSTERIO.org (formerly HappyDoll.org.) in New York to connect children around the world.
Nozomi has long thought about ways to contribute to the lives of children, asking herself: "How can we make a difference in their lives?" "How can we help them maintain their own identity?" "What does it mean to be a truly international person?" (Not merely by speaking different languages, but by remaining open to other people and cultures). "What can we offer children and how can we enjoy life with them?" MSTERIO was created in this spirit. Life always presents us with challenges, yet we can still have fun. She encourages everyone at MSTERIO to enjoy his or her time together.
She enjoys playing “improvisational” classical piano and running. Since 2005 she has run a New York full marathon 4 times, Women More Marathon and Tokyo Marathon. Nozomi devotes her full time to MSTERIO and several charity organizations including Princeton in Asia, Ashinaga, Inc, Engaged Asia, Inc., Music for Hearts, and few others as a board member.
Her husband Joshua Levine, her parents, and a brother have been joining her since 2001. Nozomi has twin stepdaughters and a stepson, Thomas. Thomas has also participated 4 times in a past. She is a member of JAA NY and US Japan Council.
レビーン ジョシュア /Joshua Levine
キャンプファザー/Camp Dad
Josh has had a long career in technology, both on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley. The recipient of many industry awards, Josh is a board director of many companies and non-profit organizations. He has run in six marathons, five in NYC and one in Tokyo.
イングリッシュデイレクター/English Director
I am Thomas and I am originally from New York but I am currently living in Tokyo, more specifically in Ryogoku which is famous for sumo wrestling ! I work as an English teacher at IgsZ which is a school that helps Japanese students who are interested in applying to universities abroad, especially in America but other English speaking countries as well. In my free time, I enjoy running, listening to music, and eating interesting food. This is my fourth year at MSTERIO. I hope to have another unforgettable experience here!
キャンプグランマ/Camp Grandma
東京在住。小学校から大学まで教会主催の日曜学校や YMCA,YWCA のキャンプなど数多く子どもに関わることに参加。国立音楽大学保育科(現幼児教育科)を卒業後、教会付属幼稚園で日曜学校教師、教論を経て結婚。二人の子ども(一女一男)を育てる。ミステリオには初回から参加。グランマとして子どもたちの精神的ケアを担当、キッチンスタッフの一員でもある。ストーリーテラーとして毎年手作り紙芝居を披露。ニューヨークの子ども病院で紙芝居の読み聞かせも体験。介護施設のお誕生会などで歌や紙芝居のボランティア活動も行う。子ども大好き、音楽大好き、テニス万能。18 才の時、 富山県北アルプスの剣岳の登頂を経験する。 ニューヨークでは 6 キロレースランニングにも挑戦。2008年から 2年連続で東京マラソン10キロレースを完走しメダルを獲得。毎日欠かさない 100回のスクワットが健康の秘訣。79才とは思えないエネルギーの持ち主。モットーは継続は力なり。
Throughout her youth, Yoshiko attended and also volunteered at numerous camps and events for children including the YMCA and YWCA programs and sunday school at her church. After graduating from Kunitachi College of Music where she majored in early childhood education, she became a sunday school kindergarten teacher. Having brought up two children of her own, Yoshiko has participated in MSTERIO since the very beginning as the camp mother - now the camp grandmother. In addition to being a key kitchen staff member and a camp storyteller using her had made "Kamishibai", she is in charge of the camper's well being. She has also read "Kamishibai" at New York Children's Hospital. She volunteers as a storyteller at birthday parties in a nursing home. She loves children and music. She is an avid tennis player. When Yoshiko was 18, she experienced the summit of the Tsurugidake, the Northern Alps, in Toyama Prefecture. Yoshiko has completed the 6 kilometer race in New York, and the 10 kilometer Tokyo Marathon for two consecutive years since 2008. She resides in Tokyo. Even though she is 79 years old and has the energy of a young girl. The secret to her health is her daily ritual of 100 squats. Her motto is "Endurance equals power."
寺尾 睦男(むっちー)/Mutsuo Terao (Mucchi)
キャンプグランパ/Camp Grandpa
Mutsuo (Mucchi) has worked at Lion’s corporation as an executive vice president. He is now an adviser to the Japan Ad Council. He has experience as a visiting professor at Yamano Fine Arts Junior College, and as a lecturer at Taisho University. He has also served on the Evaluation Committee at Nagoya Gakugei University and has been a radio personality on BS radio. In addition, he is on the deliberations committee for Bunka broadcasting and Fuji Television Network, was the Chairman of the broadcasting deliberation committee for the CS110 television tuner, and was also the Director of the Japan Association of Advertising Photographers. He presides over the media consultant “Office Terao.” He has published two books. As the “Camp Grampa”, everyone calls him by his nickname “Mucchi”, and his storytelling with picture book illustrations ”Kamishibai” is very popular among the MSTERIO campers. Mutsuo has participated in MSTERIO since the first year, and his rich life experience and great sense of humor is loved by all. He’s a graduate from St. Paul University, with a BA in Economics. He resides in Tokyo with his beautiful wife Yoshiko. He is a board member of the NPO Love the World Communications. He has started a Facebook at age 82 and now he is 86 years old.