Happy Doll Project 奇跡第二弾!- Part 2 Miracle happened Happy Doll Project
Happy Doll Project 奇跡第二弾!
Santa's Rehearsal has BEGUN! サンターズのリハーサルがスタートしました!
Sound of MSTERIO?!
Fall Cleaning Party in NY!
NY Fashion Week starts from 9/10!
Msterio Sweet Charity Concert Total YEN amount is.....
お陰さまで、参加費から集めたお一人300円の寄付は、合計 64,800 円、また、ラッフル(プレゼント抽選)&わたあめや、個人的にご寄付をいただいた分を含めての合計は79,973円。 合わせて総合計金額144,773円は、このMADキャンぺーン用に開設したMAD (Make A Difference) FUNDに振込ませていただきました。 来年の末まで、機会あるごとにみなさまからの寄付を募り、また、それをどんな団体に寄付すれば、Make A Differenceできるかというアイデアをいただきながら、最終的には、その中から選択したいくつかの団体にミステリオとして寄付させていただく予定です。 すでにいくつかのとても素晴らしいアイデアをいただいています、みなさまからのアイデア、たくさん待っていますよ。 今後も、このMAD FUNDにご寄付いただく場合には、下記の振込先までお願いいたします! 三菱東京UFJ 吉祥寺支店 店番号220 口座番号 0125766 (有)NoZoCo MAD FUND 来年の末までにこのFUNDにどのくらい集まるか、とてもワクワクしています。これからもみなさんとエンジョイしながら 、さらなるMake A Difference を実行していきたいと思っています。 ミステリオのクリスマスパーテイーは、12月23日を予定しております。また、皆様とお会いできますことを、今から楽しみにしています。 それにしても、ニューヨーク、まだまだ暑~~~~い。
You are SOOOO Sweet!
200名以上の1歳から80歳代までの幅広い年齢層のお客さまや、今までミステリオに参加してくれたキャンパーやスタッフと一緒に、クラシックやポップス音楽の本格的な生演奏を聞きながら、歌あり踊りありのスイートな時間、そして種類豊富なデザートがたくさん並ぶデザートビュッフェや、Cotton Candy machine=わたあめ機もお目見えしての3時間。
Make a Difference キャンペーンのスタートとして、ラッフルチケットも販売し、豪華賞品の数々に当選した方達は、まるでクリスマスが来たかのように、きゃーきゃーの連続。その中でも特にpriceless(値段のつけられない)のむっちー&よしこさんによる、フリーハグは大人気。
コンサート最後には、Ms. ストロベリーショートケーキさんが、ミステリオロゴをラズベリーであしらった大きなバースデーショートケーキを押しての登場に、会場からは WOW!!!の感動。
Ms. ストロベリーショートケーキさんによる、紙芝居もMake A Difference を意識してのストーリー「It is a small kindness - 小さな親切」に、身の回りでできる小さな親切をやっていこうね、とみんなで約束。
最後にみんなで覚えたone point english は、 You are SOOOO sweet!!!!
これから1年かけて、みんなでドネーション先を一緒に考えながらイベントごとにお金を集めていく、ミステリオMAD (Make A Difference) キャンペーン、この日のラッフルの売り上げ金額は、なんと6万円にもなりました。Thank you VERY much.
来年の今頃、MAD Boxにたまったドネーションをどこに持っていくか、ますます楽しみになってきました。
みなさん一人一人がスイートな気持ちになればなるほど、Make a Differenceも、もっと身近に感じるはず!!!
Have a super SWEET summer!!!
恒例になったチキンダンスをみんなで踊ったり、プリンストン大学から来てくれたTedによる、one-point english!?では、手振り身振りのクールな英語も登場。
ミステリオサマーキャンプまで、あと12日。Lookin` forward to seein` you!
MSTERIO の10周年のcelebrationを、と開催されるSweet Charity Concert は今度の土曜日です。お陰さまで、満員御礼! スイートな音楽とスイートなデザート、そしてスイートなゲストたちとの時間を、スイートなみなさまと共に過ごしましょう。
Summer has come!
Wonderful Artist SATOMI
TWO Happiest Couples of MSTERIO!!! 2組の最高に幸せなミステリオカップル誕生
TWO Happiest Couples of MSTERIO!!!
The two happy couples were brought together by MSTERIO: MIKI ♥ RYOTA and REIKA ♥ JUN. No words are needed to describe how happy they are as the photo tells you everything about it!
The master of the wedding ceremony was Kei-san, and the wedding has the theme of “DESTINY.”
The message board that REIKA & JUN are holding in the photo was made by SATOMI.
The MSTERIO members who attended the wedding could not stop crying to witness this happy couple.
Stay happy forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This photo was taken by YU- san. He kindly took photographs when MSTERIO’s Santas visited a Youth Center in Tokyo at the end of last year. He always shoots the warm and kind expressions on people’s faces.
Make A Difference - Linda & ANPO
ミステリオのことをいつも応援してくれているLINDA HOAGLUNDさん(テイーンズのゲストとしてもお招きしましたね!)が制作中の映画 "ANPO"をサポートするために、今年の3月、友人宅のロフトアパートで、Fund raise = ファンドレーズ(資金集め)のパーテイーを開催しました。
LINDA HOAGLUND, who has always been supporting MSTERIO (as some of you remember, she was a guest for MSTERIO TEENS!), had a fund raising event for her upcoming movie, ANPO, at one of my friends’ apartment.
About 100 guests enjoyed the food from OMEN, one of the most famous restaurants in NY, as well as wines and drinks.
The live music with the guitar and accordion created a great atmosphere.
The couple, who own this spacious apartment, offered this space with no charge, and also bought all the drinks for the event.
Furthermore, the food from the OMEN restaurant was on the owner of OMEN. Surprisingly many people contributed and worked all together to support Linda and her movie.
As a result, the event raised as much as $3,500! This is exactly a “Make a difference” event and I cannot help but appreciate it.
Linda will soon finish filming her movie, and the magazine AERA will actually feature an article on the movie this week.
In addition, there is going to be a symposium at Yasuda Kodo, Tokyo University, on Tuesday, June 15, titled “60 Years of the Record and Memory of ANPO,” (“60-nen Anpo Toso no Kiroku to Kioku”) and Linda will be one of the presenters.
Admission to this event is FREE. Anyone can join. If you are interested, please email yasuda615@gmail.com.
A few MSTERIO members are going to be there to assist the event, as well.
Event Details
Date: Tuesday, June 15
6pm~admission, 6:30 starts. (9:15 close)
Place: Tokyo University, Hongo Campus (Yasuda Kodo)
*There will be no parking, please be advised to take public transportations.
Admission fee: Free (pre-registration required)
How to Register:
1) Email yasuda615@gmail.com and include your name and the full names of your guests.
2) You will then receive a confirmation email.
3) Please have the confirmation email printed out, and bring it with you to the event.
Facilitator: Chizuko Ueno (Sociologist, professor of sociology at Tokyo University)
Panelists: Linda Hoaglund (Director of the movie “ANPO”)
Masayasu Hosaka (Author of “60nen Anpo Toso no Shinjitsu”)
Eiji Oguma (Sociologist, professor of political science at Keio University)
Tokiko Kato (Special guest, a singer)
*There will be a pre-review of the movie “ANPO” digest.
Happy Graduation - Part 1
Look Back in Anger - My Yoga Teacher Erin
Look Back in Anger- My Yoga Teacher Erin
It has been almost three years since Josh and I started learning yoga together.
Our teacher, Erin, offers a class where we can strive to be best and understand each posture.
Although her lesson starts at 6:30 am, she welcomes us with a very nice smile every time. No matter how sleepy we feel, her warm smile gives us a comfort.
She also has another face as an “actor.” Erin has been learning ballet and modern dance longing to become an actor since her childhood. Her dream has come true. She is working hard as an actor while she teaches yoga.
Erin plays a main character in the performance “Look Back in Anger” by John Osborne, and Thomas and I went together to see it. It has been a very famous play in time, and has become a movie and a Broadway show.
In the small theater located on 26th street and 2nd Avenue in East side in Manhattan, all the five actors performed wonderfully taking our breath away. The story was so tragic and dark that I wondered why everyone had to be unhappy, and it made me cry the whole time. Especially, Alison Porter, played by Erin, made the climax scene extremely moving by crying out loud.
Erin, who shows up with a bright smile to the yoga class, looked completely different on the stage. Her appearance as an actor was just so impressive. In Manhattan, there would be numerous people who seek a dream to be an actor and have not been able to make it come true. Therefore, I think, the efforts of those who made it to the stage are beyond our imagination.
However, Erin said “it was never hard for me since both yoga and acting are what I love the most and have a passion for,” while it is not easy for many people to make what they love to do as a career.
One of the biggest reasons why I respect her is because of the fact that she has a very positive attitude and never gives up in the process of following her dream.
Our yoga classes for the next two weeks will be cancelled since Erin is going to Ireland for the play. I wish Erin the best and that she will be on the Straight Play on Broadway soon, and I will make sure that I am seated on the first row at her very debut performance.
そういえば、、、、、すっかり報告するの忘れていました、3月末に東京で行ったMSTERIO TEENS(ミステリオ・テイーンズ)のこと!
”自慢”という言葉はとってもネガテイブに聞こえてしまうかもしれませんが、ミステリオでの”自慢”という意味はちょっと違うことがポイントです。ミステリオ風の”自慢”とは、信頼し合える仲間同士で、どんな小さなことでもいい、自分がやってみて満足できたことや、やってみて自分なりによく頑張ったなあ、と思えることを発表しあおう、という意味なのです。英語では”Something you can be proud of”、という感じかな。
最後に、今年のミステリオサマーキャンプの参加申し込みは、先週ニューヨークから郵送されました!! お申し込み期間は、4月26日から5月22日。始めて参加をお考えの方は、いつでも何なりとお問い合わせください。参加決定は5月末を予定しています。申し込み用紙をご希望の方は、Emailで、nozomi@msterio.com まで。
Well... I totally forgot to write about the event we had in Tokyo in March- 'the Msterio Teens'!
「The MSTERIO TEENS」started in October 2004 in order to help teenagers, who begin to think about “being an adult,” to explore their career path and how they want to live as a part of the society. In the past, we invited many successful professionals in a variety of fields as guest speakers. It includes Kenichi Oguri, a film director, Noriko Matsuo, an experienced TV reporter,Toshiharu Yamamoto, who organizes NPO Earth the Spaceship to promote global understanding, Seiko Tano, an actor introducing her very first movie as a director, and Linda Hoaglund, who is a well-known japanese movie subtitle tranlater, as well as a producer (currently, she has been working on her latest documentary film “ANPO”). The guest speakers shared the stories of their successful career paths and their feelings towards their professions with the teens, and gave them a chance to experience and understand these jobs. In the program, we often discuss what we learn and sometimes celebrate the participants’ graduation and advancement to the next grade.
So we decided to turn this meeting into a "bragging competition", hoping that every teen in this program would become a leading actor/actress.
To some people, the word "bragging" may sound negative, but in MSTERIO, it is a little bit different. It means, let’s share things you worked very hard for or achieved with friends that you can trust. It does not matter how small your accomplishment is, as long as it is something that makes you feel proud of yourself.
In the beginning, some teens hesitated to speak about themselves, but once other members shared their stories, everyone engaged and learned more about everyone else. 'Wow...' 'really...?' It was very impressive to learn what they have done. A few adult members have joined too. 70 year old Yoshiko's 'something she is proud of' was very cute.
Akane, who is in high school, baked cookies and muffins for everyone (see the pictures) and they were extremely good. Thank you Akane! And thank you all who joined the event!
Lastly, the MSTERIO summer camp application forms were sent out from New York last week!
We accept applications from April 26 to May 22. Please feel free to contact and ask ANY questions, if this is your first time participating. Participants will be determined by the end of May.
Make A Difference Win-Win Event: Spring Cleaning Party in NY
すっかりニューヨーク&東京で恒例になったCleaning Party!
Make a Difference Win-Win Event: Spring Party in NY
It is time for Spring Cleaning Party again in NY!!!
It took place in Tokyo at the end of March, and just happened in New York.
At this event we all bring things that we are not using anymore (clothes, shoes, ornaments, accessories, kitchen utensils, plates, children’s clothes, etc.) and trade them for items that other people brought, while enjoying champagne, snack and desert, and meeting new people. Not only this, but the party is a win-win recycling event; at the end of the event, we donate the things that are left to organizations helping people who are in need.
This time we had more people and a lot more items than previous parties. With contributions from Kiyomi san, who prepared snacks and dessert, and Kan san, who decorated the beautiful spring flower arrangements, the event turned out to have many enjoyable moments filled with so much excitement.
One of our friends brought in two full bags of items that she did not need anymore, and ended up bringing home FOUR full bags of items.
Why is it so much fun?…. I feel that it may be because one person’s “unused item” can be someone else’s favorites. It makes both people, the giver and the receiver, very happy. And when we donate the rest of the items to organizations, those who receive the items can be happy too. We can spread happiness like this.
Just like at our last event in Tokyo, we searched for a person who got another person’s old items (before they marry into a new household), and took a picture of them both together.
It was one of the most fun moments as well because it gave us a chance to become friends.
The next cleaning party will be held in fall. Cannot wait to see you all.
It doesn’t have to be on a big scale, but you can start it with your friends and you can make a difference!
今日は4月22日(木)まで、東京・麹町で開催している、と〜〜〜〜っても素敵なうつわ作家SAMANTHAさんの展示会"EARLY SUMMER BREEZE" のご紹介。
Make A Difference Event Part 1 - Spring Cleaning Party