そういえば、、、、、すっかり報告するの忘れていました、3月末に東京で行ったMSTERIO TEENS(ミステリオ・テイーンズ)のこと!

「MSTERIO TEENS」とは、10代という「大人になる」ことを意識しはじめる時期に、中高生たちが将来進むべき道を選択する手がかりや、社会の一員としてどう生きるかについて、考えるきっかけをつかんでほしいという願いから、2004年10月に始まりました。



”自慢”という言葉はとってもネガテイブに聞こえてしまうかもしれませんが、ミステリオでの”自慢”という意味はちょっと違うことがポイントです。ミステリオ風の”自慢”とは、信頼し合える仲間同士で、どんな小さなことでもいい、自分がやってみて満足できたことや、やってみて自分なりによく頑張ったなあ、と思えることを発表しあおう、という意味なのです。英語では”Something you can be proud of”、という感じかな。



最後に、今年のミステリオサマーキャンプの参加申し込みは、先週ニューヨークから郵送されました!! お申し込み期間は、4月26日から5月22日。始めて参加をお考えの方は、いつでも何なりとお問い合わせください。参加決定は5月末を予定しています。申し込み用紙をご希望の方は、Emailで、 まで。


Well... I totally forgot to write about the event we had in Tokyo in March- 'the Msterio Teens'!

The MSTERIO TEENSstarted in October 2004 in order to help teenagers, who begin to think about “being an adult,” to explore their career path and how they want to live as a part of the society.

In the past, we invited many successful professionals in a variety of fields as guest speakers. It includes Kenichi Oguri, a film director, Noriko Matsuo, an experienced TV reporter,Toshiharu Yamamoto, who organizes NPO Earth the Spaceship to promote global understanding, Seiko Tano, an actor introducing her very first movie as a director, and Linda Hoaglund, who is a well-known japanese movie subtitle tranlater, as well as a producer (currently, she has been working on her latest documentary film “ANPO”).

The guest speakers shared the stories of their successful career paths and their feelings towards their professions with the teens, and gave them a chance to experience and understand these jobs. In the program, we often discuss what we learn and sometimes celebrate the participants’ graduation and advancement to the next grade.

This time, we had planned to invite a very famous actor. However, since his upcoming movie filming conflicted with the event and he was unable to attend, we had to change the program at the last minute.

So we decided to turn this meeting into a "bragging competition", hoping that every teen in this program would become a leading actor/actress.

To some people, the word "bragging" may sound negative, but in MSTERIO, it is a little bit different. It means, let’s share things you worked very hard for or achieved with friends that you can trust. It does not matter how small your accomplishment is, as long as it is something that makes you feel proud of yourself.

In the beginning, some teens hesitated to speak about themselves, but once other members shared their stories, everyone engaged and learned more about everyone else. 'Wow...' 'really...?' It was very impressive to learn what they have done. A few adult members have joined too. 70 year old Yoshiko's 'something she is proud of' was very cute.

Akane, who is in high school, baked cookies and muffins for everyone (see the pictures) and they were extremely good. Thank you Akane! And thank you all who joined the event!

Lastly, the MSTERIO summer camp application forms were sent out from New York last week!

We accept applications from April 26 to May 22. Please feel free to contact and ask ANY questions, if this is your first time participating. Participants will be determined by the end of May.

Please contact to request the application forms.