目のさめるような緑、すみゆく真っ青な空、雄大な山に囲まれたキャンプ場で、今日も元気に6日を迎えます! 早起きクラブの禅クラスでは、ストーリーテラーがベットタイムストーリーを読んでくれました。

トーマスからのワンポイントイングリッシュは、Don't cry over spilled milk. さあ、いったいどんな意味なんでしょう???討論の結果、日本語では、覆水盆に帰らずに似ているんじゃないか、ということになりました。英語での日本語訳は、くよくよしなくても大丈夫だよ! という意味。



これだけたくさん動いただけあって、今日のランチの食欲はすごかった! メニューは、カツカレー、きのこサラダ、すいか&グレープ。あっという間に、なくなってしまいましたっ。そうそう、今日の席順は、血液型。今年は圧倒的に多かったのはA型。




夕食は何しろBackwards Day なので夜食べるのはbreakfast。

いよいよ今夜は、みんなが待ちに待ったタレントショー!聖子さんが作ったオープニングビデオ「Let's Start the Talent Show」に出演したのはAnthony とYoshiko。カツラをかぶり、女装したAnthonyと男装したYoshikoがタレントショーについて話し合います。ところが、吹き替えは聖子さんの声!まるで海外ドラマを見ているよう。会場は大盛りあがりです。





遂にMSTERIO's Got Talentの順位の発表です。第三位は、なんとミシガン中学チアー部!どうやら、カウンセラーとアメリカチームが一位を競い合うようです。結果は…アメリカチームの優勝!!

We start Day 6 with clear blue skies, surrounded by forests and mountains! Instead of Early Bird class, storytellers read bedtime stories to the children. Why? Because it's BACKWARDS DAY!
What is Backwards Day? It's a day when everything turns backwards including night and day, greetings, and even clothes! For example, good night becomes good morning, and "Itadakimasu (bon appetite)" turns into "Gochisousama (thank you for the meal)". Senior campers and CITs prepared "dinner" as the rest of the campers appeared in their pajamas. It's a traditional Japanese meal--rice, miso soup, grilled salmon, meat potatoes, and salad dressed with tofu white sesame and miso.
Thomas' One Point English was "Don't cry over spilled milk". We found out there's a very similar saying in Japanese: spilt water does not return to the basin. Both phrases mean there's no use worrying about something that has already happened.
Since it's backwards day, we decided to make things even more complicated by swapping name tags! Everyone writes their names on a name tag and puts them in a basket. Whatever name you draw becomes your name for the day.
All the campers thought very carefully about what activity to participate in since today will be the last day of class. The available activities are the same all day, except for the middle schoolers and CITs who had drama practice in the morning. Everyone is getting ready for the last day of MSTERIO.
In field class, we raced, played kickball, and ran a lot! In tennis, we played in pairs. The campers reviewed the routine and perfected their moves in dance class. They even choreographed a dance themselves and learned how to improvise. Mini golf class also had a great time out in the woods. After class we hopped into the showers and the hot spring bath to refresh!
All that exercise left us starving!! We inhaled our katsu curry and mushroom salad. Everything was gone in seconds. Today's seating arrangement was according to our blood types.We found out that the majority was type A.
After lunch, we celebrated MSTERIO's 12th birthday with a special birthday cake. The MSTERIO band comprised of junior campers played their instruments to the Olympic theme song while the other kids lied on stools and "flew" like airplanes. The dining hall filled with applause.
During quiet hours, the campers read books, wrote postcards, napped, and finished their art works. At MSTERIO, it's also important to enjoy your time alone.
The highlight of the afternoon class was the koto lesson by Yumi. The campers played "Sakura" on four kotos. Everyone played so beautifully it's hard to believe it was their first time. In English class, they played musical chairs using zabutons. In Anthony's class, campers made art by eating watermelons and spitting the seeds on colored paper to see who could spit the farthest. Then we taped down the seeds and signed our names next to them.
Look forward to seeing what we've been doing in music and calligraphy class. Everyone's been working very hard for the final performance! Backwards Day lasts the entire day. "Breakfast" was prepared by the CITs and seniors once again.
The night is still long. Tonight the counselors and staff get together to perform "MSTERIO's Got Talent", the talent show for the campers. First up, Seiko, Anthony, and Yoshiko made an opening video for the event. Anthony dressed as a woman while Yoshiko turned into a man. Seiko voiced over their conversation about the talent show in Japanese, just like how American shows are aired in Japan.
Next up, Seiichiro and Yukako did stand up comedy/live concert using a bucket and an Okinawa sanshin. The American team followed with "Goldman's Revenge", a play with imitations of MSTERIO staff and characters from Pokemon. Their impressions of Josh, Aika, Kotaro, and Mariko were hilarious!
There were also some cheerleading by the MSTERIO staff and activity directors. The group was named "Michigan High School Cheerleading Team". Even Seitaro danced in his kimono.
Anthony's performance was titled Zen Mess. He sat on stage wearing a white bed sheet which almost looked like a kimono. From his sleeves, he took out garbage bags filled with paper cups and plates which covered the stage like snow. Then he took out a couple of wires and coat hangers and transformed them into a beautiful butterfly which he hung above the stage.
Finally, it was the counselor's turn to perform. Their play was titled "Nozomi and Friends". It was a parody of "Momo Taro" mixed with some Pokemon themes, like when Tomosuke, dressed as Nozomi, fought the three demons, Seiichiro, Aika, and Kotaro. All the campers loved it.
At the end, it was time to announce the winner of the talent show. In third place, the "Michigan High School Cheerleading Team". Until this year, the counselors had always won. This year, the tradition was broken for the first time in 12 years! The counselors came in second place and the American team won.
The end of camp is nearing.... We'll rest up and prepare ourselves for the last days of MSTERIO fun!