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MSTERIO 2012~Day 2~

ミステリオは2日目からactivityが盛りだくさん! 朝7時、ウッディモックの山にキャンパーたちの元気な声が響き渡ります。

朝食の準備をしてくれたのは、Active Mountain Girls(KANAKOのcabin)!




この写真のユニフォームをばっちり着こなしているチアガールはRENA。彼女は、なんとMSTERIOキャンパーだった小学生とき、当時スタッフだったAmy Mayが教えてくれたチアに出会ったことがきっかけで大学はチアー部に入部し、チームは全国大会決勝出場!


ダンスのディレクターは、 ARISA!  今年は、あのハイスクールミュージカルの音楽をつかって踊ります!
今年は、 MSTERIO QUESTION BOXにキャンパーからの質問をなんでも受付中!
一日目の質問は…「のぞみさんはなんさいですか?」、この質問を受けたのぞみは「20代だと思う人?」とみんなに問いかけると「はーい!!」一斉に手があがります。みんな、よくわかっているね! とにっこり微笑む、のぞみの答えは、なんと25歳。
そのスペシャルなゲストとは…テレビやラジオ、雑誌でも大活躍中のあの 秦万里子さんです!
聖子さんのDRAMA  Classでは、「名前覚えゲーム」と「ウィンクキラー」でチームワーク力のアップを目指します。
In drama class, the director Seiko and the campers played "The Name Game" and "Wink Killer" to get to know one another better.
今年は、3年ぶりに Thomas (斗真寿スタッフとして参加しています。

この日の最後のイベントは、毎年恒例のピザパーティー&ダンスナイト。カラフルなサングラスとレイをつけて、ディスコボールの下でおどりました。DJは去年もミステリオ中にWoody Mockで働いていたオーストラリア人のRoyGBIV!


2nd day of MSTERIO is full of activities! At 7 in the morning, the campers voices echo in the mountains. Active Mountain Girls (Kanako's cabin) helped prepare breakfast.
Breakfast menu includes milk, yogurt, cereal, banana, bread, and muffin. It's the most important meal of the day!
After breakfast and clean up, it's time for the fun activities. The campers get to choose from dance, putt-putt, cheerleading, art, tennis, and field sports.
This young lady sporting the cheerleading uniform is RENA.  She was actually a camper at MSTERIO when she met Amy May, our counselor at the time, who taught her cheerleading. Since then, she joined a cheerleading team in college and lead them to nationals! This year, she's returned to MSTERIO to teach cheerleading to the campers.

 Aika and Anthony who were watching, couldn't resist but join the class!
We also have a MSTERIO Question Box this year, where kids can enter ANY questions they might have about the camp or the staff.  Our first question was "How old is Nozomi?".  Hearing this question, Nozomi asked the crowed, "Who here thinks I'm in my 20's?".  Everyone raised their hands. "You know me very well," said Nozo, " Yes, I'm 25-years-old!".
Outdoor activities, field sports and tennis, are led by Matt and Seiichiro.
We had cold pasta and potato salad for lunch...They were gone in seconds.
After dinner, it's time for our special event with a very special guest, Ms. Mariko Hata.  She is a famous musician who can be seen and heard on TV, radio, and magazines.
She is actually the musician who wrote our MSTERIO songs.  During her 3 day music class, she will be teaching us a very special song she wrote.  "After the earthquake, help flew in from all around the world. I made this song to thank all of the people who supported Japan during hard times. Please think of someone who you love and care when you sing this song."
During art class, the campers decorated mirrors with rhinestones, feathers, and shells. "A mirror will show your own reflection.  But when you look into this mirror, I want you to see not only yourself, but also the other campers and the good time you had at MSTERIO this summer. "
In Aika's music class, the campers played the do-re-mi pipes and taiko...Look forward to our presentation!
Thomas, who was  here 3 years ago, is back at MSTERIO as the English Director.  He played charades with the campers and themes were animals and careers. He put a bucket on his head and pretended to be a chef!
The last event of the evening, is Pizza & Dance Party! The campers danced the night away wearing colorful sunglasses and leis. The DJ was RoyGBIV, who has worked at Woody Mock for the last two years. We're sure they'll sleep tight tonight!
Comment from the director, Nozomi:

To the Family,
Seeing the new campers make new friends so quickly, it's hard to believe it's only Day 2. It must be especially nerve racking for the first, second, and third graders to spend 8 days away from their family. I hope however that they will make many discoveries and learn to love themselves even more at MSTERIO, where not only the staff but also the returning campers embrace them.