ミステリオでは、早起きは三文の徳。毎朝6時15分に起きれたキャンパーたちはスタッフによるEARLY BIRDという楽しいactivityに参加できます。この日は、書道のActivity Director、香太郎さんによるエアー水泳。みんなで声を合わせて声明をした後は、香太郎さんお得意のエアー書道!
ミステリオでは、早起きは三文の徳。毎朝6時15分に起きれたキャンパーたちはスタッフによるEARLY BIRDという楽しいactivityに参加できます。この日は、書道のActivity Director、香太郎さんによるエアー水泳。みんなで声を合わせて声明をした後は、香太郎さんお得意のエアー書道!
さぁ、エネルギーを蓄えたらいよいよ今日のActivityのはじまり、はじまり!午前中はSPORTS TIME! 今日は、「ダンス」、「Field」、「テニス」そして「ゴルフ」から好きなクラスを選びます。
ダンスのActivity Directorは、劇団四季で「キャッツ」などに出演していたTAKAKOさん!「何よりも楽しんで踊ることが大事!」をモットーに丁寧にステップを教えてくれます。それにしても、難しい振り付けをどんどんと吸収してしまうキャンパーたちにはビックリ!何を練習しているのか気になりますよね?ところが、今はまだナイショ!どうぞ、Parents Day を楽しみにしていてください☆
Sports Timeの後、お腹と背中がくっつきそうなキャンパーたちを待ち受けていたのは、なんと、黄金に輝くうな重!!普段は、「うなぎきら〜い」というキャンパーたちも、甘くて柔らかいうな重をぺろりと食べてしまいました。
さて、今日のMSTERIO letterは、T。"T stands for Team Work!”みんなで力を合わせれば、1を100に変えることもできるのです。
アメリカから来たMAXによるOne Point English Lessonも始まりました。今回のフレーズはこちら:
A: "Do you want to hang out?" (一緒に遊ばない?)
B: "Sounds good!" (いいね!)
アメリカでは、"hang out"は若者の間で本当によく使われるので、知っているととっても便利!ミステリオのみんなもcoolに英語で友達を誘ってみよう☆
そして、メインはなんとアッツアツPIZZA!なぜかというと…そう、今夜は!DISCO NIGHT!!!
実は、みんなが気づかない間にアートディレクターのANTHONYが、コモンスペースをなんとDISCOに改造!光るネックレスとサングラスを付けたら、準備万端!電気を消して、Disco ballを点けたら、LET THE PARTY BEGIN!!!
なんと、WoodyMockのさらささんが作ってくれたMSTERIO CAKEまで登場!
Translation by Yuka Hashimoto
Waking up early always come with a treat. Campers join the "Early Bird" club around 6:15 am to play fun activities. Today's "Early Bird" club was lead by our Japanese calligraphy director, Kotaro! Under the morning sunshine, Kotaro and the campers did air swimming. Kotaro also showed us his air Japanese calligraphy!
Today's breakfast was prepared by Pappy Smile. The fresh milk we drink everyday is from a special farm in Nagano.
The above picture is our image character for the milk, Ms. Milk, our drama director Seiko Tano!
Delicious breakfast follows with today's activities. The campers chose from dance, field, tennis, and golf for the morning sport activities.
The Activity Director for Dance was Takako who played in the musical "Cats" as a member of the Gekidan Shiki (Four season theater). Takako's motto is to "have fun no matter what while dancing." The campers learned difficult dance steps so they can perform on stage on Parent's Day. Takako was so amazed how fast the campers learned the steps!
After Sports Time, Una-jyu (Eel Bowl) was prepared for the starving campers. Many campers who didn't like Unagi managed to eat this one. The soft and sweet Unagi captured the campers hearts. It was delicious!
Today's MSTERIO letter was "T". T stands for Teamwork. If everyone cooperates they can accomplish so much more.
Max from America gave us a "One Point English Lesson." Today's phrase was:
A: "Do you want to hang out?"
B: "Sounds good!"
Now the campers know how to invite each other to play together in English!
In the afternoon there were indoor activities.
Japanese Calligraphy : Kotaro taught the campers that is not that neatness that is important, but rather the feeling you have towards every character." Looking at characters from 3000 years changes how you experience the characters. For example, can you read this character from 3000 years ago? (See picture above)
The answer is... "Kokoro (Heart)." This kanji is made out of 4 door radicals that combine to make a heart. Isn't it interesting to think of the origin of characters?
Today's art class was sculpture! The campers got to pick flowers from the mountains to make a miniature flower arrangement. Then they made an imitation of the flower arrangement using different materials such as pipe cleaners, rocks, shells, etc. Shells even transformed into beautiful flowers!
Dinner was fresh vegetables from WoodyMock's small farm. Stir fried gigantic zucchinis, pickled fresh cucumbers, and boiled green beans.
Our main dish was Pizza!!! Pizza night also means.... DISCO NIGHT!!!
Anthony, our art director, secretly transformed our lobby space into a Disco! Turn off the light, put on some glowing necklaces and shutter shades and you're ready to go. LET THE PARTY BEGIN!!!
What made the night even better was Sarasa from WoodyMock who made us a MSTERIO cake!
The awesome night came to an end with MSTERIO Songs. Everyone got together and made a large circle singing along together.
MSTERIO Summer to be continued~