今日は、NOBUとTAKUのキャビン「MSTERIO POP」の担当です。テーブルのセッティングが終わったら、マフィンを並べて、バナナを切って…小さなコック帽が忙しそうに行ったりきたり。
のぞみさんの今日のbreakfastレッスンは、「MSTERIOのS」。”S stands for Self-esteem”。日本語では「自尊心」。つまり、自分自身をたいせつに思う気持ち。MSTERIOではみんなにどんどん魅力的になってもらって、自分を大好きになってもらいたいのです!
さて今日は、SPECIAL EVENTが2つも!!と〜っても充実した一日。
お話のあとは、麻由子さんのピアノの演奏会。 プログラムは「鐘」がテーマのLa Campanellaとラフマニノフの「モスクワの鐘」!二曲ともとっても難しいのに、鳥肌が立つほど素晴らしい演奏でした!
ランチの五目あんかけご飯と野菜スープを食べたあとは、午後のActivity Time!「書道」、「アート」、「グループプロジェクト」そして「ドラマ」の中からそれぞれみんな好きなクラスにSign upします。
そして、こちらは「グループプロジェクト」。ポンキッキーズなど数々の子供番組のディレクターとして活躍されているMICHIYOさんがActivity Directorです。シアターゲーム(拍手や体をつかって形を表現したりするコミュニケーションゲーム)で体とこころをほぐした後は、グループに別れて、体で恐竜やお城をつくりました!
ディナーの後は、今日のSpecial EventパートIIです。スペシャルゲストは、型破りなピアニストの山本愛香さんと世界のビートマニア、鈴木庸祐さんことすうちゃん!なんと、このライブには、とっても嬉しいSUPER SPECIALゲストがお客さんとして参加してくださいました!それは、地震で家を失い、近くのペンションに避難しにきている福島のこどもたち18名。
Translation by Yuka Hashimoto
One day of fun at MSTERIO= Three days of fun!
6 AM : Enthusiastic greetings fill the kitchen. At MSTERIO, the campers take turn to prepare breakfast. Today, NOBU and TAKU's Cabin, " MSTERIO POP", prepared breakfast for the rest of the MSTERIO family. Preparation includes table setting, cutting bananas and muffins, etc. They all run around with their little tall cooking hats looking professional. Today's menu was muffin, banana, cereal, bread and yogurt. Pouring yogurt over cereal is the MSTERIO style.
After breakfast, Kotaki san from WoodyMock gave a very important speech. He gave us an evacuation drill just in case another earthquake occurs.
Today's mini lesson with Nozomi was about "S" from MSTERIO. S stands for Self-esteem. Self esteem is something we all need. Self-esteem will allow the MSTERIO family to love one another and most importantly ourselves.
Today, we had two special events!!
The first special guest was Mayako Sannomiya, the sceneless pianist. She lost her sight when she was 4 years old. But her loss of sight did not stop her. She is not only a pianist, but is also a translator from REUTER, a writer, and a Sumi-E Artist.
Mayuko asked the campers if they can differentiate the sound of cold and hot water. For people who can not see, the only way to create a scene is by "listening." Thus Mayuko's ears have become her eyes, and this allowed her to differentiate more than 200 types of cries of birds! She introduced more than 10 different types of cries of the birds that live around WoodyMock by whistling.
When the water was poured, the campers were surprised at how different the two sounds were. The hot water was a lot more quiet and dull compared to cold water. Mayuko said, "when you listen carefully, you figure out where and how to hold the cup so you won't burn yourself." The campers were very interested and fascinated to hear what Mayuko was saying.
Following her speech was her piano recital. The theme was bells from La Campanella and Rachmaninoff's "The Bells of Moscow." Both pieces are very difficult to play but Mayuko played the most beautiful harmony which deeply touched our hearts. Mayuko taught us that when you close your eyes and carefully listen, our world will look a little different.
After our delicious and healthy lunch was afternoon activity time! The campers chose their activity from Japanese calligraphy, Art, Group Project, and Drama.
Today's art class with Anthony was to make jewelry out of pasta!
The campers made a "one of a kind" jewelry using their creativity to the fullest.
Other campers were joining the "Group Project." Michiyo san, who is a director of children's shows including "Super Kids Zone (Ponkikids), " was the activity director for the Group Project. The campers played a theater game where they used their body to make sounds and movement to express themselves for communication. After a little warm up, they split into groups and made dinosaurs and castles using multiple bodies.
Dinner was Chicken and Eggplant sauteed with tomato sauce. It was so delicious that everyone had extra bowls of rice! After dinner was today's special event part II. Our special guest was Aika Yamamoto, an unique pianist, and Yosuke Suzuki (Su-chan), the world's rhythm mania. For our special live, we also welcomed 18 kids from Fukushima who lost their homes from the 3.11 disaster as super special guests.
The campers and guests were filled with excitement with Aika and Su-chan's crazy performance which included piano, drums, recorder, and pachika (clapping instrument from Africa). Aika and Su-chan played a beautiful song called "Arigato (Thank You) as an encore too! At the end of the performance, the campers gave all the special guest kids MSTERIO coins.
One whole day passed like nothing.
But tomorrow will be another day full with excitement.
Let's hope to see more cute smiles ;)
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