今日のEARLY BIRD CLUBは、型破りピアニストの愛香さん。なんと10人以上のキャンパーが早起きをして参加!まず、みんなで裏の森までお散歩。緑に囲まれ、愛香さんが叫びます。「みんなと出会った縁に感謝して、円をつくりましょう!」手を取り合って、何をするのかと思えば、「では!人間知恵の輪を始めます!」オニが見ていない間に、円になったみんなは、お互いに絡み合って「知恵の輪」をつくります。オニの役目は、円になったままのキャンパーを動かし、もとの円に戻すこと!
本日のBreakfast 隊は、Colorfulワン。
ちなみに、こちらが毎食セッティングなど準備をしてくれているMSTERIO Kitchen Team!
今日のMSTERIO letterは E! "E stands for ENJOY" 何事もとにかく、楽しまなきゃ損!
ご飯のあとは、Cabinごとに部屋を担当して、Clean upの時間。どれだけキレイにできたか、掃除隊長たちが厳しい審査を行います。10点満点中なんと前代未聞の11点を獲得したのはトイレを掃除したMSTERIO POPのキャビン。実は、このキャビンは前回最低の4点をもらい落ち込んでいたところ。見事な名誉挽回にミステリオコイン贈呈です!
さて、午前中は、Sports Activityの時間です。
本日のランチは、カレーです。しかし!!カレーはカレーでも、普通のカレーではありません。なんと、カリカリのカツがのった、カツカレ〜!子どもたちも大喜び。ここで、いつもと〜ってもおいしいご飯を作ってくださっているチームWoodyMockのメンバーをご紹介。みなさん、お揃いのMSTERIO Tシャツがとってもお似合いです☆
MAXとニューヨーク在住のカウンセラーRIOによるOne Point Englishでは、"Knock on wood"というフレーズを教わりました。直訳すると「木を叩く」になりますね。これは、「口に出して心配事を言うと現実になってしまう」といういわゆる迷信に対して、それを防ぐ願掛けで、"Knock on wood"と言いながらテーブルなど木製の物を二回ほど軽くノックします。例えば、「明日、雨が降らないといいなー」という人に対して "Knock on wood" 「木にノックしておきなよ!」という風に使えます。
Quiet Timeのあとは、みんながお楽しみのSPECIAL EVENTの時間。
題して、「Concert in the Field」!青い空の下、美しい山々に囲まれて、芝生の上に寝そべってSpecial Guestのロバの音楽座の演奏を堪能しました。
Free Time は、みんなが好きなことに熱中する大切な時間。
最後に、なんとこの日は嬉しいハプニングが!キャンパーのShigeの歯がぬけたのです。アメリカでは、抜けた歯は、枕の下に入れて寝ると、次の日Tooth Fairyがお金をおいていってくれます。さて、果たしてShigeのもとに、MSTERIO Fairyが来てくれるのでしょうか…!
Translation by Shiho Kunihiro
It's already the 3rd DAY of MSTERIO!
Today's EARLY BIRD was with Aika-san, who is an extraordinary pianist! More than 10 campers woke up on time to join the club! First, we took a walk in the forest. Surrounded by the green trees, Aika-san stopped and screamed "let's appreciate having each other so let's make a circle!" When we all held hands, Aika-san said "we will make a HUMAN CHAIN!" We held hands in a circle and entangled our bodies without letting go. The goal of this game was to untangle the chain back to a circle!
If you force yourself out without thinking...
OOOOUUUUCCHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! you can hear Sayichiro screaming in pain.
Today's breakfast preparation was by Team Colorful Wan!
This is the Team MSTERIO Kitchen, who prepare every meal
According to our Kitchen leader, Mai-chan, the team Colorful Wan cooperated so well and preparation was finished quickly!
Today's MSTERIO letter was 'E'! "E stands for ENJOY" We have to enjoy every single thing!
After the breakfast, it was a CLEAN UP Time. Our Clean Up judges went to each room to decide which team did the best job. On a scale of 1-10, there was a team who got 11, and that was Team SKE23 who cleaned the bathroom area. This team scored the lowest yesterday, so it made them extra happy. Of course they got MSTERIO coins!
We had Sports Activity in the morning. We would like to report the Field class today. Eric, Sena and Minami were in charge of the class.
And of course Say-ichiro san, AKA "Prince of Tennis," was in charge of Tennis class.
Today' lunch was curry rice. But!!!!! it was not just a regular curry rice. It was served with delicious crispy fried porks, Katsu curry~~~~!!!!!!!!!! It made us all HAPPY. We would like to introduce the Team Kitchen at Woody Mock. They look stunning with MSTERIO T-shirts.
MAX and RIO from New York are teaching "One Point English" everyday, and today's phrase was "Knock on wood."
After the Quiet Time, we had the SPECIAL EVENT!
The outdoor music performance by ROBA Ensemble was titled "Concert in the Field", and we all enjoyed the beautiful melody under the blue sky and nature.
In the Free Time, we get to do whatever we like to do. Some campers read books, and others play the games and soccer.
For dinner, we usually eat with the friends in the cabin, but today we sat the table according to our blood types. We made tables of A, B, O and AB. This way, we get to know other campers and counselors. The menu was: sauteed meat balls, soup and salad. Salad was made with the fresh vegetables from WoodyMock field.
In the evening, ROBA Ensembles performed once again, but this time it was a formal concert. They played such sweet melody and our hearts all melted. The big surprise was that Ayumu Nono-san, the vocal sings for one of the most famous TV commercial songs, which had been repeatedly played after 3/11. Yes, that AC, "Magic of greetings (Popopopo~n!)" song! As soon as we knew it, the campers got excited even more. We all sang together "Konnichi-WAN~~~~!"
AND here's the wonderful news to close the night! One of the campers, Shige's tooth fell out. In the U.S., we put a baby tooth underneath the pillow, and the tooth fairy comes and takes it with her and leaves a coin instead. Is Shige going to find a coin under his pillow in the morning?!
Stay tuned!