お待たせしました! 今年のミステリオサマーキャンプへの申し込みをスタートいたします。
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Date: July 27th (Sat) - August 3rd (Sat)
Location: Matsumoto, Nagano, JAPAN
Dear Friends of MSTERIO,MSTERIO is celebrating our 13th anniversary this year!
It is hard to believe that February is almost over. We hope this email finds you and your family off to a great start in 2013.
Same as last year, MSTERIO will be accepting Early Decision Applications from families living abroad. This decision was made in order to better accommodate issues faced by our MSTERIO friends living abroad, such as flight bookings and other alternative summer camp deadlines.
We are now accepting the Early Decision Applications by the end of March 2013. This system will enable us to promptly send out the acceptance notifications to our campers living abroad, which will provide ample time for you to plan out the summer.
Although we will do our best to accommodate everyone, if more than 20 campers apply from abroad, we will hold an Early Decision lottery.
If you do not make the Early Decision deadline, you can always resubmit the application to meet the regular deadline at the end of May. In this case, you will be considered amongst the campers living in Japan.
For those of you who are considering our summer camp for the first time, please feel free to contact us via email or phone in Japanese or English. We will be happy to answer any questions and or concerns.
Like last year, the camp will be held at “Woody Mock” located in the mountainous area of Matsumoto-shi, Nagano Prefecture - often quoted as “The Japanese Alps” for its geographical beauty.
In this expansive wilderness we hope to provide the children with an unforgettable experience. We look forward to receiving your applications.
Nozomi Terao
Director of MSTERIO