Long time no see!


高校生の時からCITとして参加、大学時代にはCounselor として大人気だったALYSSA、もう1人は、Princeton in Asiaのプログラムから来てくれた英語とスポーツ担当のJUSTIN。二人とも, この5月に大学卒業。

ALYSSAは中国で英語の先生に、JUSTINはオレゴン州でも著名なUniversity of Oregonの大学院で教育学を学ぶために、この秋から新しいキャリアのために旅立ちます。

久しぶりに会った2人は、それは元気いっぱい。将来の不安はあるけれど、自分が決めたことだから、精一杯エンジョイしたいと、笑顔で別れました。JUSTIN は、オレゴン州でも、ハイジャンプはずっと続けていくよ、と語ってくれました。相変わらずJUSTINは背が高〜〜〜〜いなあ〜〜〜〜っ。



Long Time No See!

After sooooo long, I met two of the MSTERIO staffs in New York last week. They came from the U.S. twice to participate in a summer camp held in Japan.

ALYSSA joined a camp as CIT while she was in high school, and became one of our most popular counselors among MSTERIO campers after she started college.

JUSTIN came to the camp through the program, Princeton in Asia, and he took charge of the English and sports curriculum.

They are both graduating from college this May.

ALYSSA decided to become an English teacher in China. JUSTIN is going to get his Master’s degree in Education at University of Oregon, one of the most competitive schools. He is enthusiastic about pursuing a new adventure in his career.

ALYSSA and JUSTIN were full of energy. Although they feel a little nervous about their future, they are determined to enjoy what they decide for their future. We parted with big smiles.

JUSTIN will continue high jumping in Oregon. As he always has been, since JUSTIN is very very tall!!!!

Every summer, a memory of the MSTERIO camp comes up to their mind, they said. ALYSSA and JUSTIN promised to come back to Japan one day to meet everyone!

Each creates own path for the future, stepping into the big world. I just think that it is amazing.