Day 1 - Life is Good
Life is Good, これが今年のミステリオのテーマ!
Day1 - いよいよ今日からミステリオの始まりです! 1年ぶりに出会えたキャンパーは久しぶりにハグをしあったり、初めてのキャンパーたちはちょっとだけ不安そうな様子でしたが、カウンセラーと一緒にバスに乗り込んだ瞬間に信じられないほどに和気藹々。2台のバスでいざ さる小へ!
すごいホール(ここは大きな多目的ホールですが、ミステリオではここでいろいろなイベントをするためにすごいホールとよんでいます) で緊急訓練をしたり、今晩の発表のためにキャビンごとに集まってキャビン名、サウンド、スカルプチャーを決めたあとは、キャビンルールを決めたり大忙し。 パスポートが配られて入国手続きを終えたキャンパーからお風呂に入ったり、自分たちのキャビンに荷物を入れたりしているうちに あっという間のデイナータイム!
今日のデイナーはハンバーグ、新鮮な地元のお野菜いろいろ、ポテトサラダ、レンコンの煮物、ご飯にスープ。キャンパーの食欲はすばらしい。 今年から できるだけ自分でやってもらおうとカフェ101のシステムを大分帰ることで、食事の流れがより早くかつ、キャンパーたちが自分で積極的に手伝いができるようにしてみましたが、初日からバッチリでした。
Shohei's cabin: OTANI SHOHEI BROTHERS: Yuya, Kei, Haruki, Tmoya, Yuusei, Souta
Dankichi's cabin - 711 : Ritsuki, Kouma, Harufumi, Souma, Naoya, Rin
Daiki's cabin - OBAMA 6% : Keisuke, Tomoki, Ryoma, Yasuhiro, Kodai
Nobby's cabin - OYASUMI CABIN: Yuki, Natsuura, Haruya, Mouri, Hirochika, Eisuke,
Keita's cabin - ROCKSTARS : Souma, Kira, Hidemune, Souichiro, Noah, Masato
Len's cabin - LESO SIX BOYS : Daniel, Dan, Kouki, Kouki, Ayato, Hajime
Nick's cabin - NIKU : Shige, Kcen, Soutaro, Kosei, Taiga, Shotaro,
Maya's cabin - PINK PIGER : Claire, Sara, Hanna, Miyu, Marina
Aiko's cabin - DUJ : Nanami Risa, Ryo, Marina, Maruko
Sophia's cabin - SHOOTING STARS : Mana, Lisako, Harua, Kanon, Haruko
Miki's cabin - SMILE HARMONIES : Hana, Sora Kyoko, Miko, Mayuko
Alissa's cabin - LIGERS : Shizu, Akari, Juri, Rio, Mayu
Tomoka's cabin - UNICORN GIRLS : Fumi, Natsuko, Rei, Mai, Tamami
Emily's cabin - CAMPFIRE : Mariha, Tsumugi, Camiah, Eva, Risako
Naoko's cabin - MYMS TERIO : Mari, Meri, Yurika, Hinata, Tamane, Sachi
そのあとは、今年初めての試み、5分おきに部屋を変えて、スタッフたちとのスピードデート! キャンパーたちがキャビンごとにいろいろな部屋を周りながら自己紹介をすることで 私たちスタッフの名前も覚えて守られるかやってみましたが、これが結構楽しい時間となりました。 そして最後にはまりこさんがおやすみの歌を作ってくださり みんなで合唱をして今日の1日を無事に終えることができました。
今、外は大雨ですが、そんなことは全く気にならないほど、ワイワイ楽しい日となりました。 まだ始まったばかりですが、きっとこの7泊8日、楽しい時間になることでしょう!
Hi! My name is Mao, and I'm a general staff this year at MSTERIO. I'm very excited to spend the summer with everyone!
The bus ride to Sarusho went very smoothly. We had either a sandwich or sushi roll lunch box for lunch, and some campers even shared a second lunch box with other campers. All campers got to know the other campers in their cabin better throughout the bus ride. By the time we got to Sarusho, we were all comfortable with each other!
After brief introductions of staff and counselors, each cabin brainstormed its Cabin Name, Cabin Sculpture, Cabin Sound, and Cabin Rules. It was very nice to see all the campers contributing in this brainstorm, and I was definitely amazed by all of their unique ideas.
By the time the brainstorming was over, we were all hungry!! So we headed to Cafe 101 by cabins. Our dinner tonight were hamburger steak, fresh salad, soup, and lotus root stir-fry. So many campers stood up for seconds - and even thirds! We're all surprised (and of course happy) at how much the campers ate.
After dinner, the cabins presented their names, sculptures, and sounds they came up with earlier. Each cabin came up with fun, unique names:
Dankichi's cabin - 711
Daiki's cabin - OBAMA 6%
Nobby's cabin - OYASUMI CABIN
Keita's cabin - ROCKSTARS
Len's cabin - LESO SIX BOYS
Nick's cabin - NIKU
Maya's cabin - PINK PIGER
Aiko's cabin - DUJ
Sophia's cabin - SHOOTING STARS
Miki's cabin - SMILE HARMONIES
Alissa's cabin - LIGERS
Tomoka's cabin - UNICORN GIRLS
Emily's cabin - CAMPFIRE
Naoko's cabin - MYMS TERIO
The cabins will be going by these names for the next week!
Now that the campers and counselors were getting to know each other better, it was time for them to get to know us staff members. The cabins rotated around different rooms in Sarusho, were different staff members - activity directors, nurses, and general staff - waited for them. We got to talk to all campers, so we all know each other now!
Mariko Hata finished off the night with a gentle "Good night" song on the piano. After wishing each other a good night, campers went back to their rooms to get plenty of sleep for an exciting day tomorrow!
The weather may not look perfect for this coming week... but we are not concerned. We have many activities planned, and we believe the rain will calm down soon!