番外編 August 2nd
こんにちは!午前中のクラスではダンスのアシスト、午後はSenior campers&CITのDrama classアシスト、そしてミステリオの歌の手話をナースのMinaと一緒に教えているMarinaです。
このあと普段はご飯や休憩、シャワー、どれも皆で一緒に過ごすのですが、本日はここでJunior CampersとSenior Campers&CITに分かれます。
JuniorのみんなはMovie Night、観るのはディズニー・ピクサー映画「Toy Story」です、Woo hoo!「この映画大好き!」な子「見たことなーい」な子問わずみんなでポップコーン食べて盛り上がれば、それぞれの”思い出の一本”になること間違いなしです。
その間Senior Campers&CITは、ソーシャルタイム。仲良くなった相手の知らなかった面を発見したり、自分のことを話してみたり。もちろんこちらはこちらでスナック食べて大はしゃぎも素敵。大人の顔がのぞく時間、子供の声ではしゃぐ時間、ぜーんぶ満喫してね。
とうとう昨日で折り返した2017年のMSTERIO。最後まで怪我のないように。Helping each otherを大切に。そして何より、楽しく楽しく過ごそうね!
Hi! It’s Mao again. We’re on our 5th day here at MSTERIO.
We started our day off by learning the meanings behind each letter in MSTERIO. Usually we go over one letter per day, but this year we’re catching up with ultra speed, all on Day 5! So instead of our daily “One Point English,” we had “Five Point English.” Here are the meanings of MSTERIO: Make a difference for M, Self-esteem and Sanitation for S, Teamwork and Teamplay for T, Enjoy and Empathy for E, and Responsibility and Respect for R. We will be going over the remaining two letters, I and O, in the next two days!
Unfortunately, our field activities had to be canceled due to rain. But the campers still got to choose from 5 exciting activities! Like yesterday, our options today were Dance, Tennis, Swimming, Cooking, and Music. Swimming activity was very special today; Mina, our resident nurse, taught us synchronized swimming! The campers were very focused and learned the moves very quickly.
We were all hungry after sports! Today’s lunch was one of my personal favorites… BBQ! Campers got to build their own burgers with tomatoes, cheese, ketchup, etc., and we also had some hot dogs and grilled corn. Everyone had a big smile from eating such a fun, good meal!
Although we had a big lunch, everyone was VERY hungry after our afternoon activities. So many campers grabbed seconds, thirds, and even fourths! This isn’t too much of a surprise, since the pork curry was so, so, good. We’re all happy to see the campers happy and healthy.
What follows dinner? A special event of course! The junior campers had a movie night complete with popcorn and tea, where they watched Toy Story. We laughed, and some even cried. While this was happening, Senior campers and CIT’s enjoyed some social time together. The bond between the older campers are getting stronger and stronger every day.
Can’t believe we’re more than half way through the week… Hope we get some sun and can continue making great memories together!!