ミステリオ - MSTERIO.jp

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Day 4 - August 1st (Tue)


まず習った英語のフレーズは If you scratch my back, I will scratch yours.!


午後は MOJI ARTの浦上秀樹さんによるMOJI ART。デモンストレーションだけでなく、キャンパーたちも実際に自分なりの漢字を書いてみたり 秀樹さんの作品を真似てみたり、それぞれがとってもユニークなものばかり。

夕方のイベントは この下にスイミングデイレクターの KOSUKEが書いてくれたので読んでみてください。

夜はすっかり恒例になった DANCE PARTY。しかもあのDJ OSSHYさんがいらしてくださったおかげで、盛り上がりがすごかったですよ。 初参加のキャンパーも新しいお友達をたくさん作れたいい時間になったことでしょう。 下記は、スイミングヂレクターのKOSUKEが書いてくれたメッセージと、スタッフとして参加してくれているTAMIKAからのメッセージを続けてお届けしたいと思います。









五感をフルに使って 陸上にいる時とは違う感覚を、楽しさを、みんなで感じることが目的です。

みんなでプールをぐるぐる回り流れるプールを作った後は ペットボトルをプールに隠して宝探し!












Today at MSTERIO: today, August 1st, marked our fourth day at MSTERIO.

Starting from early in the morning, the day was packed with exciting activities and special events!

Anthony's early bird art experience and the cleaning club started the day off with a bang, making the grounds livable and enjoyable for all of the other campers. Breakfast started at 7:30 with the usual feast of bagels and muffins, cereal, and eggs. Following breakfast courses were conducted as usual with choices ranging from dance to cooking to swimming! How fun!

Lunch was served after classes with a yummy traditional Japanese style soba noodle entree. It was not only delicious, but also a perfect way to offset the blazing summer heat and humidity!

As is tradition at MSTERIO, an awe-inspiring special guest honored us with his presence. Mr. Hideki Urakami, a talented quadriplegic calligraphy artist, showed us his craft as he demonstrated how he creates works of art using only his mouth. In each of his pieces where he writes a Japanese kanji character, hidden within it is a message written in hiragana, which relates to the meaning of the larger kanji and can only be read by using ones imagination. SO cool!

Another special performance was presented by none other than or resident nurse, Mina. She and a team of talented swimmers are part of a synchronized swim team. A few members of her team came all the way to MSTERIO just to perform a routine for us! It was so special! (Especially because they did it in the school pool, designed for children making it quite shallow!) how could the day be any better, right? It did. Tonight was also MSTERIOs annual dance party night! So in addition to all of the amazing activities and special guests, tonight we got to eat lots of pizza and dance to some awesome tunes spun by a live DJ! Only at MSTERIO! Needless to say, the night was filled with some truly incredible dance moves and to to it off, we ended with one of our favorite camp songs, "Anata no ippo"("Your one step.")

Today was such a special day, it will be hard to beat, but MSTERIO is always so full of surprises, there's no doubt tomorrow will be a whole newadventure! Can't wait!