♪今年のミステリオサマーキャンプでスペシャルゲストとしてお迎えした”すたいるず” 花柳輔蔵さんの日舞とryoさんのヒップホップの見事なコラボレーションに、ミステリオのみんなもすっかりとりこになってしまいました。
そのお二人が8月23日と24日に平河町花柳輔蔵稽古場でパフォーマンスをなさいます。23日は”LOVE”、24日は”いき”がテーマ。いずれも二回公演;16:30と19:30。会費3000円。公演連絡先は☎03-5211-6488もしくはE-mail TheStylez@TheStylez.com まで。
The Stylez (すたいるず)
The Stylez is a collaboration unit established in 2007 by a soul performer ryo and a traditional Japanese dancer Sukezo Hanayagi. They perform based on the belief that we can create a new fusion when we respect each other beyond the genre. The Stylez is expanding the area of performance, trying to not only dance, but also to sing and act.
花柳 輔蔵
祖父母が日本舞踊家の家に生まれ2歳で初舞台を踏み小さい頃から日本舞踊に親しんできた。学生時代は演劇も学んだが、現在は古典舞踊で経験を積む傍ら、振付師としても活躍。多くの方に日本舞踊の魅力を知ってもらいたいと、The Stylez (すたいるず)の結成を始め、新しい活動に挑んでいる。
His grand parents were traditional Japanese dancers, so Sukezo Hanayagi made his debut at age 2 as a dancer. He learned both acting and dancing at school, and now he performs at Japanese classic dance and composes choreography. As he founded The Stylez, Sukezo is also making efforts to widely introduce the delights of traditional Japanese dance.
ryo grew up with parents who are soul music lovers. When he was a kid and got lost on the street, He would always be found at a record shop dancing. He started learning soul/hip hop dance at age 12, and became a professional dancer and choreographer after staying in the U.S. Now ryo is especially interested in Japan and unique performances that defy genre definition.