☆ 2025年の 参加申込み受付は3月から開始いたします。これまで参加いただいたご家庭にはMSTERIOからお知らせメールをお送りします。新規で参加を希望されるご家族はZOOM説明会にご参加ください。説明会の詳細及びご質問は まで
期間/Duration:7/30 (Wed) -8/7 (Thu)
開催場所/Place: 群馬県みなかみまち さるしょう @Gunma pref, Minakami-machi @Sarusho
Registration for 2025 will begin in March. MSTERIO will send an email notification to families who have participated in the program in the past. New families interested in participating are invited to attend a ZOOM information session. Please contact us by email at so we will send you more details.
Please note that due to the large number of applications we receive each year, please understand that participation decisions will be made by lottery.
ミステリオ MSTERIOって?
~見つけたね、ほんとの自分! 出会えたね、一生の仲間たち!~
2001年、日本国内で小学生から高校生を対象にインターナショナルサマーキャンプとしてスタートしたミステリオ MSTERIO。現在は、サマーキャンプの他に、12月に年の締めくくりとしてクリスマスパーテイーが主な活動です。
MSTERIOは、あなたがもっと自分を知れるところ、世界中で誰かと繋がれるところ、そして社会とつながるところ、それがミステリオ MSTERIOです。私たちは、みなさんが世界に向かって羽ばたくことをいつも応援しています。
●Key Point 1:メイク・ア・デイファレンス/Make A Difference (MAD)
ミステリオのMを表すこの言葉は、私たちミステリオがいつも大切に思っているスローガンです。自分が思ったこと、感じたことを明るくポジテイブな気持ちを持って行動におこすことで、みんなどんどんハッピーになっていく、そして何かがよりよく変わっていくと信じています。また、自分にもきっと何かができる、という勇気 (Courage)もわいてきます。
●Key Point 2: いろんな世界を身近に感じ、違いを尊敬し合うところ
日本語と英語を共通語とするミステリオでは、英語ができるできないに関わらず、どうやって自分の気持ちを相手にしっかり伝えるか、そのためには誠実な(Integrity) 心を持って相手に耳を傾けることが大切だと信じています。授業や教材から英語を学ぶのではなく、生活に必要なコミュニケーションのツール(材料)として自然に身に付く英語が大切だと考えます。
人それぞれが違っていい、相手と同じじゃないところが、あなたのすばらしいところ。又、相手を尊敬し思いやり(Compassion) を持って接するところから、対話はスタートしていきます。ミステリオは、違う仲間と一緒に時間を共有することで、新しい世界がもっと身近に感じることができると信じます。
●Key Point 3: 安全な環境
子供たちが自分のCreativity = クリエーテイビテイー(創造性、想像力)を惜しみなく発揮できるのも、安心できる環境があってこそ。ミステリオでは、プログラムを安全に実施することに努めています。
●Key Point 4: チェンジ(変化)に耐える強さ、チェンジすることのすばらしさ
M for Make A Difference (MAD)…自分からおこしたポジテイブな思いや行動、良いという思うことを広げ続けることによって、自分の周りや世界がよりよく変わる、その思いや行動をおこせる勇気をミステリオは後押しします。
S for Self Esteem (自信を持つ) & Smile (笑顔)… 自分を信じること、自分を好きになることが自信につながると信じます。そして笑顔は元気の元。
T for Teamwork(チームワーク)…人はひとりでは生きてはいけないから、だからみんなの協力が必要です。
E forEnjoy & Empathy(楽しむ力&共感)…何をしていても誰に会っていても心からそのときを楽しむことが大切、そして共感を持てる気持ちが大切です。
R for Respect (尊敬) & Responsibility(責任感)…尊敬しあうことで、大人も子どもも国籍も年齢も関係ない、そして自分で決めたことは、最後まであきらめず、やり通すことが大切です。
I for Integrity(誠実さ)…どんな環境の中にいようとも、誠実な心を持ってみんなと接することが大切です。
O for Open heart(柔軟な心)…どんな事やどんな人に対しても、これじゃなくちゃだめ、という自分の考え方を押しつけることなく、いつも頭や心に順応性を持たせることが大切です。
Make A Difference! --- Help to Change the World!
MSTERIO was born in 2001 with the long-term goal of doing something for the children of the next generation. Founded by Nozomi Terao, who has lived in the US for over 30 years, MSTERIO is an international summer camp that draws upon her years of experience. MSTERIO stands for Make a Difference, Self-esteem & Smile, Teamwork, Enjoy, Respect & Responsibility, Integrity, and Open heart. That is the theme of MSTERIO.
Each day, every one of us is trying to contribute to the world and to be a good citizen. With so much going on around us, and amidst many rapid changes, people often wonder: “How can I help? How can one person make a difference?” “How can I improve the conditions of the world around me?” Children may especially wonder, “How can I, as a smaller person, make a difference?” At MSTERIO, we believe they can, in fact, make a great difference, with small steps, and that by sharing time with them, we can all develop in amazing ways: children and adults alike.
We try to forget all negative concerns and to find out what our passions are, to keep believing that we live in a wonderful universe. We ask ourselves what is important in society and how can we help today? Perhaps by sharing something with a friend, by meeting someone new, by learning a new skill, by sharing knowledge, laughter, resources and hope.
What are you passionate about? What do you like to do? Let’s find out! This will be a lifelong quest, yet at MSTERIO, we begin to take small steps that will affect the whole: our families, our friends and ourselves. Therefore, with one small step at a time – we affect the entire world in a positive way. Let’s make a difference. We can do it!
Please email us with any questions at
~You can find your true self! You can meet lifelong friends!~
MSTERIO started in 2001 as an international summer camp for elementary school to high school students in Japan. Currently, in addition to summer camps, our main activity is a Christmas party in December to close out the year.
MSTERIO is a place where you can get to know yourself better, connect with people all over the world, and connect with society. We are always rooting for you to take flight and take off into the world.
If you are interested in summer camps, click on the VIDEOS page from PHOTO to see past summer camps!
Features of MSTERIO:
MSTERIO always provides programs based on four keywords.
●Key Point 1: Make A Difference (MAD)
This word, which represents the M in MAKE A DIFFERENCE, and we value M all the time. We believe that by acting on what you think and feel with a bright and positive attitude, everyone will become happier and happier, and things will change for the better. It also gives you the courage to believe that you can do anything.
If you think of how to make a difference often, we believe how the people around you, society, and the world will change for the better. That is why Msterio is here to help your child(ren) take their first steps and think together about MAD that each of us can create, something that only we can create.
Key Point 2: We are close to many different worlds and respect each other's differences.
Msterio's staff is made up of bilingual people who have lived abroad for many years in the United States, Asia, and Europe. Our staff members are not only Japanese, but also experienced professionals of various nationalities, ages, languages, and backgrounds.
At Msterio, where English and Japanese are the main languages, we believe in the importance of listening to others with integrity, and how to convey one's feelings to others, regardless of whether one can speak English or not. We believe that it is important to learn English naturally as a tool (material) for communication necessary for daily life, rather than learning English from classes or teaching materials.
We believe that each person is different and not the same as the other person, which is what makes you wonderful. We also believe that dialogue starts when you treat others with respect and compassion. At Msterio, we believe that by sharing time together with people from different backgrounds, you can feel closer to a new world.
Key Point 3: Safe Environment
A safe environment is essential for children to be able to fully express their creativity. Msterio strives to ensure that our programs are conducted in a safe environment.
Key Point 4: Strength to withstand change and the beauty of change
At Msterio, we believe that it is important to have the strength to withstand change and to always respond positively to any change. We also want to experience with you the excitement and thrill of a new start that comes from change.
What does “MSTERIO” mean?
The name Msterio is the initial letters of the following words, each of which expresses the purpose of Msterio.
M for Make A Difference (MAD)...Msterio encourages people to have the courage to make a difference in their surroundings and in the world by continuing to spread positive thoughts, actions, and good ideas that they have created themselves.
S for Self Esteem & Smile... We believe that believing in yourself and liking yourself will lead to self-confidence. And a smile is the source of energy.
T for Teamwork (Teamwork)... Because people cannot live alone, so we need everyone's cooperation.
E forEnjoy & Empathy (Ability to Enjoy & Empathy)...No matter what we do or who we meet, it is important to truly enjoy the moment and to have empathy.
R for Respect & Responsibility...It is important to respect each other, and it does not matter if you are an adult, a child, a nationality, or an age, and it is important to never give up and to carry through with what you have decided to do until the end.
I for Integrity...No matter what environment you are in, it is important to treat everyone with integrity.
O for Open heart...It is important to always have an adaptability in your head and heart without imposing your own way of thinking that it has to be this way, no matter what you do or who you meet.
Five Advantages of Participating in Msterio
1. Everyone thinks and acts on the promises that are taken for granted in society.
2. While cultivating the ability to think and act on one's own, the campers learn the importance of a sense of responsibility to carry through to the end what they choose to do. In particular, all programs are elective. By deciding their own schedule each day, campers naturally acquire a sense of independence and responsibility.
3. Each camper’s individuality will be brought out, and they will experience the beauty of being “different” from others and realize their own irreplaceable selves.
4. Campers can take the first step toward becoming “global citizens” who can express themselves while respecting others and their environment in order to cope with the globalization of society, which is expected to accelerate in the future.
5. We all will be able to develop friendships through encounters with lifelong associates who are different from those you meet at cram school, school, work, or home.