すっかり終わってしまった 2024 MSTERIO SUMMER CAMP IS OVER!
すっかり昨年の夏のサマーキャンプレポートのブログの掲載をしまいました、、、、すでに2025年になりましたが 新年あけにお届けします 汗汗
2024年のMSTERIOのテーマは IMAGINE BELIEVE ACHIEVE 想像力(創造力)を高め、信じる力、あきらめず、達成しあおう、というテーマらしい9日間となりました。
急遽 緊急クラスを受け持ってくれたスタッフも続出、パイロットになるための講座、アフリカの現状のお話などなど。予定していなくとも、自ら申し出てくださり、MAKE A DIFFERENCEを果たしてくださったみなさん、ありがとう。結果 何も困ることなくスムーズにクラスを進めることができました。
来年25才になるMSTERIO、どんな冒険と新しいチャレンジが待ち受けているのか、今からドキドキしています。 来年の申込み受付は2月ごろを予定しています。
12月22日東京都内でのクリスマスパーティー&コンサートもどうぞお楽しみに。お問い合わせは info@msterio.jp まで。
The hot and exciting 9-day MSTERIO Summer Camp has come to an end.
This year's MSTERIO theme was “IMAGINE BELIEVE ACHIEVE,” and the nine days were filled with imagination, faith, never giving up, and achieving together.
This year, cell phones were not allowed to be used, including by the adult staff, and I believe that the time away from social networking sites for a while made the experience even more fulfilling.
There were also a lot of new elective classes this year. Newly added classes such as pickleball, water polo, tea ceremony, calligraphy, vocal, improvised music, balloon art, and a science class for the first time in a while made it difficult for campers to choose!
A number of staff members took on emergency classes on short notice, a course on how to become a pilot, a talk on the current situation in Africa, and many more. Thank you to everyone who volunteered to MAKE A DIFFERENCE, even if it wasn't scheduled. As a result nothing was too much trouble and the class ran smoothly.
This year's guests also gave us valuable and high quality talks on the importance of money, not being fooled by fake news + how to use social networking sites. Also, during the special night, we had the rare opportunity to see and hear two wonderful performances by Tsugaru shamisen and Nihon buyo (traditional Japanese dance) performers right in front of me.
MSTERIO will be 25 year anniversary next year, and we are SO excited to see what adventures and new challenges await us.
We plan to accept applications for next year around February.
Please look forward to our Christmas party and concert in Tokyo on December 22. For more information, please contact us at info@msterio.jp.