8/4 Special Cooking Class
二階堂多香子/Takako Nikaido
Takako’s Kitchen 主宰
子供時代から料理が大好き。初めてのフルコースディナー作りの経験は10歳の時、家族の喜ぶ姿が嬉しく料理を通じて人を笑顔にできる、という発見に心躍らせました。以来大学時代のルームメートへの賄いやパーティの食事作りで少しずつ自信をつけ大学卒業後フランスでの料理遊学を経験して自宅での料理教室をスタート。結婚後は極小キッチンから家を訪ねて下さる沢山の若いお友達のお腹を充たし、料理教室やケータリングの仕事に勤しみました。1990年に夫の海外赴任に伴い初めての在外生活をオーストラリアで送ってからブルガリア、イラン、アメリカ(ニューヨーク) 、クゥエート、スイスの6カ国、通算18年間を海外過ごして来ました。その間夫の勤務の都合でまとまって東京にいる間には料理教室を継続し今に至ります。何人かの生徒さんたちは帰国の度教室に戻って下さり、その応援の声を糧にして昨年末のスイスからの帰国を機に満を持して下北沢の自宅キッチンにて 料理教室、Takako's Kitchen を立上げました。 長い在外生活の間に経験した豊富なおもてなしのノウハウ、各国で覚えた味、世界中の友人達から習ったレシピの数々、そして食材の異なるどんな場所でも、どんなキッチンからでも同じように美味しい味を生み出してきた臨機応変の合理的な調理を提案しています。
1983年 聖心女子大学卒業
She has been a cook since she was a little girl. She first experienced the full course dinner when she was 10 years old and she was excited to find that good food make people happy. She cooked for her roommate and held party as opportunities to practice her skills. After she graduated, she went France to learn to cook and opened her own cooking class at her home. After she married, she served to fulfill her guest from her tiny kitchen and launched her catering business beside her cooking class. Since 1990, she started to live abroad along with her husband. She lived in Australia, Bulgaria, Iran, United States(New York), Kuwait and Switzerland for 18 years total. She keep teaching at her own cooking class while she is in Tokyo for some period. There are her fans who keep coming back whenever she open her class in Tokyo. Thanks for their support, after she came back from Switzerland last year, she started her renewed cooking class, Takako’s Kitchen at her cozy kitchen in Shimokitazawa. She thinks that you can prepare delicious and delightful food wherever you are with a little tips. She offer you these kinds of tips that she had learned from her life in several countries and recipes that she was taught by her various friends. Graduated from University of Sacred Heart in 1983.