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July 30th (Sat) Special Guest - Charlie Okumura

2016 MSTERIO GUEST BIO  ミステリオ・ゲストの紹介


7/30 (Sat)

Evening with Musical songs ミュージカルの夕べ

出演/Performance by: チャーリー、ありさ、あいか/Charlie, Arisa & Aika

奥村チャーリー/Charlie Okumura


1977 年、アメリカ カリフォルニア州ウェストミンスター生まれ。

演歌や詩吟など日本の音楽をこよなく愛す日系一世の両親の元に生まれる。幼少時に演歌に目覚め、現地 LA で“演歌少年”として名を馳せる。


ディズニーランドでの歌のステージや、得意のダンスパフォーマンス活動、 演歌をテーマにした現地ラジオ局でのパーソナリティなどを経て、 2010 年、日本での音楽活動をスタートすべく東京へ移住。現在 34 歳。母国語は英語と鹿児島弁。

Charlie Okamura was born in 1977 in Westminster, California. He is the oldest son of avid traditional Japanese country and folk song enthusiasts. The first stage appearance took place in Little Tokyo (Los Angeles) in an amateur vocal contest, when Charlie was only 5 years of age. At the age of 8, Charlie won the first prize at a karaoke contest in Little Tokyo.  This was the beginning of his singing career. 

From age 8 to 18, Charlie received Enka training and soon became a popular Enka singer, often referred as a "Little Enka Boy".  He performed with various Enka professional singers in their concerts and was also repeatedly invited to sing in various events in Los Angeles.  Charlie’s musical horizon extended from Enka to theatrical, classical, pop and R&B during high school years. At the orange county high school of the arts, Charlie was elected to join a pop group, the kids next door, and performed at various venues including a performance with Don Ho.  

Upon his graduation, Charlie put musical enthusiasm to good use by becoming a part of the Young Americans, a non-profit organization. For five years, he traveled extensively; 26 states and Germany to teach the joy and importance of music to children. Charlie and his cast also sang in various non-profit events such as the opening of Special Olympics in Michigan and Senior Olympics in Arizona. 

Charlie then pursued his career at the Ritz Carlton in Southern California as an audio visual specialist, while continuing his singing career at Disneyland resort. He has performed as a DJ, danced hip hop and swing danced for over 15 years.  Charlie has worked with Grammy award winning producer Darryl Swann, recording a demo song (Nobody Till You) for him in Hollywood, California. 

Charlie now resides in Tokyo pursuing further development of his singing career. Through music he delivers synergy of various cultures, experiences, and most importantly, his passion for this art.

チャーリー&山本愛香&小島ありさとのコラボレーション/Collaboration with Charlie, Aika and Arisa