ミステリオ - MSTERIO.jp

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July 26th (Sun) Second day - 二日目のミステリオ

ミステリオ@さる小    二日目になりました。スタッフのちえです。
unnamed-12 ……ただ、ルールが難しい。二本の杖をもち、片足のみを使ってプレーしなくてはいけません。当然両足を使えば反則。
わたしたちはすっかりアンプティーサッカーの虜になってしまいました。本当に次のワールドカップ、みんな unnamed-12で応援にいきたい!
ロサンゼルスで活躍する日本人ミュージシャン、清貴(きよたか)/ KI-YOさんがきてくださいました。ミステリオの仲間たちへ届けられたのは、KI-YOさんの思いがこめられた「The Only One」や「歩幅」などこれからの希望を綴ったナンバー。そこでまたまたサプライズ、なんと私たちのシェフのマサさんがギターを持って登場。今日会ったばかりのシェフとKI-YOさんのコラボによるStand by Me. その上、秦万里子さん伴奏によるKI-YOとのコラボレーション The Greatest Love of Allに全員総立ちとなり、最後は大合唱で終わりました。
Have Fun!!!

Hi, MIdori again. At 5 in the morning, some kids were already awake and started to run and play in “Sugoi Hall,” the main assembly place in Kuwasho. Perhaps from all the excitement for being at the camp, the campers could not wait till the activities to start. We had two guests today.

unnamed-18For the morning activity, the Japanese national team of Amputee Football World Cup visited Msterio to tell what Amputee Football is and teach some techniques to play the sport. Amputee Football follows the rules of regular soccer with some adjustment for the players. Each player uses special sticks called “Gear” to move around.  The formal professional soccer player, Sérgio Echigo brought 6 players from the team and had them teach and play some games with the campers. The kids seemed to struggle using Gear at first. However, after some practices, they quickly and significantly improved the techniques that Mr. Echigo and the national players were very surprised. The kids had a fantastic opportunity following the practice session; they got to play games with the professional players. Nobody expected what happened today as a result. The campers and the national players played 5 games in total, and the campers BEAT the national team by 3-2!!!!!!!!!! Through the experience, the kids seemed to learn that having disabilities is not exactly a disadvantage, but could be an opportunity to find something new just like all of the players who visited today did.

unnamed-17After the lunch, we discussed about Msterio rules (see the below). We had a first day of classes as well. The campers got to sign up for two activities from Calligraphy, English, Music, Drama, Dance, and Onigiri (Rice ball) competition. With the amazing instructors, the campers worked on assignments that the parents will get to see on the blog and at the end of the camp. In the evening, we had another guest: Ki-Yo. He performed several songs that he composed and some cover songs. Each of his songs had important and strong messages. Ki-Yo believes that music can be very influential and change the society.

Starting from tomorrow, the campers will follow the regular schedule in which they will get to sign up for outdoor activities from Tennis, Swimming, Field, and Baking in the morning, and indoor classes including Calligraphy, English, Music, Drama, and Dance for the afternoon.

Msterio Rules:

  • Self-Confidence!
  • Always Smile!
  • Cooperate with each other!!