番外編:ミステリオのグランマ MSTERIO Grandma YOSHIKO
今年のミステリオ・最年長のヨシコさん。キャンプ中は、グランドマザー役として、キャンパーたちだけでなく、スタッフのみんなにとって、何でも相談できるやさしいおばあちゃま役をつとめてくれます。昭和11年1月1日生まれのヨシコさんは、50歳からテニスのプリンス・セイイチロウからテニスを教わり、今では1日に4試合もこなしてしまうほど元気いっぱい。健康の秘訣は、朝晩50回づつ続けているスクワット。 今年のミステリオの午前中のテニスでは、キャンパーたちと一緒にプレーを楽しみました。また、ストリーテラーとして紙芝居を披露したり、キッチンのヘルプをしたりと、いろいろな場面で活躍してくれたヨシコさん。
ヨシコさんが掲げているのは、ミステリオの旗。素敵でしょ! この旗は、秦万里子さんのお母様が初回に作ってくださった、大切な大切なミステリオの宝物なのです。
Let us introduce our MSTERIO Grandma "YOSHIKO". Throughout her youth, Yoshiko attended and also volunteered at numerous camps and events for children including the YMCA and YWCA programs and sunday school at her church. After graduating from Kunitachi College of Music where she majored in early childhood education, she became a sunday school kindergarten teacher. Having brought up two childreYoshiko has participated in MSTERIO since the very beginning as the camp mother - now the camp grandmother!
In addition to being a key kitchen staff member and a camp storyteller using her had made "Kamishibai", she is in charge of the camper's well being. She has also read "Kamishibai" at New York Children's Hospital. She volunteers as a storyteller at birthday parties in a nursing home. She loves children and music. She is an avid tennis player. Yoshiko has completed the 6 kilometer race in New York, and the 10 kilometer Tokyo Marathon for two consecutive years since 2008. She resides in Tokyo. Even though she is in her late 70's she has the energy of a young girl. The secret to her health is her daily ritual of 100 squats. Her motto is "Endurance equals power".