MSTERIO 2012 ~Day 5~
今朝のBreakfast prepは、SLEEPYS (Minami's cabin)。みんなで協力して他のキャンパーが到着する前にセットアップ完了!いっただきま〜す!
大好評のMSTERIO QUESTION BOXからは、キャンパーからの質問がいっぱい。中でも、特に多かった質問をピックアップして紹介しちゃいます。
TOMOSUKE、 MINAMI、 KANAKO、 YUKAそしてTAKUYAが全員口をそろえておしえてくれたことは『安全に、楽しく、安心してキャンパー全員が最高な時間をミステリオで過ごせるようにすること!』
そして今夜のSpecial Eventは超豪華!あっという間にWoody Mockがコンサートホールに…。
アフリカの楽器、ジェンベで迫力満点のオープニングの後には、愛香がミステリオ中に見た光景にインスパイアされ作曲した「ちょうちょ」、「おもちゃのチャチャチャ」それから「線路はつづくよどこまでも」をピアノで演奏してくれました。お次は、サックスを片手に世界一周した小野マサヤさん。まるでジャズバーにタイムスリップしたような雰囲気の中、「曲名」「曲名」、そして「My Favorite Thing」。さらに、「肩出し琴奏者」としてニューヨークで活躍中の黒澤有美さんによる20弦のお琴の美しい演奏。17世紀の日本古代の曲から、彼女が作曲したというオリジナルナンバーに、私たちはすっかり魅せられてしまいました。最後は、なんとこの3人のアーチストたちのコラボレーション!「星に願いを」をサックス、お琴と打楽器で奏でます。美しい音色にキャンパーたちもうっとり…。
Can you believe it!? It's already Day 5 of MSTERIO!!! Sleepys (Minami's cabin) prepared breakfast this morning before the others woke up! Bon appetite!
MSTERIO QUESTION BOX is full of questions from the campers. Today we picked out two of the most popular questions.
"What is the most important thing for counselors at MSTERIO?"
All of the counselors had the same answers, "To make sure the campers have the best time in a safe, comfortable and fun environment."
The second question was, "Why did Nozomi start MSTERIO?"
Here's Nozomi's answer, "I wanted to create a place different from your school, prep school, or home where you can be yourself. At MSTERIO there are no rules besides this one golden rule: to treat others as you wish to be treated."
Today's activities are dance, tennis, field, and mini-golf.
In dance, the campers completed learning all the choreography! Now they just have to practice more... Despite the fast beat, the campers have it under control!
Today' lunch is super special! Josh, the cook, made BBQ and we had some juicy hot dogs and hamburgers! In the States, we get together with friends and families and enjoy BBQ together.
The afternoon activities were calligraphy, music, art and drama.
The campers picked a kanji that represents their favorite memories of MSTERIO and wrote it on a postcard.
Here's a message from our calligraphy director KOTARO:
"You write postcards to communicate your feelings. There's no right or wrong. You think about the person who will be receiving it, and naturally, you desire to write beautifully for them. In order to do so, you need the technique, which is not difficult to be taught. However, how to express yourself and what you feel cannot be taught easily. Working with the campers today, I am convinced that they are capable of doing so."
In art class, we made gigantic photo frames out of pizza boxes! What photos are they going to display?
In music class, Aika made milk cartons turn into whistles! When you control the size of the hole, you control the notes. The beautiful sound of the whistles echoed in the mountains.
Tonight's Special Event was REALLY special! Woody Mock magically turned into a concert hall...With the strong beat of the jimbey, Aika appeared on the stage. She arranged songs inspired by the experiences at MSTERIO and played "Butterfly", "Omocha no cha cha cha" and "The Rail Road" on the piano. Next up was the saxophonist, Mr. Masaya Ono, who traveled all over the world, playing on the streets. He played "" and "" and "My Favorite Thing. It felt like we were at a Jazz bar.
Finally, Yumi Kurosawa, the koto player who came to perform all the way from New York performed the Japanese traditional piece from the 17th centrury followed by her original piece "Inner Universe." We were completely enchanted by her beautiful sound of Koto.
That's not all. The three musician who met for the first time tonight came together for the special performance and played "When You Wish Upon a Star".
Today's dinner was Chinese vegetable sauté, pumpkin salad, eggplants, mushroom soup, and of course water melon and grapes for desert.
Tomorrow will be the 6th day of MSTERIO! Sleep tight everyone and let's all have FUN tomorrow!
Oh here is a very important announcement! Anthony will be on the TV program called "Gachigaze" (NHK) from 7pm on August 19th. He was interviewed at Narita airport by the TV crew... Don't miss it everyone!