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Look Back in Anger - My Yoga Teacher Erin





その彼女が出演しているパフォーマンス, 原作John OsborneLook Back in Angerを、THOMASと一緒に観に行った。この作品じたいとても有名で、今までに映画化されたり、ブロードウェーでも何度もお目見えしている大作。

マンハッタンの東側、26丁目と2番街の、こじんまりとした劇場で、5人の俳優たちが全員, 息をのむような演技を見せてくれた。ストーリーはとっても暗くて重い、なんでこんなにもみんなが不幸にならなければいけないんだろう、、、、と何度も涙を流した。特に、ERINの演じるAlison Porterが、涙と鼻水でぐちゃぐちゃになりながら最後を飾るシーンは感動的だった。



でもERIN曰く、”ちっとも苦に思ったことはないの、だってヨガも演技も両方とも大好きなことだから!” 。 自分が好きなことを、自分のキャリアにするって、なかなか思うようにならないのが現実なのに、、、、、、。


ERINはアイルランドの公演の為に、来週と再来週のヨガはお休み。いつか, ERINがブロードウェーのストレート・プレーにデビューする日が来ますように、そうしたら最前列で、私、観に行くわ! 

Look Back In Angerは、明日土曜日に千秋楽を迎える。

Look Back in Anger- My Yoga Teacher Erin

It has been almost three years since Josh and I started learning yoga together.

Our teacher, Erin, offers a class where we can strive to be best and understand each posture.

Although her lesson starts at 6:30 am, she welcomes us with a very nice smile every time. No matter how sleepy we feel, her warm smile gives us a comfort.

She also has another face as an “actor.” Erin has been learning ballet and modern dance longing to become an actor since her childhood. Her dream has come true. She is working hard as an actor while she teaches yoga.

Erin plays a main character in the performance “Look Back in Anger” by John Osborne, and Thomas and I went together to see it. It has been a very famous play in time, and has become a movie and a Broadway show.

In the small theater located on 26th street and 2nd Avenue in East side in Manhattan, all the five actors performed wonderfully taking our breath away. The story was so tragic and dark that I wondered why everyone had to be unhappy, and it made me cry the whole time. Especially, Alison Porter, played by Erin, made the climax scene extremely moving by crying out loud.

Erin, who shows up with a bright smile to the yoga class, looked completely different on the stage. Her appearance as an actor was just so impressive. In Manhattan, there would be numerous people who seek a dream to be an actor and have not been able to make it come true. Therefore, I think, the efforts of those who made it to the stage are beyond our imagination.

However, Erin said “it was never hard for me since both yoga and acting are what I love the most and have a passion for,” while it is not easy for many people to make what they love to do as a career.

One of the biggest reasons why I respect her is because of the fact that she has a very positive attitude and never gives up in the process of following her dream.

Our yoga classes for the next two weeks will be cancelled since Erin is going to Ireland for the play. I wish Erin the best and that she will be on the Straight Play on Broadway soon, and I will make sure that I am seated on the first row at her very debut performance.