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Make A Difference Win-Win Event: Spring Cleaning Party in NY

すっかりニューヨーク&東京で恒例になったCleaning Party!

3月末には東京で、ニューヨークでも3回目のCleaning Party をつい最近行いました。今回は春にちなんで、Spring Cleaning Party

自分の身の回りでいらなくなった物(洋服、靴、装飾品、小物、キッチン用品、食器、子供服、他)を持ち寄って、シャンペーン、おつまみやデザートをエンジョイしながら、お友達&そこで始めて知り合う人たちと、物々交換するだけでなく、最後に残ったものは、それを必要とする団体にドネーションをする、というリサイクル付きWin-WinのMake A Difference イベント。







Make a Difference Win-Win Event: Spring Party in NY

It is time for Spring Cleaning Party again in NY!!!

It took place in Tokyo at the end of March, and just happened in New York.

At this event we all bring things that we are not using anymore (clothes, shoes, ornaments, accessories, kitchen utensils, plates, children’s clothes, etc.) and trade them for items that other people brought, while enjoying champagne, snack and desert, and meeting new people. Not only this, but the party is a win-win recycling event; at the end of the event, we donate the things that are left to organizations helping people who are in need.

This time we had more people and a lot more items than previous parties. With contributions from Kiyomi san, who prepared snacks and dessert, and Kan san, who decorated the beautiful spring flower arrangements, the event turned out to have many enjoyable moments filled with so much excitement.

One of our friends brought in two full bags of items that she did not need anymore, and ended up bringing home FOUR full bags of items.

Why is it so much fun?…. I feel that it may be because one person’s “unused item” can be someone else’s favorites. It makes both people, the giver and the receiver, very happy. And when we donate the rest of the items to organizations, those who receive the items can be happy too. We can spread happiness like this.

Just like at our last event in Tokyo, we searched for a person who got another person’s old items (before they marry into a new household), and took a picture of them both together.

It was one of the most fun moments as well because it gave us a chance to become friends.

The next cleaning party will be held in fall. Cannot wait to see you all.

It doesn’t have to be on a big scale, but you can start it with your friends and you can make a difference!