ミステリオ - MSTERIO.jp

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Camp MSTERIO Wednesday 5th, 2009

みなさん、お元気ですか? のぞみです。いよいよミステリオも中盤戦に入りました。朝からお天気は快晴、ラッキー!!!





メニューは、野菜たっぷりのビーフシチューに、いろいろなきのこの入ったソテー、新鮮な丸ごとトマト(今年参加できなかったキャンパーのお家からの差し入れ)そしてデザートは、フルーツ入りなたてごご。 昨日より白い御飯を炊いたのに、またまた完売。

食事の後は、スペシャルイベント。今日のゲストは、今日の午後に教えてくださった、矢部ご夫妻によるソーシャルダンスのパフォーマンスと、みんなで一緒にチャチャチャ&メレンゲを踊りました! 矢部さんご夫妻(やべっちー&ひろこさん)が舞台に現れたときには、みんな絶句~~~~~! 昼間とはうってかわっての、コスチュームとメーキャップで登場。
3曲の違ったダンスを披露してくださったのですが、お二人のパッションと、息のあったダンスに、息をのむおもいでした。社交ダンスというと、なんだかあまり馴染みがない気がしますが、実は、こんなにすばらしいものだったのだと、それは感動ものでした。彼らのダンスだけでなく、ちゅーちゅートレインのダンスを教えていただき、みんなで列に並び大フィーバー!!!! なんでもパッションを持ってチャンレジすることの大切さ、パッションを持って何でもトライしていくって、すっごくかっこいいことなんだなあ、とみんなが感じた夜となりました。

Hey, this is Joel. I'm one of the English directors here at Msterio; I help the kids get comfortable with English by incorporating it into the games and activities that we play. I'm originally from Reston, Virginia, which is about 30 minutes south of Washington, DC in the US, and I am currently going to school in New Jersey. I've been in Tokyo for the past six weeks teaching English at various companies while staying with a family near Tsukiji. My favorite Japanese foods so far are monja-yaki and soba, and the day after Msterio ends I am planning to climb Mt. Fuji. I'll be in Japan for a total of 8 weeks, and I'm glad Msterio could be a part of my experience here.

Today's morning activities were similar to yesterday's: the kids could pick between playing tennis, swimming, field activities, or dance. The dance lesson for today was taught by an energetic couple; they showed us how to do some 'casual dances.' Luckily the weather was perfect this morning, so in addition the outdoor activities were especially popular. Yuhei, Shun, and I organized the field activities. We tossed a frisbee around and played various soccer activities like 1-touch passing and a soccer-ball juggling contest. Afterwards we tried a small-field game of soccer, and ended with a game of tug-of-war with the younger kids against the older ones. Surprisingly the older kids, who were fewer in number, continually triumphed.

Today's Msterio letter was 'R,' for respect and responsibility. Thomas and I taught a one-point English lesson around the letter; today's phrase was 'Sure, no problem.' The context of this phrase fits with the theme of responsibility. If someone asks for help you can respond 'Sure I will help, but I don't really want to,' which is unenthusiastic and unenergetic. Or, you can respond 'Sure, no problem,' which is a polite and very friendly. I think the kids enjoyed Thomas's and my little skit to show the difference between the two phrases.

Seitaro, Thomas, and I led an afternoon activity called English calligraphy where the kids drew whatever kinds of pictures they liked, and tried to incorporate English as much as possible. For example, one pair of creative girls created a comic-strip where the characters spoke in English. We eventually progressed to a mix of charades and pictograms. Someone acted out a word or phrase, and the rest tried to draw the word then spell it in English. With mostly boys, it was not surprising that we had a lot of words like 'soccer,' 'judo,' and 'bowling.'

The evening special event was absolutely fantastic. Our couple of friendly dance instructors transformed into passionate performers at night. They demonstrated three styles of dance, then taught us some moves for each style. The first thing we learned was a fun way to say good job to your dance partner. Rather than trying to describe it, I suggest asking someone who came to Msterio this year. It involved a lot of jumping up and down from kids, which is a good thing both at a camp and during dancing.

The day ended with social time for the senior campers and CITs in the dining room. They listened to music, ate ice cream made on the farm, and snacked on various types of delicious Japanese treats that I couldn't pronounce. The mood was light as the rain started pouring heavily outside, and everyone had fun and relaxed after another day of working to keep everyone safe and happy. Tomorrow is a busy day with backwards day and the talent show, so for now I will bid you a goodnight from the Msterio camp.